
Psalm 37:34

“Wait for the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land.”


Papa, I love You and I worship You. 

I love you My darling. Come closer -you are Mine. 

Papa, show me what’s in my heart. Draw me out so that You can draw me closer to You.

Papa, do You have a word for me today?

Yes my darling I do: forgiveness.

Papa, I’ve freshly forgiven and I’ve released all to You. Fill me please with Your Spirit; draw me closer to You. I want to be filled Papa!

You will be My dear one.

Papa, a few days ago I recognized that something settled in my heart; a knowing that just because I feel a heavy depression, it doesn’t mean that I can’t do what You’ve asked me to do. I had a knowing that how I feel has nothing to do with if I’m able to complete a task or not. It’s given me hope and more confidence. I’m putting my trust in You in this new ground I’ve taken back from the enemy. Papa, I just saw the word “Victory!” in my heart. Is what I’m sensing true? 

Yes My daughter, this is accurate.

Papa, what now?


Okay. It seems like I always need this reminder. 

I love you Caroline

I love you Papa. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him! 

Last night I woke up with a name in my heart, “Agnes.” Lyrics from the song “Champion” were also in my heart, “Giants fall when you stand undefeated.” Then at 5:02 I awoke with these lyrics in my heart, “undefeated, with the one who has conquered it all, it all, it all, it all, it all.”

I dreamt there was an older man that had a tan, talking in the group of people I was with. We had formed a circle and he was siting across from me, and I couldn’t hear him very well because he was talking quietly. Then I was holding a hearing aid in my hands, turning it on and, I put it in my right ear. Then I was back in the circle and I could hear him very clearly, even though he was still talking very quietly. I had a thought that I would only wear it when I was in public because it had some kind of monitor hanging from it; I thought having the monitor on me all the time would be a bother. 

Then in this next dream someone had a picture from the Lord, and I also saw the picture. It had about seven different food items laying on the table. I had a birds-eye-view so I didn’t see that it was a table, just something flat that the food was on. Three of these food items that were in the middle of the other ones (they were not in a circle) needed to be eaten by someone, but the person who had gotten this picture didn’t know if the person needed to eat these three food items in his presence or if they could eat it while not being in his presence. Because of my experience in my journey with Jesus, I told him that the person needed to eat all three food items (that were different from each other) in his presence. Then it was like I was watching what was happening and I knew that the person wasn’t eating them in his presence, and I thought, “oh no,” but then I knew that it was okay because people aren’t perfect. I don’t remember what these food items are. I sensed I needed to eat a KitKat bar, which I ate half of one and gave the other half to Lucas.. I’ve eaten more junk food in the last while than I have in many years combined, and I’ve put on some pounds because of it! I’m thinking I need to eat it on a more regular day? I’m also feeling like I need to eat a Mars bar; I love Mars bars but haven’t had one for so long. Even though I love chocolate bars, Kit Kat, Mars, Aero, and my favourite one has coconut in the middle, but I forget what it’s called because I’ve stayed away from eating too many sugary things (not bueno). Then I vaguely remember making a meal like black beans or something.

On our way to Falcon Lake yesterday I passed a big truck with a words, “Orange is the new Green,” on the side..thought that was neat. I also passed a big camper trailer with the word, “Passport” on the back. I’m hoping to finish putting all that together so that we can go to a passport office Monday morning and get that sent off. 

Someone said the word, “mayhem” on Friday at the gym, a word I don’t hear often. The other day I had had a dream that someone was taking some kind of board away, which I had a knowing that I had used as I came down slowly into the water. We hadn’t bought the paddle board yet when I had had the dream, but when we had gotten back at the end of the day something clicked about that, that maybe I need to go on the paddle board.. 

Another dream I had forgotten about was, I was walking up our stairs coming from the basement, and I saw that because I had come up from the basement so many times, the carpet was really worn where I had walked. Making me think about how many times I’ve needed to come up after being really down about something. I bought Whey Protein from Costco the other day, which will get me to make healthy smoothies again. I’m getting a haircut this Wednesday. I had a dream a few years ago where I saw a tiny bird on a hydro line, and a huge angel standing behind it. The angel was taller than the hydro line, and I had a knowing that the angle loved the bird as he watched it fly away. I’m glad when I’m reminded that Jesus always knows where I go and where I am… My thruster PR is 95lbs! I hadn’t ever known what my one rep max was for thrusters, so it’ll be fun to see if I can do better in six weeks! Maybe it’s vain, but I wanted to post the photo right before I did my Sumo deadlift:). Something that was comforting a little while ago was the number of the same emails I received.. the things God does that speaks to my heart:)

This week I’ve been doing things around the house that have needed to be done in the mornings, and most days I’ve been spending time with God in the afternoon or evenings. I’m still not sure about how this is going to work because I’m so used to spending time with God in the morning, but then everything else is often neglected. So I need to find a way that it’s more balanced. I used to get up really early when everyone else was still sleeping, around 5:00 and then I’d be done when they woke up, but I’ve been so tired for the last while that I’ve only begun my devotional time with God either after the kids have gone to school or around 7-8 during the summer. I don’t have the time to watch for punctuations today.. need to make supper.. many blessings…