Be At Rest

Psalm 40:5

“Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.” 


Daddy, I love you.

I love you My daughter. Come, you are Mine.

Daddy, I give you my heart again today. I can’t live without you and I long to grow closer to you. Awaken my heart to know you more.

Come My darling, My sister, My bride. Come and be at rest. 

Daddy, I worship you with all that I am. I see your faithfulness in all my life, and I am so very very grateful for everything you’ve done for me. And I’m so very grateful that you are such a loving Father. 

My daughter, my bride, be at rest, for I am very near to you.


Hello everyone!! I was lazy this morning; I had my alarm set for 7:00 and fell back asleep until 8:38 and woke up with these lyrics in my heart, “For God so loved, the world that he gave, his one and only Son to save us…” Yesterday my daughter Bella and I went to Costco to pick up some groceries, and as we were putting them into the trunk I heard, “Hi Caroline!” Even though I didn’t know who it was because I hadn’t looked up yet, my heart was warmed because I knew at once that whoever it was was a kind person who knew me like family -I heard familiarity in her voice. So I looked up and was surprised to see one of the nicest people I know! You know those people who go out of their way, like putting their life on hold for you? Well this person beats them all! I’m so grateful.. 

Last week Lucas and I were at the Superstore getting some snacks for our road trip to Kenora, and we got some Multigrain Tostitos and Tostitos Salsa con Queso, and it’s so good!! Dangerous to have in my fridge! Yesterday at Costco I got Organic Peach and Apricot Spread from France. It still has a lot of sugar but it’s so good too! Another snack I bought that I really enjoy is Nut and Seed Brittle.. it’s too bad about all the sugar! I’m thinking that this coming year is going to be more of an academic year for me, though I’m not sure how exactly yet. This coming Sunday is my in-law gathering, so we’ll go to the first service. 

Last night I dreamt that there was a person who had connected a handful all bunched together black cords into the wall outlets in about 3 places in the house. What this was doing is, as I was sleeping at night, the black cords were sending electricity to my mind which was slowly killing my mind. I saw my white pillow on my bed and knew that every time I laid my head on it to sleep, this is what was happening (I saw a picture of white electricity like it was lightening, going to my pillow). But even though I knew this was happening, I didn’t let the person know that I knew. Then the scene changed where I had taken my phone and was taking a selfie, and I was making sure to include one of these bunches of chords so that others would know what was happening. I needed to be careful because I sensed that there were always people watching who were on this persons side, and I didn’t want them to know that I knew because I thought it would make the situation worse. In my dream I looked to the distance and saw people there and knew there were people among them that were secretly watching me. It reminds me about someone who felt like she was being watched because last summer while going on a run there were three times in a matter of two or three weeks where there was a vehicle that stopped close to her and didn’t move until she did. One of these times her and her family (husband and kids and dog) were on a run. They were running on a path in the park that led to the gravel road. There was a van or truck that was parked on the parking lot, facing the path and she saw someone in the drivers side, watching. There was a baseball game happening and people walking around so she didn’t think anything of it but noticed it. Then when they got to the road and ran on it for about a minute, the same vehicle slowly drove up to them, passed them, and turned the vehicle around right in front of them so they needed to stop running and wait for the person to turn the vehicle around. As the person was turning the vehicle around, he kept on looking directly at her and kind of smiling; she felt like she was being evaluated, an object to be taken. Then the vehicle drove back the other way and they resumed running -the kids were on their bikes. At the one or two mile road crossing, they had planned to turn around and go back but the kids wanted to keep going for another mile and look at the creek that was there. Her husband agreed and wanted to go too, but it was in the evening and getting darker, so she really needed to put her foot down and refuse to run further because it wouldn’t be safe to run in the dark on the way back. She already felt unsafe. They ended up turning around to go home.

Then in my dream the scene changed where I had a backpack and a few things on a narrow ledge that was about shoulder height. The other side of the ledge was a deep drop. Two of my things almost dropped off the edge but I caught them just in time. Then in my dream the scene changed where there was a boy about 10 years old, and something had been given to him by this person (I didn’t see this part but I had a knowing, and when I saw the boy in his room the person had already left.). After this person had left, we were looking at each-other and I motioned for him not to have anything to do with what was given to him by this person, and the boy understood and didn’t. Then the scene changed where I was laying in a dark corner on the floor, and I had a blanket covering me that hid me; I was camouflaged. I didn’t see this very clearly but it was like I was outside among some trees and branches, and they helped me to hide. I knew something was coming and I pulled myself deeper into the shadows and covered up my face so that only my eyes could be seen. I’m completely at God’s mercy. I didn’t have a sense as to what this big thing that’s coming is, though because of spending time with God everyday and walking together, he’s made known to me a little bit of where we’re walking towards. I hope you all will have a wonderful rest of the day today -many blessings…