Leap of Faith

Proverbs 4:18

“The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” 

My Father, you love me so much.. I’m soaking this in -I’m drinking in every word because it’s water for my soul. I always knew you love me Jesus but today it’s really sinking in deep. This morning was difficult, thinking this trial has been over for awhile already, yet we’re still here. I see the value in waiting though; while waiting Lord you’ve continued to mold and shape me into being the person who you’ve created me to be while drawing me closer to your heart.

I love you my faithful daughter -you are Mine and I’m so proud of you. 

Father, I can hardly believe I did what I did this past weekend! I actually did the Leap of Faith and went on the high ropes! If we’d go again tomorrow I’d do it again and see if I could go further than I did before. 

My daughter, its time to come forward.

Father, what do you mean by this? Lord I sense the word “connect.” Father, I hope I heard you correctly. I’m preparing for my next presentation this week; please lead me Holy Spirit!

I love you my darling; I am your help.


I have so much to say and not enough time to say it! Last year or two years ago I’m not sure, God gave me a dream where I was slowly rising up into the air, and I watched a hydro line pass by and I think another one, but I still kept on going. Then as I continued to rise I came up to individual hand things that I needed to grab ahold of, but my dream ended before I did. Well, this past weekend reminds me of this dream, and it was only when I had come back down from the high ropes that I remembered my dream. As we were waiting for the zip line, I remembered a more recent dream where I saw two hard hats laying on the ground, so when I saw that we needed to use hard hats for the zip line, I began to think that I needed to do two things that require a hard hat. I was so disappointed when we ran out of time and I couldn’t go on the zip line, thinking that I missed the opportunity because that was the one thing that I thought I’d for sure go on. At the high ropes I asked someone where the Leap of Faith was and when I saw it I knew the Lord was asking me to do it. So for the next while I needed to let it sink in that I was going to do it. When I made up my mind I actually wasn’t afraid because I had a harness on and I knew I was safe. What helped me was to focus on the white thing that I was going to try and touch as I jumped off, and I did it! I took a giant leap of faith, representing my walk with Jesus in two ways; diving into the deep end as I follow him deeper into the calling he has for my life, and trust falling, fully trusting in him and his love for me… When I saw one of the youth had walked along the high pole going across and then coming back on a higher level, on the individual rope things that we need to step onto, I thought I’d do that one and I did! But I only managed to get onto the third one because the rope that I was standing on kept on twisting the right way, so I decided to come down because my arms and hands were getting sore from holding on so long. It was such a fulfilling afternoon and weekend.. There are other things I’d like to say but Bella and I have a manicure appointment at 7:00 this evening, so I’ll write more later today or add it in tomorrow’s post. I do want to quickly share that at the beginning of the weekend I was really feeling like I wanted to be closer to Jesus and I felt like I couldn’t, and the Lord gave me a quick dream on Friday to Sat that he hadn’t forgotten me but was taking pictures of me as I sat among the youth as we listened to the message, and I was greatly comforted by that. I was also comforted because I saw that I was being myself, not trying to impress. I’m so glad to be reassured of this because I think sometimes we don’t even notice that we cover up flaws to try to impress. I want to be deeply known and I want to deeply know Jesus; I think in our journey together we’ve come such a long way in getting to know who the other is and I’m so glad. I also dreamt last night about an IV; I saw the tube of some kind of liquid being emptied like someone had it in their arm, though I didn’t see an arm -I only saw that it was being emptied. I’m not sure what this could represent though I believe it was a good thing. I’m also thinking IV could represent the number 4. Just quickly I want to say that I’m thinking to take courses at Horizon. Blessings…