We’re Far from the Shallow now…

Psalm 71:23

“My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you -I, whom you have redeemed. 


My Papa, I love you so deeply. I need Your grace so much. Thank-you for Your patience, Your forgiveness and Your love. 

My daughter come, I have something you need to do.

Papa, You are the King of my heart, and I worship You. Help me hear You so that I’ll know. I’m remembering the dream where I stepped into a conversation You were having with my best friend; the person who I missed deeper than the depth of the ocean, even though that was the first time we met. After we embraced, I looked over their shoulder as he opened a long horizontal book that had my name clearly written on the front cover -the book represents my life.

It’s done my daughter; this part of our journey is done.  

Papa, even though You’re saying this, I know I still need to do a few things.

Be at rest in your heart as we walk the remainder of this journey My sweet Caroline. You are Mine -I love you. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him! 

I haven’t written for three days so today is a catch-up day:) On the 15th I woke up at 3:25 with the lyrics, “In the shallow,..we’re not in the shallow now…” In the evening that day I saw 888 on a licence plate that was parked at my church. 

Then yesterday, on the 16th I heard the same lyrics to the song “Shallow” in my heart when I woke up. I also had dreamed that I was talking with someone, telling them that in the house (they were going to go there) close to the main bedroom there was a stairway leading up to another level, which I had a feeling was the third level. As I was telling this to this person, I had a picture in my mind of a narrow stairway leading up (I saw the stairway from the side, as if there wasn’t a wall on one side), and it could have been slightly curved I’m not sure. I didn’t see a door in my dream; I think it was already open. I had a feeling that not many people knew about this stairway because it was slightly hidden or easy to miss. I don’t know if that was my house. As I was explaining this, I saw that I was right in front of the bedroom, and then the scene changed where I was somewhere else, explaining the part of the hidden stairway, which was a few steps behind where I was standing and to my right side. I’m not sure what this could represent.

I also dreamt that Bella and I were walking and we came to a door where I was going to go into, but Bella kept on walking. So I called her, telling her to come with me. So then she stopped walking, turned around and began walking back towards me. she said something to someone about being glad that a certain person had been there. The name she mentioned was someone who goes to youth. The evening before I wasn’t sure if I was going to go to Youth to volunteer since it was for senior year students. But having had this dream, I sensed that the Lord wanted me to go. I’m glad I did because of the connections I made with some of the youth. I also dreamt about a pair of red shoes, and I had a feeling that I had them on; I think this represents that I had stopped posting and spending time with the Lord in my usual ways for three days. In my nap after going to the gym, when I woke up I heard in my heart, “In two months, someone would loose their job.” I also had lyrics from the song, “Perfectly Loved” in my heart. We watched the Super Mario Bros movie Tuesday evening. I think by now Lucas has watched this movie about 4 or 5 times! 

Last night I dreamt that I cleaned one of my ears with a cloth. I saw my round eardrum really big and a cloth wiped over it, cleaning it; I saw the residue on the cloth. I’m thinking the Lord is opening up my spiritual ears. Sometimes, not always, I notice that I can’t hear on my right side as well as my left, so I would love if the Lord would heal that. I’m not worried about it though. 

This Sunday I need to go to the church library and pick up an Old Testament commentary that talks about Genesis, hoping I’ll find one. My one rep max for Strict Press is 67lbs:) Tomorrow we’re doing Thrusters, so I’ll find out what my PR is for that, and then for the next 6 weeks we’ll be working on those lifts (Monday Front Squat, Wed. Strict Press, and Friday Thrusters) and then retesting our lifts again after that. I forgot, I had a quick picture of Joy.. she was looking up, smiling as usual! I”m not sure if I’m going to post today, Friday; we’re going to Falcon Lake in the afternoon to test out our new paddle board… Many blessings… ☕️