If that’s what it takes!

John 14:26

“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

Father, I love you. Thank-you for being here with me. 

I love you My daughter; I am near to you. My faithful one, come, I have a word for you. 

What is it Father? I feel like I’m in a tunnel of words that are going around and around me, and as I reach out my hand and pick one out, it’s not the word you have for me. So I’m holding out my hand with my palm up, waiting for you to give me a word. 

Come my faithful one, I will give you a word today, but in a time that you don’t expect. Be ready and waiting for me.

Okay Dad. I know that because I spend time with you everyday, I have a lot of oil stored up for the candle in my heart. I’m letting it shine brightly as I follow you, ready and waiting for you. 


Well, I’m almost done my social media and chocolate fast for this month! I was doing it along with my church, but right in the beginning of the fast I had committed the whole month to the Lord so today is my last day, yay! To tell you the truth, which I always do of course, this last Christmas and New Year holiday I got more Lindt milk chocolate from others than I usually do, and it’s all still waiting for me right inside my desk! But don’t worry, I’m not going to go crazy and eat it all in one day, but I’m really craving chocolate right now! Last week I think, I’m not sure but I had dreamt that my wallet was wide open and I saw three rows of laminated cards in my wallet. Later on I wasn’t sure if these cards were yellow or not but they remind me of my daughters yellow laminated cards she gets when we pre-purchase Tuesday hot-lunches, which the church across the street from her school organizes for the students. I’m not exactly sure, but because of another dream where someone had seen something gross, I’m thinking it may be referring to eating something gross like dried out crickets? Wondering if this is true and if I see others eating one, I have to too? Oh my, the things I need to do.. who comes up with these crazy ideas anyway??? Fine, if that’s what it takes!  😋 Stepping Up..