
Romans 12:2

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is -his good, pleasing and perfect will.” 


My faithful one, I love you. Come, draw near to me and I will draw near to you.

My Father, I don’t know what to talk about today. Do you have a word for me?

Yes I do! Come! You are ready!

Father I’m sensing the meaning to this is that my heart is ready?

Yes my dear one.

Lord I sensed the word sanctified.


My daughter, you are ready. Come boldly before me.

Father, there’s nothing that’s better than you. I worship you with all my heart. Thank-you for making your will known for my life. Thank-you for waking me up from spiritual slumber. You have been so kind to me. There’s truly nothing better than you! 


Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers. I love being a mom to my two kids. If I still had a choice to have more children I totally would! I always hoped that I would have about four or five; I have eight siblings so I never thought having four or five was a big deal:) On Mother’s day at 6:25 I awoke with these lyrics singing in my heart, “Mmm, come a little closer, stay a little longer, mmm, I can’t get enough of you…” Yesterday I had Peach ice tea, so good! I chose Earl Grey tea yesterday without reading the labels; I’ve come into the habit of choosing quickly, so I chose it, not reading what the other flavour was. I don’t remember ever having Lady Grey tea, so it’s a flavour that I’ll be getting for home. 

Yesterday as a family we watched Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I love watching movies where there are lessons that we can learn from that the characters go through. There was a dream God gave me years ago where I saw from a distance a horse and chariot, came to a stop, got out of the chariot and walked a little ways to meet someone who was walking towards them from the opposite direction. In my dream I knew that it was Jesus that had been in the chariot with his helper, maybe the Holy Spirit. The person walking towards them was a person who had completed a task that Jesus had asked them to do, which was to get his army ready. On one of the arms of the person was a golden plate that went around the persons arm from their wrist to maybe halfway to their elbow, I don’t remember exactly, but it reminds me of the thing Eustace in Narnia put on right before turning into a dragon. I don’t know how the Lord is going to use me in my life, but I know that whatever plans he has for me, I’m hoping that they will become less difficult to do because of the spiritual muscles that will have grown in me during this difficult time. On Saturday after I came home from our book study, my family was watching Jungle Cruise -such a fun movie to watch! What stood out to me was the huge tree/tree branch that Emily Blunt had to run on, and the vibrant pink flowers on the tree that were healing, and she chose to use it to bring Frank back to life… sigh, don’t you just love romantic stories like that??? 🥤

This morning I woke up at 3:33 with the song, “Holy, you are holy. I lay down any treasure for us to be together..” Thank-you Father for always drawing me nearer to your heart! Last night I had barely fallen asleep when I dreamt that there was a woman pointing to a big red stop sign, facing my direction. She said something like, “it’s right there.” I also vaguely saw a yield sign that was behind the stop sign like someone had put it there or laid it down behind the stop sign like it was a pile of stuff on the ground. The stop sign wasn’t laying on the ground but was standing up like a normal functional stop sign. The stop sign was about a few meters away. What I was debating about before bed was if I was going to go to crossfit in the morning or not. I didn’t end up going because I went to bed too late and because of my knee. I’ve been putting up my feet more and drinking more water which seems to help. I’m thinking the stop sign is showing that this particular journey is almost over or it is over. I think though the Lord still wants me to do one more message. Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying the warm weather outside. We’re enjoying our hammocks on the patio:) Yesterday we discovered a Robyn’s nest with four blue eggs in the tree on our front yard! The nest looks strong but it’s too low, about my shoulder height. I’m just imagining someone brushing the branch as they walk by. I kind of feel responsible for it though so I’m really hoping nothing bad will happen to them. At camp I didn’t do my usual writing because I sensed from the Lord to have a break. This week I really want to get my writing done for my next message.. Anyways, many blessings to you!!