Romantic Rose Latte

Romans 5:3-5

“We also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope. Now this hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” 


My daughter come, I am with you always.

Father, I feel like there’s a wave over me, or that soon will be. I’m feeling overwhelmed because I thought things would be different by now. Help me. I wish I could live at church… I really miss when I’m not there because I feel so much freedom, contentment, and safety when I’m there.

My faithful daughter, I love you. You are always safe with me, wherever I lead you.

Thank-you Jesus, I know I’m loved and secure in you. 

Come my daughter, I have a word for you; Peace. My peace I give to you. My peace I leave with you. You are mine. 


I just want to say firstly that the Holy Spirit is leading me on the most amazing journey of my life.. I’m learning how to discern his voice in the most unique way. Yesterday I ordered the most delicious latte at church I’ve ever tasted in my life!!!! It’s called Romantic Rose Latte; it has raspberry and vanilla flavouring with real rose pedal pieces on top -soooooo gooooood!!! I’m so thankful.. it warms my heart. This morning I’ve been so deep in thought. I now see a bit more about the meaning of one of my dreams. I know that taking almost all the apple pastry represents; I wore a vest (invest), which I normally never do and I had no idea about it; I bought a valentine heart cookie; I bought a romantic rose latte, which I would very much like to have every time I go to church, and the rose pieces were cut into tiny little pieces (in my dream I needed to cut the tulip shape, just the pedals). There’s something I didn’t get which was the diplomatic cookie, which represents the small piece in my dream that I put back:( I was looking at the cost; each cookie was $4… I think next time I’ll just buy everything no matter the cost, and then I’ll be safe!! So I got 3 out of 4 or 5 right. I think that the diplomatic cookie represented the official paper that I needed to fill out, and I couldn’t find it in my apartment so I wondered if there was an extra one? Another chance? But in my dream when I lifted the window, there was nobody there because they had moved into a white tent that was just off to the side. After I began to realize things about my dream and how I had missed something that could have been so important, I was so discouraged. Then I thought that in order to escape the Tsunami that I had dreamt about in another dream, I had better run away from allowing myself to submerge in this discouragement by running up and through the door of escape, God’s peace, that the Lord had shown me. I really need to give myself grace. I’m now thinking about it differently; instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’m going to take this on as a challenge and really try and come more prepared. I need the Lord to help me have more of a discerning heart, remembering what he’s already shown me and keeping it in the forefront of my mind. There are things that I can’t prepare for on my own, and I need to just rely on the Holy Spirit’s help. Changing the subject, I’m getting my hair cut today.. last night I woke up at 1:25, sensing white. As the days go by I’ll probably receive more insight about that, or it could be something not important at all:) I know what Jesus leads me to do really does only come from Him. I just need to put a few more thoughts together for my “speech,” and then I’ll be ready. It needs to be really simple or I don’t know if I can do it, not that I fear public speaking, which I don’t if I’m prepared, its because of how personal it is… Have a wonderful day -Blessings!