Spiritual Expensive Clothes

Isaiah 55:10,11

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out of my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” 

My Father, I love you.

I love you my daughter. You are Mine.

Lord, do you have a word for me today?

Caroline my dear one, all is well with you.

Father help me to always describe what you show me, accurately. 

My daughter, my faithful one. Come, it’s time. A new day. Rest. 


Yesterday I took a short nap and had a quick dream where I was standing beside a persons driveway and I saw that it was connected to a road; I had a feeling like we were in the country. I knew that there were two houses close to one another, and the house closest to where I was had the driveway that was connected to the road. The house close to that one didn’t have their driveway connected to the road yet and I thought, why does that driveway also need to be connected to the road when only one was needed; it could join the one that was already connected. As I was waking up I knew that that’s what was happening or going to happen right away.

Last night I awoke at 4:04. I had heard words in my heart that woke me up that said something like “I have expensive clothes, wear them.” Here I’m thinking that my journey with Jesus has been difficult and so long, and God has and is exchanging what my life has been like to something completely new. As I’m learning more about God and Jesus, I’m able to spiritually clothe myself better, knowing who God/Jesus is, knowing what his love truly looks like, and this has been a long journey. Then I woke up at 4:18 with the lyrics, “No one can do it just like you; something magic in the way you move. You’re original you know it’s true…”This song is the one that came to my mind often in the night when I needed encouragement to keep doing what the Lord was asking me to do -my recordings. I need to do one more and I believe that will be all. 

I also dreamt that Jesus my husband was standing in front of me, telling me that there’s not a lot of people in the choir so he wanted me to join the choir. I don’t know what else it could mean except that I join the choir at church. I never thought I’d do that and it’s a new idea for me, but I know it would be fun. I sang in a choir before I was married, in Chicago at JPUSA called Grace and Glory. Our choir sang at the Cornerstone Music Festival which was jpusa’s music festival. The choir recorded an album before I joined, but the songs we sang are in their “Inspired” album. I had so much fun singing with them. 

In this dream I was at a gathering at my in-laws. I needed white blank sheets of paper because I had run out so I assumed it was okay that I take some of theirs until I got more of my own, and I had put them in my shoulder bag (I didn’t see my shoulder bag but I had a sense it was.) Then my sister-in-law and I were standing behind my in-laws who had their back turned to us as they were doing something, and she was going to ask them if its okay if she could have some paper. I told her that of course its okay with them to take some of their paper; I didn’t even think that it would be a problem. Then I guess I had second guessed myself because then I was the one asking if it was okay. I asked them, “Is it okay if I take some of your papers until I get more of my own?” Then my mother-in-law said no, it wasn’t okay. I was so shocked. Then I went and took the papers from my shoulder bag and I had them in my hand as I walked over to where I had taken them from. I saw that I had taken only a few, I don’t know the exact number because I wasn’t shown an exact number. I was a bit surprised at the small number of them -I thought I had taken a few more. I saw that they were double length paper and that I had folded them. When I saw the small number of papers in my hand, it felt good to have my mother-in -law see that I had told the truth about the approximate amount of papers I had taken. I saw my mother-in-law standing,watching me as I reached up to put them back. Then the scene changed where I was laying inside a hammock with my eyes closed, wanting to rest. The hammock was high up, right in front of a TV that was on. All my in-laws had started sitting in their chairs with their food in their plate, ready to watch something on the TV; their chairs were all in a line, in front of the TV. My mother in law had come into the room and whispered something, and then I thought, how can they see if I’m laying right in front of them? So I began to get up to move out of the way. I vaguely remember going into one of the back rooms. I’m not sure what this dream means. I use white blank sheets of paper all the time; I use them for my Bible study and for my conversations I have with the Lord. Years ago I thought to myself that if I’d write our conversations straight onto my iPad, I’d save so much time, so then the following day I bypassed the paper and wrote my conversation right onto my iPad. The following night God gave me a dream, which I only remember vaguely, but I have it written down among my stacks of papers. The Lord showed me in the dream that I had walked into a big cold dark garage in the city; I saw a gang inside and I quickly needed to get out of there. So then that morning I continued writing our conversation on paper and I didn’t get another warning dream. I used to always write my dreams down on paper too, but these I now write straight onto my iPad; I haven’t had any correction dreams from the Lord about that. Having said that, my black ink pen ran out of ink so now I’m back to writing with blue. I had gotten used to writing with black. If the roads are okay to drive on, this afternoon my kiddos and I are going to someones place and she’s going teach us how to paint with oil paints! super excited:) Yesterday morning when I got up to go to the gym, my ankle was feeling so much better (it just feels a bit stiff) so I did the workout, but instead of doing box jumps, I did step ups instead. In 23 min I did: 800m row, 20 step-ups, 30 sit-ups: 600m row, 20 step ups,30 sit ups; 400m row, etc,etc; 200m row, etc, etc. Today my back is hurting a bit, which could be from tobogganing, so I’ll go and get adjusted on Monday. Blessings…