Navigating Through

Psalm 34:7

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” 

Come my daughter so you may live. All is well with you -you are Mine.

Father, draw me near to you. Where you are going is difficult for me to follow, but I’m coming.

I’m proud of you my daughter. It’s time to rise up and be where I’ve called you to be.

Father, I feel so pressured. I feel pressured by the enemy and pulled by you.. I know it’s really important to keep walking and getting ready to present again, so help me navigate through the business and follow you through to the other side.

I am your help my dear one. Be anxious for nothing.


I have a picture in my mind about where I am spiritually because of the dream God gave me three nights ago. In my dream I wanted to pause right in the middle of the two way traffic and wait until the business was gone, but right then there wasn’t any traffic so I vaguely remember running as quickly across as I could. I know Jesus my husband is waiting for me there because I saw him in my dream. In waking life it’s a bit more busy than my dream showed. I did feel a lot of pressure in my dream which mirrors the pressure I have in waking life but I need to remember that the road was clear to follow, so I will trust in Jesus and just follow and not put anything else on my plate. Tonight I’m going to the city to do week two of the six week book series and then also on Thursday. I also had a quick dream that I was talking to someone, feels like Sarena. She was saying something like we already did the small groups, and why not try the large group? Then in my dream I visualized it. It could have something to do with leading the front game and the large/main game? This is something I’m not pushing to do because I already feel there’s so much on my plate, but I’m not going to say no to Jesus if he asks me. One year ago today is when my dad passed away:( I love him and I miss him -I’m glad he’s in heaven though where I’ll see him again:) This morning I went to the gym and had an awesome workout; my back squats were 5×3 of 125lbs. Then we did some other things but I don’t have time to write about it right now.. many blessings to you…