Come As You Are

Ezekiel 38:23

“And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

My Father,

My faithful one come, you are Mine. All is well with you. Come as you are my daughter. 

Dad, help me not to worry about things. To love a life free of worry is something to obtain! I wonder if it’s even possible! 

My dear child, yes it is. Come, you have a busy week ahead of you. Rest my dear one, all will be well. 

Lord I pray for your blessing and anointing as I continue to prepare for my recording on Tuesday. Help me hear your voice and be able to be led by you in both days.

I love you my daughter, and I will surely help you (declares the Lord). 


A quick dream where I vaguely saw some people washing their face with facecloths, and then I saw someone stand in front of me, a very kind person who felt like Jesus my husband, offering me a new brown facecloth, and I shook my head no, so he very respectfully put it back. I’m really sobbing right now because of this; why did I say no? I need to pray about what the brown facecloth represents. Washing my face could represent feelings about improving something. In my walk with the Lord, he’s asked me to do so many things. I feel like I’m a beginner at so many things. It makes me think that my life going forward is going to be so different because of the many new things the Lord wants me to do, and get good at these things. I really deeply enjoying every one of them, it’s just that learning something new never seems to stop. I wish the Lord would lead me to also rest physically, but if it’s not time yet, then I really need his help to keep going. I’m sorry Jesus that I said no to your offer; I’m not sure what I said no to, but in the end I know the Lord will lead me to be able to say yes if that’s what’s important. There are two new things that have recently come up because of the Lord, and that is painting, which my kids and I had our first introduction to yesterday, and singing; The Lord showed me in a dream that he wants me to join the choir, and I had a really brief dream last night of singing with others. I have a sense that joining the choir in my dream represents helping out more in church and doesn’t necessarily mean the actual choir. I’ve had a desire to help with the Easter production in some way, so tomorrow I’ll find out about that. If the Lord literally wants me to join the choir then I will; who am I to say no to God? It could also mean to be joined to church and begin speaking in some way; joining those who are already working in harmony as they’re doing their part. My part of course would begin with a small role; I’m so deeply moved that God has chosen me to be part of such an amazing group of people that I value and look up to so much. My love, respect and trust for them has grown so much as I’ve been walking this journey, getting to know more deeply who Jesus is.. 

I also had a quick dream where I was in my house (not literal), and it was almost 6:00. I needed to go downstairs to check on the kids who were getting ready to go to bed (this is what it felt like), but I didn’t want to miss seeing it; I was at the stairs ready to run down them when I turned around to go and get my phone to bring along with me so I didn’t need to miss seeing it. 

In this dream, Lucas’ best friend was sleeping at our house. The kids were already in bed. Then I was standing in the room where they were sleeping (him, Lucas and Bella, all in single beds). His best friend had the new blanket which I saw was tucked in nicely around where his feet were, but he had wet the bed. I saw a wet area on the sheet. Jesus my husband was standing in the room already and was helping with changing the sheets. Then I also saw a dirty brown diaper and saw that he had pooped in it. I was a bit frustrated because he was old enough not to do that (the boys were about 6 or 7 years old), and I began showing my frustration as I began asking him how he wouldn’t have woken up if he needed to go poop. Then I stopped myself because I didn’t want to make him feel bad. Then I took the new blanket off of his bed (it hadn’t gotten wet or dirty), and I went to Lucas’ bed which was close by; the corners of their beds were almost touching. I began taking Lucas’ older blanket off to put onto his friends, and I was going to give Lucas the new blanket because I knew he didn’t wet the bed. I saw Bella sleeping all snuggled up in her blanket. Then the scene changed were I was walking into their room again; it was a different room with different beds. I saw that Jesus my husband had taken the top bunk off and it really stood out to me, the openness above the lower bunk. One of the boys had been sleeping on the top and now didn’t have a bed, so he was crouching or sitting on the lower bed by the pillow. Then the scene changed again where it must have been later and they must have been loud, so I was a bit upset as I walked into their room and saw that they were each laying in the lower bunk beside each other on their tummy’s, leaning on their elbows and each were looking forward through their pair of binoculars. They were clearly enjoying themselves, enjoying being together, enjoying being best friends. I vaguely saw that one of the binoculars was red, or a pinkish red. But because they should have been sleeping, I walked up to them and reached down and took each of their binoculars away. I began scolding them but then quickly changed my mind. I really valued his best friend and knew that he was a really good friend and that he was good for Lucas. I got emotional as I spoke from my heart when I said that he really felt like family and that I really valued him because he was so good for Lucas and Lucas for him. 

I also saw in a dream the most beautiful ocean. It was a clear and sunny day and I was really high up and I could see the far expanse of it. I was being carried back and as I watched, I saw that the ocean and the deepness of it had a border, reminding me of how the red? sea parted when the Israelites walked through it on dry ground. It was like the ocean had been cut and I could see the top and the sides going all the way down to the bottom ocean floor. The ocean had a beige type border on that side that I could only see at the surface of the water. Then as I watched I saw parts of the ocean had become wide waterfalls; I saw water falling white, all the way down, collecting in a pool at the bottom with beautiful greenery around it. Then the scene changed a bit. I was still high up looking at the vastness of the deep ocean, and I saw that it was cut off, but there weren’t any waterfalls. I saw the thick ground underneath the deep ocean. Then I saw underneath the ground that was holding up the ocean; it was like this ground and ocean were high in the air and underneath this was another deep and vast ocean. On the ocean underneath I saw huge ships that remind me of cargo ships, and I don’t think they were moving. I vaguely saw three or four. In my dream I also had feelings that if the top ocean would fall down, because of the weight and vastness of it, everything underneath it would be crushed. I was also amazed because underneath the top ocean and ocean floor, there was nothing physically holding it up; it was just there, which can only be done by God. The ocean was calm and very beautiful, which could represent stability and emotional balance. I don’t have a vehicle for the next two days because my husband is juggling two jobs; one of them we have a rental which he needs the following day so it’ll be parked here at home; the car is parked at the rental place so he needs the truck to go to the other places. I need to go to the chiropractor tomorrow here in town; I think it’s because of tobogganing. My hip/thigh is bothering me which has never bothered me before, but my ankle feel fine. I only started feeling my back/side muscle on my way back home from church today. I won’t be going to Shopgym tomorrow. I had had a dream last week I think about coughing up something that was in my throat; a few days after that there had been something in my glass of water that I was drinking that I needed to cough up, and I put my hand by my mouth to see what it was but I ended up swallowing it, oh well. I had mentioned before that my ears are back to normal; they’ve gotten a lot better but sometimes I still notice them. Today I watched the first Maleficent movie with Bella and watched bits of the second one with her. I really enjoy watching these . Alright, that’s it for me, blessings…