
Isaiah 54:13

“All your sons will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children’s peace.”

My Father, I love you. You know my heart, where do you want to take me today?

My daughter, prepare…

Father, I want that with all my heart. I feel like I can’t live another day without your plans for me… 

Then come my faithful one, and don’t be afraid. 

Father I’m not afraid of that, it’s the opposite, but I do feel like who am I to be the one who you have chosen for such a romantic story about learning what your true love is?? You’ve captured my heart with your love and yet I’m sensing I’ve not broken through something in order to receive it completely. And this is something I can’t do on my own, so please do your work  in my heart because I am more than willing. I greatly desire to finally be free from what’s holding me back. Please come!!!! 

My faithful one, nothing can keep me away from you when you desire intimacy wth me. Come boldly before me Carolyn. I have given you a gift -use it.

Father, in my dream two nights ago I saw a small pile of paintbrushes for houses, about five or six. They were underneath some papers that I lifted up on one side to peak underneath. They were fresh paintbrushes that had never been used before, and I had a feeling in my dream that they were going to be given to us soon -you had allowed me to see them a bit beforehand. I looked online to see what paintbrushes represent; they represent a plan of action for change. So far the only direction I haven’t done yet is to share my testimony another time, but I’m working on putting that together. Am I on the right track? 

Yes my darling. Come my dear one, it’s time to say goodbye. 

Father, I say goodbye to being spiritually asleep; I say goodbye to the only way of life I’ve ever known; I say goodbye to agreeing with and marrying this way of life, not knowing that you want to be intimately near my heart, helping me with every big decision I need to make. I welcome the changes you’re leading me into and I run into them with wide open arms. I pray that you’d continue to prepare my heart to speak about your unfailing love in my life. 

Come my dear one, it is time for this -I have spoken -you are mine.


I don’t have a lot to say here, but I do have a charcuterie of words that have become meaningful to me::) “what?” Captain Marvel, America, Crunch; Blue runners; learning true love; 100? Yes!; freedom..; castle-home; given a room; absence of kindness, love; turning back time; dinner; given a gown; not another min!; trial over -your will be done; wife: being shown kindness; pulling by the hands; captive; curse; love; magic; children; being set free!; Cheeto Puffs; crown 7 years? Victory! here we go!! One night years ago God gave me a dream that I was wearing a light blue dress that had several layers with light (not heavy) material going all the way down to the floor. It was made specifically for me, and if that would ever happen, I’d be so honoured to receive it. It was the most comfortable dress I’d ever worn! I believe this dress represents the calling God has for my life, and the calling he has for me will fit me perfectly!!! Tomorrow morning we’re doing Temp Back Squats: 4-4-4 for the strength part, and for the fitness its 10 min for max reps of 50/40 bike/rower cal and 80 Back Rack Alternating Lunges 45/35lbs, maybe with a barbell I’m not sure. I had my ankle adjusted on Tuesday and it still feels good! I didn’t go running today because I was so sore. Have a good night -blessings…