An Alarm!

Psalm 36:5,6

“Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep.” 


My Papa, I love you and I deeply long to be as close to you with groans that words cannot express..

Come my darling, I am near.

I worship you Papa with all my heart. I need you so badly.

I love you my daughter. Rest, for I am near. Caroline, I have a gift for you today. (crying)

My darling draw near.

Papa, I’m groaning in my heart for you. I’m desperate to be closer to You, to be filled by You. Please lead this conversation. 

My sweet daughter, I am near. Abide in Me and I will abide in you/My words will abide in you. 

I need you and your words, living in my heart Papa, because I know full well that I have nothing to say on my own, and I’m so glad because it’s you who needs to be made known and exalted, not me. Papa, please come and fill me, full me, fill me so that I’ll burst if I don’t speak! Use me for your Glory Lord. I am fully yours. Papa, I feel your peace and calm in my heart. I’m resting in you. Thank-you for helping me go up yesterday, and help me go up again. I know it really is a simple thing to do outwardly, but you were working internally in my heart through it. I also think I know what it represents in my journey with you, being the Announcement. I’m so glad to have done it. I pray your blessing on those who always prepare to show your love to others, and I’m honoured to soon be counted as one of them.

I love you my faithful one. I’m proud of you my daughter. Go in My Peace. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him! 

This morning at 3:51 I suddenly awoke because I heard in my spirit an alarm that suddenly went off. I at first thought it was my alarm on my phone but when I checked, I saw the time and knew it was from the Lord because my alarm on my phone was put for 7:00. At the same time I had a knowing about $1,000.000, not anything about it, but I just heard someone say it in my spirit right before I heard the alarm go off in my spirit. 

I also had a quick dream about someone walking beside me who had his face turned towards me; I didn’t hear words but had a knowing about magnesium, that he was encouraging me to take the magnesium capsules we have at home. I have magnesium/calcium pills that are humungous, so they’re hard to swallow, so I haven’t been taking them regularly. I had a quick picture about cloth that had stripes, which lined up with more stripes. 

In this dream I was in a public place. I was walking down a hallway that had another hallway crossing the one I was on, and I walked through that 4 way “intersection” right in the middle. When I had crossed it I looked back to make sure Bella was following me. I was surprised that she wasn’t there. So I walked back and began looking for her. Then I was yelling her name and I couldn’t hear my voice; it was like I was yelling out her name but no sound was coming out of my mouth. There was a teenager/lady in front of me who was smiling at me kind of like she was making fun of me. She said something like, “no, there’s no sound.” Then I kept yelling out her name even though I couldn’t hear myself. Then when I kept on yelling her name, I began to slowly hear myself and I continued calling her name. When I began hearing myself, I could also faintly hear her respond. So then I was trying to find where she was based on where I thought her voice was coming from. Then I came to where she was and it was like I was in a video game because as I was walking towards her (she was sitting kind of with her arms around her legs on a cement floor, close to a wall and had a brown blanket completely covering her.), I visualized her being transmitted there from somewhere. Brown represents purging negative thoughts.

Then the scene changed where I had just gone into a bathroom stall. I was trying to shut the door but it was difficult because the door was really worn. When it was suppose to be shut, there was still a gap so that I could see someone on the other side who was facing me. 

In this scene I was driving a vehicle down a highway and there was a teenager sitting in the passenger seat. There was a spot on the right side where cars can temporarily stop, and I noticed her give me an indication with her head that she wanted to stop there. Beside the temporary stopping place there was a train going full speed, coming from the opposite direction. So when I noticed that she wanted to stop, I pulled over into that place and I told her that next time she needs to tell me, using words with her mouth that she wants to stop. I wanted to hear her tell me, not just show me. I was a bit frustrated with her and told her that if she doesn’t use words to tell me the next time, I’m just going to keep on going. She could represent Jesus my husband who wants to temporarily stop? I sensed “sitting down” for a little while and I dreamt in another dream that I had sat down on a stage.. I’m a bit confused about that. Maybe there’s no rush to present my message and that I only need to record it to be online, and not present it because the time is short? The last time I dreamt about a train was in the dream where I had come into some Islands from the ocean because I had been afraid of how deep the water was (I think), so with my boat I had followed a water path inland. There I saw some lakes (That’s when I began listening to Brandon Lake), and had stopped by a train track and was talking with someone (I saw a train rush by, going in the same direction as this dream). The train could represent being on a journey. In a recent dream I was deep in the ocean, swinging into an open window of a ship, which was our church in the inside, so I think I had gone back into the deep when I trusted and obeyed God/Jesus by going back on stage to do the Announcements. Anyway, this is my salad bowl of mixed thoughts. 

In the next part of my dream I was crossing a long bridge that went over a really wide, fast flowing river that had stuff floating in it. I had gone almost completely to the other side of the bridge when I looked at the water below. In the middle of the river I saw one of those big cylinder type metal BBQ’s that could hold a lot of meat. It was brown and was the length of a person. I had a knowing that there was a fire/hot coals in it, bbqing meat. It was floating down the river and would soon go underneath the bridge and float to a group of people on the other side that I sensed were on land. It was being carried by the current in the river, floating sideways so that I could see the whole length coming towards me. Just a few more of my thoughts: I’m not suppose to believe something that’s coming, to prepare my heart so that I won’t get hurt, so I’m putting on the full armour of God. The blue in the candles could represent being on stage because of the blue curtains/three times, making something happen; goals or plans are coming to life. I saw a bit of aggressiveness the other day; I know that I’m supposed to see the things that God shows me in my dreams; I need to see it because that’s how God leads me through Jesus my husband. My heart is groaning and groaning for God’s timing to be done. The dream where I saw Jesus my husband underneath my car means that Jesus is closer to me than I realize, and he earnestly wants me to know this. It’s because of Jesus that my ‘car’ is stabilized enough that I don’t totally tip over and that I can keep going, and I’m so thankful because I know how hard it is to keep hanging on, but I will keep holding it together until God’s timing is done.. The cut branches represents that God is pruning my heart. I’m going to crossfit tomorrow morning, doing sumo deadlifts, love it!! Today I was at John 21:7, now at verse 9. My nose began throbbing again, a bit of puss coming out by the inside tip. I think it’s because my nose runs a lot so it’s wet much of the time. I’ll need to call the specialist again. Tomorrow the trees are coming down, reminds me of a dream I had that had dark branch type things going up, protecting something red that I needed to put down quickly and leave the room. Also reminding me of the backdrop of a video game I saw recently. Anyway, love you all, many blessings…