Two Eagles and a Feather

Proverbs 12:4

“A wife of noble character is her husbands crown…” 


Papa, I love you. I worship you with all my heart.

My daughter, you are Mine -I love you too. Come, we’re nearly there.

Papa, I don’t know what to say today, except to ask you to help me set aside time to read. I don’t know how I ever managed to do that before. 

I will help you Caroline.

Thank you Lord. I’m so thankful for the time you give me to have fun. I had forgotten how fun it is to have fun, and how important it is and how life giving it is. 

Be anxious for nothing my daughter.

Papa, I’m afraid that I won’t make it, even though I’ve seen that I’ve made it in a dream. (In my dream I had swung into an open window of a ship that was also my church.) So really, I know I’m going to make it, and I can sense Your Peace in my heart right now. My faith is built on You Papa.

Come my darling and rest; I am with you always.


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him! 

I had another dream last night about intimacy with Jesus as my husband. Jesus my husband was laying on his back facing up, and though I didn’t see, it was like he had his head resting on my lap and I was sitting because his face was very close to mine as I looked down into his face, stroking his face (his forehead along his hairline and down along the side of his face) with my hand, and we were looking deeply into each others eyes. This moment lasted for a few moments and I could hardly believe it was happening; it was filling a deep longing in my heart. Then it was like we were on a platform because first his dad and then his mom came and sat down almost underneath, also resting their backs on a slant so they were looking up at us, yet not making eye contact. Their actions were full of purpose, meaning and care. Then Jesus my husband was in our home. I saw a small corner shelf that had three beautiful dark blue candles standing up. I’m not sure if they were lit; what stood out to me the most was the beautiful dark blue colour, reminds me of the shirt I wore today. The candles weren’t the really wide kind; they were the more narrow ones. Then my actual husband came home, so he quickly hid just in time. I had my white housecoat on and I also had Jesus’ white housecoat hanging on my arm (they were identical housecoats and looked like my actual one). I think God is showing me what happens in my home, how I quickly shut off my worship music and put it away when I see my husband has come home from work. I feel like I live in a secular house.

Then the scene changed where there was a small car in our house and Jesus had quickly hidden underneath it, hanging onto the bottom of the car with both his legs and hands so that he wasn’t touching the floor (his feet were at the front and his head was at the back). The few family members were behind me, watching, as the car with a very heavy person driving, drove from the straight floor down onto a slope (reminds me of skateboarding). As the car was slowly moving forward, I bent down really low to look at Jesus, making eye contact, and then I watched the car go down. As the car was on level ground again, the car was off balance and tilted to the left but didn’t fall over; it was tilting to the left because the heavy person was sitting more to the left side of the car. As the car was tilting over, I clearly saw Jesus my husband look up at me and wondered how the others couldn’t see him there because there was an opening along the length of the bottom of the car that showed that Jesus was there. It was because the car tilted that caused Jesus to be seen by me. Then the car was more balanced again.

Then I awoke and fell back asleep and dreamt that I was watching a mama eagle with her young in her nest (I didn’t see her young but knew they were there). I watched as she took a large dark feather that was in her nest and held it out with her beak, waiting for another eagle to come and take it from her. He didn’t come, but in the next scene it was the next day and I watched a really strong eagle dive in silently and swiftly down at a slope, towards the nest; I knew that it was the papa eagle. His wings were close to his body in order to come faster, and as I watched the unsuspecting mama as she was resting with her young, I wondered if the papa was coming in to attack, so I watched a little in angst. Then I saw that the papa eagle was so gentle as it quietly glided by, trying to pick up the feather laying close to the mama eagle; the papa eagle made one precise grab with its beak but missed and kept flying, and the whole thing was so smooth and quiet that the whole event was easy to miss. The mama eagle sensed what had happened and right away took the feather and held it out into the air. I saw how big and wide the dark feather was, and the papa eagle flew right back and took the feather from her. He grabbed it with it’s beak right in the middle of the feather as he flew by. It reminds me of what I said today about my first bite of a sandwich is the corner and some other people take their first bite right in the middle. When I think about it, I think I actually do take my first bite in the middle; I don’t eat sandwiches very often so I needed a bit of time to remember, and I do prefer cutting it straight across.

I had a quick dream where my hair had grown longer, almost reaching my shoulders, and I loved it.. Im wondering if this means that I can grow my hair a bit longer? I think I’d just grow it down to my shoulders, maybe a bit higher. The other day I had wondered when I’d be able to wear dress pants again; I actually love wearing dresses and skirts, I’m just running out of options:) I chose the verse above because when I opened my Bible it was the first verse I saw. Yesterday on our way home I saw a licence plate 666, and today on our way to Costco to have chicken fingers and fries for supper, I saw that the vehicle right in front of us was 666 again. So now the next numbers I think I’ll see is 777.. I think I saw two people kiss in a car today – it was a bit dark inside the car so I’m not sure, so cute:) I’m determined to do the announcements tomorrow; I’ve done so many things I’ve never done before in the past long while that I may be overwhelmed tomorrow. It seems like God never stops stretching me, but I’ve also never felt more alive than I do right now, so I’m so deeply thankful for it. I’m going to do my best.. I unofficially met two new friends last Sunday; I’m so honoured to meet them.. I think I may begin to cry when I finally get to.. Many blessings…