Love and Faithfulness

Psalm 85:10

“Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield it’s harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps.”


Daddy, I love you. Thank-you that you’re never too busy for me and that I always have your full attention . Help me to always give you my full attention.

I love you My daughter -you are Mine. Come, I have a word for you today.

Please Daddy, I want to know it. I need to know what you want to say to me today.

I love you My dear one.

Daddy, is it soon time? Are we almost there?

Almost my sweet daughter. Soon. Abide in my and my words will abide in you. Remember, I love you.

Thank-you Daddy. I love you too.


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal. The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart..  Last night the Lord woke me up at 4:06 right after I heard these words in my heart, “A baby with a cup of Jesus, he said.” In my dream someone was putting the pressure on and when it was time, a small boy had said he wanted the thing, which in my dream looked like a small black little case that had a little baby in it. The little boy wanted to take care of the little baby so it was given to him and it was put onto his lap.

Earlier in the night I had dreamt that I looked up and saw something that reminds me of a round paint tray. I vaguely saw that most of the places that paint would normally go into, had something light beige like a thumb maybe, sticking up out of them, which indicated that it had been filled. There were a few of these places that were still empty which indicated that a few keys were missing. In my dream I think I saw two maybe three of these places still empty, and these empty spots were not all together but were among the ones that had been filled. The lyrics I heard in my heart when I awoke were from the song, “Closer,” by Brandon Lake: “Jesus take me over…” (burn in my heart like a fire, Jesus take me over, Jesus draw me closer to your heart.”) Then at 6:57 the lyrics, “He won’t fail, he won’t fail, he won’t!”

We watched Black Widow last night and had some Breyers Dark Chocolate ice cream. There’s actually a lot I could say about the movie, like the whistle, the white snow from the avalanche reminds me of the white mist from my dream, except the white mist was calm and peaceful. And how the Black widows couldn’t feel and were controlled, and the antidote was a red powder; the antidote to being spiritually sleep is God’s passionate love, which the colour red represents. A line was said in the movie about girls/women were objects, recycled trash; I had a dream that I was hanging onto some kind of pole/tractor that was trying to bring me over a fence, and on the other side of the fence was a big recycle bin that the tractor was trying to drop me into. I got away just in time. I can say that I can defiantly relate to not being able to feel love or other emotions, but I think that the Lord has led me through that, because I can definitely feel God/Jesus’ love, and I know that my heart is responding and loving them back very deeply. Today we went to friends of ours we’ve not seen in many years -it was nostalgic for me to be at their place again. I made cinnamon buns and brought some along. I’m making a big bowl of broccoli salad for the gathering, and bringing cinnamon buns too. Alright, I’m Blessings…

Sadly we won’t be coming to church today.. We had a really late night yesterday and couldn’t get everything together this morning in order to go to the first service, and we’d arrive too late at Winnipeg Beach; we’re in charge of planning it this year so we need to get there earlier than everyone else to set everything up. Many blessings to you…☕️