The Battle is Won!

Revelation 21:6,7

“He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpa and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” 

My Dad, I love you.

I love you My daughter. Come, I have a word for you today. Would you like to hear it?

Yes Lord, I would.

The battle is won!

Father, the battle is won?

Yes my dear one, finished.

I’m glad Lord.

Believe my daughter.

Father, I believe you 100%. But when you say its finished, I could still be walking on this journey with Jesus longer. But I’m choosing to believe that it will be soon, and I’m holding onto the joy that I have that’s been growing in my heart as we’ve walked on our journey together. If you mean that my heart has thawed, then I thank you for working s miracle in my heart..

I love you Caroline. Come, there’s more.

Okay Lord, I’m pressing into you. Thank-you Lord for your awesome presence in my life! I am in so much awe of you! Thank-you for your work in my heart. I pray for more pliability. Help me express myself without shame and without holding back. Help me to be free and just enjoy myself in our walk together.

Come my faithful one. Today is a day of celebration! Today you are Mine!


This morning as I was doing my Bible study before my conversation with the Lord, Revelation 21:6,7 stood out to me because here Jesus talks about the water of life having no cost, and in my dream yesterday there wasn’t any cost for my coffee. Lately as I’ve been thinking about the dream I had that I was laying inside a cave and hearing someone slowly breaking through the cave wall, I’ve been thinking because the Lord hasn’t shown me that I’ve come out of the cave yet, where am I with that? Since then I’ve learned that my heart may still reflect the stone cave, even if a little. So what will it take for me to totally come out? Today I sensed the Lord talking about a battle that has been won.. maybe the Lord is talking about that? In any case, I really really long for the day that I can finally really be free.. But I believe the Lord when he says it’s finished; I know something is finished, so as I keep walking with Jesus, I will know. Last night I woke up at 3:21 and I had had a quick dream where I was standing in my current garage. The garage door was completely open and it was broad daylight outside. There wasn’t any vehicle in the garage; in that way it was empty but it still had everything else inside. I at first thought maybe passerby’s shouldn’t see inside, but then I thought it was all okay. Maybe this reflects my heart and that I am all open to what the Lord is wanting to do in my life, which includes speaking to others about our awesome journey together.. I’m excited!! This morning our workout was 12 rounds of: 2 powercleans (I did 65lbs), 4 box-jumps, and 6 ring-rows. Blessings..