I’m Ready to go Home

Jeremiah 51:15

“He made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.” 

My Father,

My faithful one, come, you are Mine; I love you. “Complete;” all is complete. This is your story. Abide in Me and I will abide in you. From now on. 

My Dad. I can feel a burning in my heart. I know I’m aligned rightly with you. I’m in right standing with you. Father, I can hardly grasp how close you have been; how the greatness of who you are comes so close to me. I know you live in my heart; I don’t deserve this awesome privilege and I’m so amazed by this. Thank-you. Thank-you for giving me new life. I know that I’m only living because of you and your will for my life. 

Come my sweet daughter, rest. I have more in store for you.

Father, is there a certain gift you’d like to give me from your storehouse in heaven? If so, what would it be? I hear a gift of salvation, to come deeper in so I can know more deeply what this means for me. 

This is true my faithful one. Come deeper in and I will show you more. Are you ready?

Yes Father, I’m so ready to go deeper in. I’m so ready to walk deeper into your plan for my life, which is my home. I’m ready to go home Lord, for I know that you’ll keep teaching me as we walk; you’ll continue to fill my cup. I’m completely leaning into you and falling deeper into your embrace. I trust you completely and I love you deeply… you have won my whole heart -I am yours….

Come my sweet Caroline. Rest; all is well with you. You did good today; I’m proud of you my daughter.


I feel like I have so much to say that I don’t know where to start! I subbed for grade four on Friday all day so I didn’t have time to post. Then on Saturday my husband and I attended a valentines brunch with Karyn P and Bruce/Janette. It was really good to hear their story. On Feb.17th I woke up at 3:48 and had dreamt about working out and sensing it was finished. I’ve been thinking about this and pressing into the Lord about it, and I’m thinking my 5AM cross-training classes are done. They’re beginning a new set of times; Tuesday and Thursday at noon there’s a 40 min class, more boot-camp style, then on Saturday at 8:AM they have an open gym where I’ll be able to work on anything, and my favourite coach Mel will be there for that. I also won’t be as tired during the day which will be a big help! This last Friday the zipper on my Triple 5 jacket wouldn’t zip up! I’ve tried again at home. I always use this jacket to go to my workout classes. It probably doesn’t have anything to do with that but it just makes me think; thinking about all the ways the Lord uses to speak to me.  Triple 5 means more to me than just working out, and I think my time for speaking is beginning; can’t keep zipped up forever!

Last night I dreamt about being in a house and running to the end of several hallways to make sure that something was done at the end of these hallways, and there was someone who was with me, checking the hallways they were supposed to check; we were checking different hallways. Then we came back together to the main area where all the hallways meet, and then we were going to leave the house because it was done. Meaning that something else is done too, but not sure yet about what.. I also had a dream where I was high up in a forest of green trees that had many green vines. I vaguely remember grabbing ahold of one, swinging one to another. Just a quick note because I keep thinking about it, the dream I had had a few days ago about seeing a green rag that I was going to use to clean up my mess, this rag looked like the same green rags we currently have at home. I’m thinking this could represent that I’m going to rewrite/clean up my speech? The parent volunteer I had seen in my dream or sensed was Joe, which means, “God will increase.” 

Last night we watched the third Lord of the Rings, “The Return of the King.” Something that stood out to me was that at the end Frodo said that he was ready to go home; to me this represents that I’m ready to go home, ready to walk further into my purpose. I’m feeling in my spirit like I’m in labor and that I’m about to give birth; I think I’m going to change my speech a bit. I’m going to talk about the same thing but add a bit more about God leading me to know what my purpose is, and giving my speech three points -expanding on what Knowing God, Living Free, and Finding Purpose means to me.

When I was a young teen there was a country singer that I absolutely loved listening to, and her name is Tanya Tucker. She sang a song, Delta Dawn, that I absolutely loved -I just loved her raw voice. My dad would always listen to country songs and so I grew to love them, though I haven’t listened to country for most of my adult years -I’m not sure if I’d go back to listing to country though, maybe some songs. I remember that when I listened to the words about love and broken relationships I always thought it was so shallow, though I was a bit stumped to know what I’d write about if I’d ever write songs. Well, I don’t write songs but I do write about the most important thing anyone could ever write about, which is about finding God’s love, which I know is not shallow! This morning I stuffed myself with a chocolate-chip banana muffin and rooibos tea, so good, and then later a RRL with an apple pastry roll -so good but so filling!! Saturday Bella and I spent some time together painting; She didn’t like what she did so it became a background with her name, and my painting is so simple and totally shows I’ve not had lessons, but it was fun! Blessings!!