Hidden Treasure

Matthew 13:44

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” 

Father I love you -I worship you. Thank-you for your nearness Lord.

Come my daughter, all is well with you. You are Mine.

Father, do you have a word for me today?

My daughter, be anxious for nothing.

I love you Lord. Help me not to be.

I will help you.


This morning has been rushed and I was so tired from getting up so early this morning to go to the gym that I was falling asleep even during this conversation with the Lord:( The reason for my anxiousness is because I brought up the idea of getting passports so we can go to the US if we want during the summer. The idea of having passports is a bit overwhelming for me because it reminds me of going overseas which I’ve not had the greatest experience. This afternoon I’m taking my mom to her doctors appointment in Steinbach so I don’t have a lot of time to write. I have many little dreams and thoughts to share so here goes! First of all I want to say that I finally got my first professional manicure! My sister has invited me to go and get one many times but I never wanted to go. I used to give them when I did hair. Bella wanted to get one with me for her birthday so we went yesterday and I got myself a French manicure and I love it! So in the photo I’m holding her hand; it was her first manicure too so we had a special time together:)

This morning I had dreamt that I was in our church foyer and the lights were out because everyone had already left the building, so I also needed to leave the building. So before I woke up I dreamt that I had just begun to walk towards the east entrance where my car was parked. At 1:53 I woke up and had words impressed in my heart about the pool of the living: I needed to go into the pool of the living. At 3:57 I awoke, thinking the word “YES.” I’m not sure if this next part is related but in my dream there was a speaker who was listening to what the person from church wanted the speaker to talk about and the speaker was listening, agreeing to what was being said. Then I had a very vague dream where a daughter was waiting for the in-law to invite her, but it was up to the mother in law to invite. After a short nap around noon today I dreamt that Lucas was near me, getting the hair in front of his ears cut. The rest was longer. When it was done I looked and asked if she could also cut his sideburns and she said yes. These are a bunch os short dreams which right now I don’t know the meaning of, but will be praying about them. On Sunday after we got home from church my kiddos and I watched Artimus Fowl and Free Guy. Free Guy has many parts where we know to fast forward just because of the language, but there are many things in it that remind me of other things; Free guys choice of clothing.. a bridge was built and he took a leap of faith and landed in the most beautiful place which hadn’t been visible. White “truck,” also trying not to touch hanging tree branches represented a game at camp. The other day I was eating what was supposed to be a seedless orange, but after I broke it in half, the first half had one large seed in every slice; the other half had no seeds -I thought that was really interesting.

May 11: This morning I went running on the track and ran 5k -it was a bit more difficult today than it’s been. My right knee has been bothering me the last week or two. I noticed at the end of my runs that the muscles in my right leg were tensing up, so I think it’s because I haven’t been stretching as much as I should. So I’ve been rolling and stretching more and it’s helped. But my right leg has also been a bit swollen and I feel it when I do squats. My ear (earings) haven’t been infected for so long! Last night I had a dream where I saw that someone was sitting in something, being covered a bit so they couldn’t move. Then I watched the lid part of it slam shut which killed the person. In my life I’ve been feeling stuck when I need to pray for others. It’s like I have no water for that. At camp as I was praying for some of the youth it was completely fine, but for some reason in other circumstances I feel like there’s nothing in me to enable me to pray and I’m so frustrated by that. I also feel like this with my own conversations with the Lord. I know I need to draw closer to the Lord and soak in his presence more, and I’ve been doing this more the last few days. Fasting is so difficult for me but I know I need to fast in some way; maybe I won’t start with a whole day. I think this dream could represent my “self” dying so that I can be filled more with the Holy Spirit as I pray for others; I’m really hoping for this. This Saturday at 6 I’m getting together again, continuing the six-week book study. I’ve really been enjoying them and I’m getting a lot out of them. I’ll be getting a pedicure this month:) Also, we’ll hopefully begin the process of getting our passports this week.. I made beef stew for supper today:) Tomorrow morning at the gym we’re doing a bunch of squat cleans! Blessings…