Love Trusting In Jesus..

John 17:26

“I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” 

My Father, I love you. I’m in awe and wonder about your Holiness. Thank-you for being so near to me.

I love you my darling -I am near. Come, I have a word for you today. 

My Father please tell me.

Come my daughter and rest; you’re coming into a season of rest. 

I’d like that Lord..

My faithful one, there’s more.

Please tell me Lord!

I love you. I will never abandon you. My plans for you are good..

Thank-you Father, Jesus. I know this is true and I don’t fear that because I know that you truly love me.. I’m rejoicing deep down in my heart.


Yay this is my 399th post!! ☺️ Last night I woke up and I had a strong sense that it was 2:39, so I looked at my phone to see if I was right and I saw that it was 3:09. This is so neat; Bella had just come into my room and asked if she could go on my phone, so I picked up my phone and saw that it was 3:09! The number 3 represents creation, making something happen. The number 9 represents the end, something is ending or has ended. 39 together means some kind of chaos is ending. After I woke up at 3:09 I couldn’t fall asleep again until two hours later, maybe more. I dreamt that a friend and I had travelled somewhere and were staying at a hotel. We had gone to a grocery store to buy some groceries. So in the first part of the dream I was by myself inside the grocery store and I was talking with a lady who lived there and asked her if there was a coffee shop close by. She was really nice and friendly and excitedly said yes and explained to me where it was, and then I confirmed with her that it was inside a mall that was shaped like a U. Then the scene changed where I noticed that my friend had left and gone back to the hotel. I didn’t have my phone on me so I couldn’t call her, so I sat down on a two person seat to wait for her. This two person seat looked like two ordinary cushioned chairs with high back-rests that were facing each other and were connected, so the seat was one long seat with a back-rest on both sides. Then I noticed a lady sitting on the other side facing me, because this is what this two person chair was meant for, to have two people sit close together, facing each other. So we began talking and I told her that I was waiting for my friend and that I wasn’t too worried because I thought she would come back for me. Then it had taken three hours and she still hadn’t come. Then I looked to where the lady had been sitting and saw a man sitting there instead, a kind of man that was up to no good. He had begun to act really sweetly to get what he wanted and I quickly got up to get away. Then I was standing by an area that had some computers and I was so excited because then maybe I could somehow get ahold of my friend who had abandoned me. These computers looked old and looked a bit yellow, like how beige plastic turns yellow over time. These computers were long and had really wide screens. There were about 5 or 6 computers spots with chairs and I looked for an empty spot. I saw an empty spot and quickly went and sat down. Then there was a problem; I didn’t know something that was needed in order to be able to use it, or something. In the next part I was back at the hotel and there were people sitting around the table, and my friend was one of them -I was standing beside where she was sitting. I was really upset and I told everyone what my friend had done, that she abandoned me and left me at the store for three whole hours. I saw by her reaction that she didn’t like it that I was telling everybody, but I was so mad at her. Then in the next scene she was in front of me and I was so upset that I felt the urge to punch her in the face, so I punched her in the face a few times, asking, “why did you abandon me?” Even though I punched her in the face a few times, I never saw that she was hurt; thinking it represents that it didn’t matter to this person how I was feeling. I don’t know how I got back to the hotel, but I know my friend wasn’t the one who picked me up. In my dream I had a sense that she never intended to pick me up, so she really had abandoned me. In waking life a friend of mine had been abandoned by her husband two times while visiting a foreign country. When her husband had walked away on both occasions, she would have been completely lost, not knowing the language or how to get back to where they were staying, but something inside of her resisted running after him. After about five or ten minutes he did come back. The reason why he had abandoned her was because he was frustrated that she didn’t know the language. She needed a prescription and because she didn’t know the language, he needed to explain the situation to the nurses, which he didn’t do because he was so frustrated. The other time it was because he felt like she was too dependant on him and this was frustrating for him, so she sat by herself on a curb until he returned. We’ll be watching a movie tonight, not sure which one, and really early tomorrow morning I’ll be making the filling for two bought pie crusts and making another one from scratch for the Easter gathering on Sunday. Looking forward to helping out in the Easter play!! Blessings…