God Is So Good

Psalm 133:1

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! 

My Father,

My daughter, you are mine -I love you. 

Father, I’m sensing how much your heart longs to draw every person close to your own, and that you mourn the loss when they’ve chosen to be somewhere else instead of with you, their creator. I’m sorry Father.

My faithful daughter, rise up -come with me, and I will show you more; whoever is faithful with little will be faithful with much.

Father, I’m reminded of Luke 16:10, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…”

Come my daughter and rest; you are mine.

Thank-you Father, I love you too. 


I’m sorry I didn’t have time to write yesterday; I got up at 4:20AM and went to the gym; we did a whole bunch of things; overhead squats, front squats, bench press. The loads were light because of repetition. Then as I was helping the kids get ready for school, I got a call to work because they were short on subs, so I subbed for grade 2. Then at lunch I came home and put a chicken in the oven so by the time I got home it was done, and I warmed up rice, made chicken gravy and green beans. Then we headed to the city to Youth and when we came back and after the kids went to bed is when I finally got to have my time with with God, so here we are!! I hate to have missed a day of writing but it couldn’t be helped.. The photo above that I took was in the classroom that I subbed for today, and it just reminded me of the post where I talked about turning back time.

I had dreamt that I was really high up, individually but also with a group of a few others. I had a feeling in my dream that we were about to be given a gift, which was a few gifts in one. I vaguely remember that we were in individual hammocks, or something like hammocks. I saw very clearly in front of me a square sheet of plexiglass, and someone had shot a thin metal piece straight into it and through the plexiglass, which then opened up in four ways like four “legs” to secure itself on the plexiglass. Then for added strength it was reinforced with a ring of glue that went around it, which was about 2″  diameter. Then the person next to me pulled on it to see how strong it was; As the person pulled on it, I saw the plexiglass move up/bend because of the pull, which showed that the four metal “legs” were securely glued onto the plexiglass. Then for added strength it was reenforced with a ring of glue that went all the way around it, the whole thing not being bigger than my fist. I said something to the person about how good it was that it was so strong because it was or will be I’m not sure, carrying my or our weight; we would be hanging from a really high place. I peaked underneath a pile of papers to see what other gifts we were getting and I saw some medium size paintbrushes for houses that had black bristles.

Then we all needed to go somewhere to be evaluated by a strict person to see how we did and I saw one row of maybe about 20 rectangular blocks that looked like Dry Erase Erasers that were all placed on the ceiling -I don’t know if they were glued or were magnetic; They were all in a perfect line/row, all touching each-other, coming from one side of the ceiling leading up to where we were -this is what I was looking up to see, and this was the competition that Bella had been involved with. It felt like I was very much a part of it so I was very apprehensive about what the person would say. 

Two night ago a part of my dream that I had forgotten about was, I saw my face in a mirror and saw that my face was really puffy and both of my cheeks were rosy. I thought I looked very undesirable but kind of shrugged it off, thinking I didn’t need to please those people who were being oppressive. This was in the dream where I was in a building where people were ordering people around and that I had been able to escape because someone helped me as I followed them out of the building. During the day today I’m going to be working on my next presentation.. goodnight…