Into The Light

Matthew 28:18-20

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 


My daughter come. You are Mine and I love you.

Father, Holy Spirit, lead me today. Give me questions to ask you. I’m reminded to rest and follow your lead.

Come up my daughter. Come up.

Father I want to -right now I’m still not sure what I’m going to say. 

It will come. Trust me.

Father in the last little while I’m reminded to trust in your ability at her than look to my inability. I’ve been shown countless times that I can’t do this in my own strength; Help me know to have this in the forefront of my mind so I don’t get stuck there again. I’m ready to move forward from there and keep my focus/ my eyes on you. 

Then come, for I am able. 


Hello…well, I survived the Fair this last weekend! I went on the swings once on Friday and three times on Sat. The first time I went I needed to look forward the whole time in order to not get too dizzy, and by the last time I was enjoying it so much that I held Bellas hand and we held out our arms -it was so fun. The other ride Bella and I went on was the Tilt A Whirl; this ride never makes me dizzy. Even though I think I walked 50 miles, I had such a good time hanging out with Bella! Lucas has his own really good group of friends that he was hanging out with, but we met up a few times with him. When the rides were closing for the weekend the person at the huge slide let us go on it without tickets, so I also got to go on that:) This morning at the box we worked up to our one-rep-max Front squat (125lbs) and Back squat (140lbs). Then our MetCon was 21-15-9 of Row (cal) and medball cleans. My bar on my back-squat was a bit lopsided again, thinking it’s because of my knee and possibly my ankle. My ankle is bothering me again and I think it’s because of walking the whole evening on Friday and the whole day yesterday at the Fair. But my back is still doing great, so thankful! My kids and I went to our community church service on Sunday; I missed our own church though and watched it when we got back home -so good to watch…

Sunday morning the 11th I had had a few dreams; In the first one our group of people had become really good at something, like figuring out a routine. I’m not totally sure but I think this has something to do with us going to church in town this past Sunday; I just sensed from the Lord to stay in town.  

In this next dream someone was standing in front of me with a large (a bit flattened) naval orange, holding it with both his hands. Then he had opened it up and it was laying flat on the ground. It looked like an area rug with the meat of the orange/the mini pockets of orange juices all standing up like grass. The person who had been holding it in his hands was now kneeling on the ground over the orange. I saw the bright/deep orange colour of it. The size of it was like a small area rug about 5X5 feet. 

In this next dream I saw a young Poplar (I think) tree in front of me. I saw the white -ish tree trunk with a few branches and some leaves. I saw that it was healthy and had been growing nicely. It was a bit taller than me. Then I saw what reminds me of a Pine tree, just the end of a branch. It was dripping something onto the tree that made it be on fire. I thought to myself that it’s too bad that a young tree like this needs to be on fire, but the feeling I had about it was that the young tree was like a sacrifice. My dream was too short to see if it was burning up. I just knew that the drips were causing it to be on fire. When I think about the Pine tree branch, it reminds me of Jesus’ two hands together, palms open, and anointing dripping from them. When I think about this, I think about how the Lord is leading me to grow up in him. I think about myself as just a child in what he wants me to do, but the most important thing is that with the Lord’s leading, I’m able to grow. Poplar trees are my favourite:) I’ve always loved trees. 

In this next dream someone was really excited about a number and said a long number that ended in 14,000. This person wasn’t sure if this big number ended in “thousand” but some of us reassured him that it did. 

This next dream was really short and was more about what was said. As we were walking (I didn’t see the person I was walking with, I only sensed him/her) I asked a question, using a word I never use. I asked, “When do you commence?” In the morning I looked up what it meant because I thought it meant when something ended, but it means when something begins:) The feeling I had in my dream was that I was anticipating something and that I really was wondering about something. It felt like it had something to do with the law -something official.

Then right before waking up I heard the word “Read” in my heart, like it was something I needed to do. I enjoy reading but it’s something I deliberately need to make time for, and the same thing is for soaking in God’s presence. I’m making a daily (or almost daily) habit of soaking before spending time in prayer. I need to be intentional about it because I have so many things that I need to do that I feel like I’m always behind. The song in my heart yesterday was, “This is the sound of dry bones rattling -live! live! live! Yes Jesus, I’m realizing that I’m not fully woken up yet and as I keep following where the Lord is leading me, I’m becoming more alive with each step!

This morning I was so tired that I took a nap. This is another one of those dreams about being vulnerable and Jesus as my husband was there on the wagon and I asked him, “do you know about this?” and he said “yes I do!” or, “did you hear that?” and he said, “yes I did!” Then in the next part I looked down at my skirt and saw that I had put two skirts on and also a pair of jeans. This isn’t good spiritually because it means that I’m hiding myself; I’m hiding from being vulnerable with speaking and putting my message together. This last weekend was so busy and I’ve not had the chance today, but I need to stay at rest in my heart because that’s the only way I’m going to be led and not strive in my own strength. Then I was in a building and there was a speaker on stage, talking. Then I noticed that she had quit because there weren’t any youth listening to her. Then I had a feeling like I was the person in charge and I had neglected putting chairs out and introducing her, so I quickly began putting chairs out for youth to sit in (I saw the empty floor in front of the stage). Then I had a sense that she was speaking again and that there were many youth there, sitting in the chairs and listening. There was more to the dream but I don’t remember. 

I had had a dream a few days ago that I had pulled a car out of a pool. I think the pool represents that I had been spiritually soaking. I’m also thinking that because I pulled the car out using one of my arms, it represents that I was trying to do something in my own strength. So it’s a good thing the car was rolling back towards the pool -I used to spend much more time worshiping God through listening to worship songs, but I had become focused on the doing part more than focusing on the relationship part with God. Bella and I are planning to watch Nanny McPhee this week. Alright, blessings to you!!!