
Isaiah 40:1,2

“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” 

My Father,

My faithful one, come, I love you.

Father I hear the word “restored” in my heart. I know you’ve completed a very great work in my heart, and I am more thankful than words can say. Thank-you Father for all you’ve done for me. Help me now to express my deep gratitude in my next presentation. 

Caroline My daughter, I have called you by name and I know you well, for you have made yourself known to me.

Father, I know your faithfulness through our long journey together and therefore I know you better than I did before. I also know your love better because of your faithfulness; I finally know deep down your love for me. And because of this, I have the capacity to love you more.

My daughter come, speak what is in your heart to speak, and all will go well with you. You are Mine, the one I love. 


Wow it’s been a journey! I haven’t had the time yet to look more deeply into the dream I received yesterday, but I know that spiritually I have a new house, a new car and new glasses! But all these things weren’t completely knew like no one has owned them before, and I believe this represents that God has restored my heart -he’s renovated it so that it looks more and is more like Jesus. I really want to represent Jesus in the most accurate way that I possibly can, and no-one can do this without the Holy Spirit’s help! I’m seeing with new glasses and I can feel it in my heart. And it has everything to do with where I get my value from. Because I now know my value deep in my heart, I also know deep in my heart that I am loved and that I am accepted. As I was having my conversation with the Lord this morning, words and ideas kept coming to me for my next presentation and I’m so deeply thankful!!!!!!! This morning during my Bible time I came across the verse above and I thought it fit really well with what the Lord is doing in my heart.

This morning at 5:00 I awoke with these lyrics in my heart, ” Come a little closer, stay a little longer..” Then also at 6:45, “come a little closer, stay a little longer..” And then I had slept past my alarm and when I looked at the time it was 7:32 for a moment and then turned to 7:33 with these lyrics in my heart, “come alive, in the name of Jesus come alive, in the name of Jesus, this is a house of miracles.” I’m posting this photo of myself to show you that it really is me way up there! Alright, this morning I’m making pancakes and bacon and I’m cooking a chicken to make chicken noodle soup. My family all aren’t better yet and still have a cold, so the broth will bring them comfort… Alright, have a wonderful weekend -many blessings…