Always Right By Your Side

John 16:21,22

“A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”

Father, I love you. Thank-you for being near to me.

I love you my darling -you are Mine. Come my daughter, I have a word for you today. Would you like to hear it?

Yes Lord, but I think I know what you’re going to say. Rest?

Yes, rest.

Father, I’m just imagining myself sitting up front in the second row.. what if I end up sitting there all by myself? That would be so hard! 

I love you my daughter.

I know Lord. If the God of the universe has asked me to go towards the front, then no-one will stop me, not even myself! I will sit in the second row and I’ll step up to lead games and I’ll share what I’ve learned from you, because my creator has asked me to do it. I know I’ll never be alone because you’ll always be with me..

Yes my darling, I will always be right by your side.

Okay Jesus, I trust you and I’m ready!! 


Happy Monday! This morning at 3:43 I woke up with the lyrics, “…stars through the window they light up our disco….” Then at 4:11 I woke up because I heard these words in my heart/mind, “Over 200 banked hours.” I don’t know what this represents but I know that the Lord is continuing to draw me to himself in such a loving way.. I’m still getting used to my new glasses. I can definitely see better, finally! They’re Etnia Barcelona Veracruz 22! This morning at the gym we did some deadlifts, 4×4. I did 2×4 with 135lbs, then 2×2 @ 150lbs. I’d still like to see what my one rep max is. January 2016 my one rep max for deadlift was 210, and my back-squats was 195. In October 2015 my one-rep max for my front squat was 145. I used to have some photos but I think I’ve lost them:( This morning I did my rope-climb and I’m so excited!! I also just want to say that the verses I chose today really is true in my experience. When I gave birth to both my kids, they definitely hurt, more with Lucas because he is my first born, but I had such a good experience. We had a midwife who was at the end of her career, and she said that over all the years she worked as a midwife, she had the best experience with me. It was very peaceful in my room (St. B) and I didn’t have any complications, no IV or anything. I’ve always wanted four or five kids, but I guess coming from a large family, five doesn’t seem like a large number at all!! I remember thinking after Lucas was born that yes, even though it was very painful, the moment he was born I thought I could totally do it again because of the love and joy that naturally comes. For both Lucas and Bella I went into the hospital at around 3 in the afternoon, they were born a few hours later and we went home in the evening the same day. I was thinking to stay until the next dayy, but thought it would be nice to be home. I just quickly want to say that I feel so cared for in my journey with Jesus. I do notice things Jesus does for me to help me in my walk with him, and I’m so thankful and honoured.. I will go where he’s leading, and I don’t need to worry about that. Once I’ve made up my mind about something, normally I do what I’ve made up my mind to do. I hope you all have a wonderful week!