Into Rough Waters Again

Proverbs 6:23

“For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light , and the corrections of discipline are the way to life.” 

My Dad,

My darling, I love you -you are Mine. Come, I have a word for you today. 

What is it Father?

I love you. I love you now and I love you later. I love you always..

Okay Lord, I believe you; thank-you. There’s nothing thats better than you. 


Just a few words of reflection.. I made Shepherds Pie for supper today, and as I was making it I was listening to Brandon Lake: House of Miracles. I think this album has become my favourite; every song on this album made me cry in worship and surrender before God. Knowing my value hasn’t been where it should be and drawing closer to God today was so amazing that I believe God filled me in those places. It reminds me that I can’t get my value from created things but from God alone.. I’m ready for God to take me back into the roughest waters where I’m completely dependant on him again; I’m going to begin working on my message tomorrow. Week two of the study was amazing again and what stood out to me the most is that I haven’t realized it but I’ve been like the Israelites when they said they were like grasshoppers compared to the people in Canaan. For the most part I know my value but when I think about where God is calling me, I do feel so small. We’re doing week three this Thursday; meeting with them brings life to my soul….