Be the Gardener of my Heart

Proverbs 3:5,6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” 


I love you Daddy. Thank-you for your faithfulness. Thank-you that you want us to know you. 

I love you my daughter -you are mine. Rest.

Daddy, my mind keeps wandering today. Do you have a word for me today?

Yes my darling, I do. I’m taking good care of you -don’t worry.

Daddy, I always have the feeling like I’m being watched, here in town, and it worries me. Yet because we’ve been walking this journey for so long, I know many of the plans you’ve made for me, so I know I’ll be okay.

Yes, you’ll be okay. My eyes are always on you Caroline. Don’t be afraid. 

Okay. Thank-you for your loving care.

You’re welcome, rest, all is well with you. 


Hello, hope you’re all doing well!! Last night I woke up just after 1:00 but I didn’t write down the time, thinking I’d remember and I completely forgot! I’m really sad about that because I think God wakes me up at certain times for a reason. But I do remember the lyrics that were singing in my heart; it was the Bridge in the song Gratitude: “Oh come on my soul, Oh don’t you get shy on me, Lift up your song, ‘Cause you’ve got a lion inside of those lungs, Get up and praise the Lord.” Then I woke up before my alarm at 6:07 with the lyrics from the song, Trend, which has become one of my favourites,”be the gardener of my heart.” Then after my alarm at 6:30 I fell back asleep and woke up at 7:15 because I heard a German sentence in my heart/mind. Before I started kindergarten low German was all I knew. When my older siblings began speaking English at home is when I learned English, so I can understand low German very well but I can’t come up with the words on my own because I’ve not really spoken it since English took over. So I don’t know how to write what I heard, but here goes, “Dote haft me yayaft.” It means, “That, or it’s been given to me.” The meaning could be that the Holy Spirit has helped me or has given me the message he wants me to share, I’m not sure. But I’m really excited because if God gives me something, I know it’s really important because it’s from him!

I’ve been working on my message yesterday and today and I can say that it’s finally done! I rewrote it once and edited another time. I had hoped to record it today but it would be too rushed. I don’t think I need to edit it again but as I practice speaking it, some things may change. I plan to record it next week. I’m getting my haircut tomorrow then going to sign my teaching contract for the next school year. I’m still planning to run my 4k today sometime, probably right after Bella comes home from school. Today’s her last day and she’s sad about it -can you believe that? I’m always excited when summer break comes and they’ll be home! Anyway, thinking about all the mountains and valleys in life, and thinking about my journey with Jesus…I’d climb every mountain and swim every ocean for him. I think now that I’ve completed putting my message together, it kind of feels like I climbed a really really high mountain, though I know I’m not done yet because I still need to record it and then present it. I’ve definitely grown closer to God and to Jesus through doing these difficult things and I’m so thankful that that is my reward!! Many blessings!