Perfectly Loved

Psalm 37:5

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him.”


Daddy, I love you and I worship you. You are the King over my heart. Come and have your way with me.

Come My daughter, for I am well pleased with you -you are mine. 

Daddy, do you have a word for me today?

I do! You are welcome in my presence.

Thank-you Dad. I feel welcomed by you. I know that I’m totally lost without you. Thank-you for revealing to me whats in my heart; please lead me closer to you about what you show me. 

Come my daughter, rest; come closer to me.

Help me Daddy.


Happy Canada Day everyone!!! I hope you’re all having an awesome day! We didn’t go out today but stayed home -I’m baking pork ribs in the oven with Bullseye bbq sauce, and we’ll have it with rice and a veggie salad, simple but tasty:) I hoped to write yesterday but it didn’t work out. My kids and I visited my mom yesterday and it was good to see her. She loves reading the newspaper and asked if I could get one for her. Two nights ago I woke up at 12:36 with the lyrics, “oh come on my soul, don’t you get shy on me lift up your song, you’ve got a lion inside of those lungs, so get up and praise the Lord..” Then at 2:58 these lyrics, “Come a little closer stay a little longer mmm, I can’t get enough of you…” That night I had a quick dream/picture of an open field with wild flowers, and I also saw one deep red flower among them that was close-up. A red flower speaks to me about having a passionate heart for God/Jesus. I also had a dream that had several different parts. My family and I were staying in a hotel that looked like a castle, yet we were the only ones staying there; it was a castle made for one family. It was the morning and I was sitting at the table and I saw one other person sitting at the head of the table. My husband was cooking in the kitchen and was almost done preparing breakfast. Then the doorbell rang and I had a feeling like it was my niece and nephew. I had a thought that we’d have enough food for them too. Someone from our family, I didn’t see who, had gone to the door to welcome them in, and I heard the excitement and knew they were coming in. As soon as the doorbell had rung is when I began feeling really vulnerable and felt completely embarrassed and tried to cover myself with the jacket (an outside jacket) that I had just taken off. I was in such haste to cover myself (I had run to a nearby wall to hide myself) that I just fumbled and I couldn’t get it on. Then I vaguely saw that someone from their family was standing in front of me but on the other side of the room. Then I thought to myself I’d quickly run to my bedroom which was on the far side of the house. Then I vaguely saw that I was going into my bedroom from the hallway, and as I stood by a wall in my bedroom, I said something to myself about being totally embarrassed. Then I was sitting (I think) on the floor in the hallway by Lucas’ room, looking up at my nephew (who was about 12 years old in my dream) who was on the top bunk of Lucas’ bed, coming down by the foot end. We were looking at each other and said hi -I saw he had shorts on. I’m not sure about the specifics but something about it reminds me about how God causes certain things in our life to come to reality… I’ve been thinking about this and part of it does make me self-conscious, both speaking in front of others/making myself vulnerable because I’m sharing my heart in public which is something I’ve always kept back, and the other way the Lord is leading.

Then the scene changed where I was standing in my husbands kitchen, leaning up against the part of the counter that was kind of like an island but was connected like a U. We both had separate kitchens from one another. He was busy, frying something on the stove and walked to another part of his kitchen to get something, but he always tried to have his back to me. I was facing him, friendly and said something like wasn’t it neat that we both had a kitchen. He replied with a grunt or he mumbled something that I didn’t understand.

Then the scene changed again and I was standing by a front window and I vaguely heard kids playing outside that were living in that area. Then I was looking out of the side window that was close to the front because I was looking at how close the water was to the house and saw there was deep water with smaller waves lapping onto the outside wall. I saw that the wall was really thick and strong (big light coloured bricks), and I felt secure inside. 

Then I was outside at the back of the castle underneath a sheltered area. I saw the water there was calm and knew the kids and I had played in the water there. Then I noticed a really big white floater thing that was as big as my house; it was attached to the castle and was there to protect the castle if there would ever be a time it needed to be protected. It also felt like an anchor. As I watched it had come closer into the area where we had played and I realized how much we could have gotten hurt if it would have come closer while we had been in the water. In my dream I felt like it could have come anytime but it didn’t. Then I think it had gone back to it’s original place. In my dream I had a knowing that there was another one of these on the other side of the castle. I’m not sure about the specifics but I know God’s protection is always near.

Last night I woke up at 4:22 with the lyrics singing in my mind, “I put my faith in Jesus, my anchor to the ground; …he’ll never let me down, he’ll never let me down. I’ll still bless you (when I’m in the middle of the storm), I’ll still bless you..” Right now I don’t have time to find the song and I’m not exactly sure how the lyrics go, but these were the lyrics. It’s a song I listen to often. Then before I woke up in the morning I had a quick knowing that “Heather didn’t believe in heaven.” In my dream it didn’t feel like a Heather I know. The meaning of Heather is, small shrubs with white or purple flowers that commonly grow in rocky areas. I know that God is leading me to a ministry at church, and this would be heaven for me. If this is what my dream means then I’m not fully believing it yet. As I’m pondering about this, I’m so deeply glad that the Holy Spirit reveals the beliefs of my heart to me. It’s because of this that I’m being made whole in Him, and I’m more thankful than words can say. 

Changing the subject, I keep seeing rabbits! Yesterday when I was coming home from the gym early morning close to my house, a rabbit crossed diagonally over the road; instead of running straight across and into the ditch it ran diagonally to the persons driveway. That night my kids tried to stay up all night and Lucas had put the movie, Inkheart, on, and when I went downstairs to see how he was doing I saw he was sleeping on the couch and the movie was playing on the TV. I hadn’t planned to stay and watch but I did. So I didn’t see the beginning part of it but I really enjoyed it:) Yesterday we watched Peter Pan and Wendy. Last Thursday I didn’t end up running so I planned to run it on Friday, but my back was really sore from deadlifts in the morning so I didn’t. I really want to run4k twice a week and am disappointed when I can’t. My knee is doing so much better and my ankle is fine too:) I’m volunteering second service this Sunday, so we’ll be going to the first one too so that I can sit in the service. Another song, beside Trend, that I’ve fallen in love with is Perfectly Loved by Racheal Lampa, Toby Mac. Alright, many blessings…