Jesus Waited For Me!!

1 Corinthians 13:7

“(Love) always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 


My sweet daughter, you are mine and I love you very much.

Father, when I come into your presence I feel like I can breathe! When you remind me of your love I feel like I’m entering into a place where I can just let go and enjoy being loved..

Come my daughter, come near to me.

I’m here Dad, thank-you. I love you. I’m soaking in your presence. Father, do you have a word for me today? I see the word “Love,” lovely written.

My daughter, you are mine. Draw near to me and I will draw near to you. Come.

Father, you know my heart. I pray that you’d help me finish my writing this afternoon. Thank-you for your covering over me. I really miss and crave a romantic rose latte right now…

Come my daughter, rest, the time is near. 


Happy Valentines Day!! I added a photo of the delicious Checutery, something among many other good things; a small thank-you for teacher appreciation week:) I woke up last night at 3:07 and then at 3:44. I had dreamt something earlier last night and I thought I’d remember it and write it down in the morning, but when I woke up at 3:07 I couldn’t remember what it was, and I was so disappointed:( I was hoping the Lord would give me another dream and I knew that I’d write it down as soon as I’d wake up if he did. I’m so glad to say that he did give me another dream! I dreamt that I was house-sitting a really beautiful home. I had been there for awhile so I felt really comfortable there, feeling at home. I was sitting near the top of the stairs, maybe the third from the top landing, and the stairs were wooden. There was a child sitting on the one higher than mine. One of the dad/leaders from youth was there, standing on the floor near where we were sitting, and he could have been playing an instrument, though I’m not sure. I had told him something he needed to do but not directly, so as soon as I told him, he said, “oh,” and then stood with his feet apart like I do when I’m doing weights, demonstrating something, two feet or two steps? I only saw his feet and the bottom portion of his legs, so I’m not sure what he was demonstrating; In my dream I knew it was for me to see. As he was doing this, I peed on the step I was sitting on:) I heard that it was loud so I stopped, even though I knew I wasn’t done (will I stop speaking even though I’m not really done?) Then I was in the basement in the laundry room, looking for a rag to clean up the pee. I picked up a T-shirt that had a bit of a design on the front, from the floor but thought a rag would work better. So I walked around the corner right nearby and saw a green square rag lying on the floor, so I picked it up and ran around the corner and ran up the stairs to clean it up. I saw the white carpet I was running on. Then I was standing close to the top of the stairs and saw that he was wiping up something from the second highest stair, and I reached around him to wipe up the pee that I had left. Maybe I need to step up in two steps (U-Putt two times?)

 Then the scene changed where I was standing in front of a huge square machine. It wasn’t shaped square like a box:) I could see the many different parts and pipes that were connected to it. There was a lady there that was working on it, and she was telling me about it. The story about the machine is that once a year or once a given time, the machine needed something in order to keep working. This machine was like a sustainer of life; our life depended on if this machine was going to work the next morning or not. This lady had a big  ball in her hands, reminding me of a bowling ball. She was smothering something on it that had a creamy type consistency. As I was watching her, I noticed that she wasn’t making sure it was all over the ball, and that there were a few spots that were dry, but it must have been okay (not to strive for perfection). This ball was like the fuel that the machine needed to keep working for the next period of time, so she was going to put it into the machine. There was a hope that the machine would take the ball, and that the transition would be successful so that we could continue to live, which we would find out in the morning. Then the lady said something like if it wasn’t successful, then she’d need to try again and again, so it wasn’t like this one time was the only chance we had to live. Then I was still standing there, but I saw the machine was covered by something like a tarp. I wasn’t given the reason why, but it felt like work on it was done. There was a narrow, longish walkway beside it that was also underneath the covering, and it was open on both ends of it, like people used this space to walk. I’m thinking this also has to do with preparing to speak.

Then I was in front of some empty pillowcases that looked like they had been used because of how they were laying crumpled on a counter or something. There was a young person wanting some candy, so I looked and saw there was one pillowcase left that had a little bit of candy left in it, so I reached into the pillowcase and grabbed a handful for her. There were several different types of candy in the pillowcase, and one that stood out to me was a round, maybe caramel candy that had a yellow wrapper. The wrapper was already halfway off. In waking life that kind of candy are not my favourite; they’re not the caramel Werthers, which I really like, but another kind but I don’t remember the name. 

Then I was with some people inside a house and I remembered that most of the people were already waiting for us in the bus, so we needed to hurry and go to the bus. So then we were running down a long driveway, which was a road in the mountains. One of the kids wanted to sit on the edge of the cliff and look at the scenery, so I stopped running and looked at her; at first I was afraid that she’d fall but when I looked at her, I saw she was safe. I saw she was totally content and at peace, sitting right on the edge of a steep cliff with her legs hanging down, looking at the scenery in front of her. She was really enjoying being there.  As I’m writing, this is a few days later, I’m thinking it means that I paused on my way to the bus to reflect on God and what he’s doing in my heart, which I did this morning. In my dream I hadn’t gone to the bus yet, so maybe the Lord wants me to go to the bus again on Friday?

Yesterday I had taken a quick nap and I woke up with the words, “theatre style kids,” in my mind. Meaning is about finally being in the theatre? When I think about God’s love and 1 Corinthians 13, I think when this becomes personal, like when it goes deeper than just head knowledge, then we understand why love needs to be patient and understand why love perseveres. I know that God and Jesus have had to be so patient with me as I’ve been learning how to follow him in a more personal way. I feel like I’ve been walking so slow, like my journey with Jesus has been so slow. Overall it feels like that but I also feel like I’ve been running and running, trying to catch up with him, trying to discern his voice and the need of growing courage before I could do the things he’s asked me to do. I’m not a person who just jumps into things without making sure it’s the right thing to do, but sometimes I think I’ve waited too long. I’m so thankful Jesus waited for me…❤️‍🔥