Spiritual Intimacy

Proverbs 4:18

“The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining brighter till the full light of day.”

My Father, I love you so much. Thank-you that it’s your love that goes before me as we walk together and as I’m always seeking to discern your voice. I’m declaring Father that I will walk where you want me to walk and say what you put on my heart to say.  I’m going to be like Caleb from the Bible and say with you we can overcome the giants, the obstacles in the land you’re leading me into. I know you’re always with me Father do help me not to hold you back any longer. I am fully yours and I accept all you have for me.

My daughter, it’s your turn to speak; declare my name over your fears. You can do this. Rest. 

Thank-you Father, I will seek you in the midst of every fear that comes and declare your name over them Jesus. Thank-you Holy Spirit for your comforting presence. I know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. 


Hello everyone!! Bella had Track and Field yesterday; she competed in high jump and the 4X100m relay with three other girls on her team. She did great and had fun competing! I came back with a bit of a sunburn but it was a fun day. There were a few hours between her events and so for most of that I read in my truck, a book entitled, The Feeler by James W. Goll. I was also deeply internalizing the cost of what Jesus did for me on the cross, and I kept on seeing in my heart Jesus looking at me as he hung on the cross. I had a fresh experience of his love for me and I shed more than a few tears. I also kept on internalizing the fact that he really, truly does love me.. In the last few days I had been wondering why me, so yesterday was a bit of an emotional day. I’ve deeply accepted it -it really is true and I’m so amazed by that.

This morning I awoke at 1:06 and at 2:57 with these lyrics in my heart, “Your love is amazing: I can hardly contain it: it’s the greatest thing I’ve found…” 

I had a dream last night that I believe represents a deeper knowing in my heart about this great love. I was sitting by a big open arched window. This window had shutters which were both wide open. It was sunny and very windy (sun-joyful/wind-Holy Spirit) I was sitting at my desk facing the window -my desk was right inside the window area. I saw a binder on my left and some papers on my right. The wind kept on picking up a paper and I needed to constantly hold it down so it wouldn’t be carried away (I believe this represents that the Holy Spirit is in my writing as I’m putting my sermon and thoughts about it, together.). Then the scene changed a bit and I was level with the roof and saw an opening underneath another roof area. I saw that underneath the roof was a porch and that it was all open as well. That porch was facing the house I was in and was nearly touching it. The roof I could see had snow on it. 

Then the scene changed all together. I was doing something Jesus my husband had asked me to do when he prompted me to come where he was sitting. I came and he gave me three small boxes and a few other things to put in the boxes. I had begun this task last time and he wanted me to finish. Something like putting the circles of holepunched papers into three small boxes. Then he had drawn me onto his lap and we were facing each other. Then I could only see his legs; the rest of him was underneath a light blanket. Someone walked by from behind and I didn’t want it to look suspicious so I made it look less serious by pushing him into the blanket some more, but I really longed to burry myself into his chest and be as near to him as I possibly could and stay there forever. I looked back to see if anyone was watching and I didn’t see anyone, so I reached up to feel his chest and more his face. As I was feeling his face I saw that he was coming up, out from being beneath the blanket, and I saw his face as it was being uncovered. I put both of my hands on both sides of his face near his lips, and then I softly said, “there you are…” The same person had walked by again but they didn’t notice us. Later in the morning these lyrics were singing in my heart, “Trouble knocking at my door today, I ain’t gonna let it in; worry trying to steal my joy away, not gonna let it win. I’m so blessed I’m so blessed I’ve got this heartbeat in my chest, and it doesn’t matter about the rest, I’ve got you Lord I’m so blessed.” 

I didn’t have time to run this week but beginning next week I’m going to start running 4K every Tuesday and Thursday. We got Lucas his birthday cake from Goodies, a cream cheese chocolate mousse -too good! Something else I’m enjoying lately is Bulls-eye BBQ sauce from Costco. This morning we did a bunch of power cleans. I began at 55lbs and went to 70lbs. I’m still not sure what any of my one rep maxes are. Then I finished with presses, 70lbs. I did a soak with worship music this morning and it was wonderful.. planning on more of that. That’s it, going to the Fair tonight and tomorrow; going to go on the swing with Bella!!  I did all this on my phone today, which took a bit longer. I need to figure out what I’m going to do.. I’m thinking my kiddos and I will stay in town for church this Sunday. Blessings!