Foundation on the Rock

Matthew 7:25

“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had it’s foundation on the rock.” 


My Papa, I love you so much, and I love being in your presence. Thank you for loving, being in mine. I can’t get enough of you Papa. Draw me closer to you.

My faithful daughter, you are Mine forever. Come closer, I have a word for you today. Speak, my daughter -I am faithful.

Papa, I will. I deeply trust you. I know that the more I speak, the more I’ll be comfortable sharing whats deep in my heart. I know too that You will always be close, and I know that I’ll hear you as I speak. I feel closer to you now than I’ve ever felt in my life, and I’m so deeply thankful for having walked this very long and difficult journey with you.. I can see Your love in every aspect of it. Thank-you for teaching me your love exactly like you have. I give all honour and glory to You, my Saviour. 

You’re welcome my daughter. I love you.


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him! 

Last night at 12 midnight I was almost asleep when God gave me a quick picture of a really good friend of mine. I saw the side of their face; I know they’re not feeling well so I began praying. I know their story about how long and difficult it’s been for them; I can’t imagine what it must have been like being in their position for that length of time.. Well, I’m thankful to say that nothing God does is for nothing; everything he does is so that we become more alive in him!

Then I woke up at 3:05AM and had had this dream: We were hurriedly getting ready to leave; me and a few others that felt like family. I saw one of them walking quickly to get something he wanted to bring along with him. Then the four of us were in something like a vehicle; I only saw the inside where we were sitting. Three of us were sitting in the back seat; on the far end was an adult that I only vaguely saw. Then in the middle but much closer to my side was a boy about the age of ten who I saw had his seatbelt on. I had rearranged a few things that I was taking along, one of them was a jug of milk. There was a section on the floor to put things that ran along the length of the seats, so I put the milk and something else there -I’m not sure what the other thing was. My brother Bill was sitting in the drivers seat in front of me, and he had turned to completely face us. It felt like he was the dad/full authority figure/leader in our group. I sensed he was full of joy as he gave a countdown from 3,2,1. As he was giving the countdown, I was getting behind the seatbelt that the boy beside me had on. I did it quickly because I felt we were already leaving as I was putting it on. I could feel that there wasn’t a door behind me; my back was kind of to where the door would be, and as we were lifting off I felt like I had escaped the danger of falling out when I quickly joined the boy behind the seatbelt. After Bill called out, 3,2,1, we quickly began lifting off the ground because our “vehicle” was surrounded by thousands of colourful balloons that were quickly filling with air that were lifting us up higher and higher. As more and more balloons were being filled, we continued to go up; I sensed the number of them could not be counted. I could see the sunny blue sky through a section of balloons. The balloons were also acting like a shield. This reminds me of trust-falling and being lifted up:) We were holding on because at first the ride was rocky, tilting sideways because of all the pressure of all the balloons being filled up, but then it was more smooth as we kept on going higher. It felt like we were holding our breath because of how exciting it was, like we were going on the ride of our life!! I think all of heaven is cheering us on as we’re nearing the finish line! 

In this next dream I was in a big empty room that had a stage in the front. I was standing on the floor, facing the stage. An event was just done and a few people were cleaning up. My sister Connie had been talking on stage and was cleaning up her mike or something, and there was someone standing on the floor close to where I was. As Connie was cleaning up, she said that in about a months time (I’m pretty sure it was a month), she was going to go on a program that our church has where they go away for I’m not sure how long, but they go away to another province for an intense learning time. And the only way they can go is when someone nominates you. I forget what it’s called, but the other person that was standing close to me that I sensed was there, said that they were going too. In my dream I wanted to go to and was hoping I could go; In my dream I was planning to talk with my pastor about it. In waking life this is how I feel, though I’m not sure how I’d pay for it. 

Early this morning I had these lyrics in my heart, “Great is your faithfulness to me. From the rising sun to the setting same I will praise your name.” Today we got our tree in the front get cut down, and another one further to the back, and it looks so empty! Years ago I had a dream that Lucas and I saw in the far distance that I really high tree got cut down. And less than ten years ago I dreamt that a really big tree got cut down that was the size of a Redwood tree. I saw it laying on the ground afterward, and saw that it was hallow and dark because it was hallow, in the inside. I saw that soon afterward people were walking around it like it was old news. This morning we did deadlifts again and I did my one rep max, 165. Next week we’re testing our lifts to see if we have a new PR. We’re watching a movie tonight, not sure what yet! I haven’t run this week, but we ran for the workout last Wednesday at the box, so I was glad about that. I’m hoping I’ll have time to run tomorrow. Many many blessings to you… ✋🏼

August 5th: I won’t post today, just thought I’d give a few of my thoughts…. I vaguely remember a dream where I was walking and showing something to a student, but it was very vague. Today we’re going canoeing/ swimming at one of my husbands friends place in Petersfield. They live right next to the water. Today for brunch I fried 3plantains, bacon, eggs and toast! Last Wednesday I came across a video online that showed waves in the ocean that rose up to meet other waves, so it was like they were giving each other a high five -so neat!! I thought I had taken a photo of it.. A few days ago we had bbq beef, so tasty:) My back was a bit sore from doing deadlifts yesterday , but as I keep stretching it’s getting better. We watched the new Guardians of the Galaxy yesterday .. thought much of it was sad but overall enjoyed it. Many blessings…