Mission Complete

Joel 2:15,16

“Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly. Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber.” 


Papa, I love you.

Come My daughter and rest (in my heart). All is well with you.

Papa, I’m sensing the wallpaper in my dream that I’m putting on the wall represents my message. Please help me put it together. Papa, what word do I need to know right now?

Rest. I love you.

Okay Papa.


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him! 

Before I awoke this morning I heard in my spirit, “Now this is complete. I’ve completed my mission.” The short picture/dream I saw at the same time: I saw a man pick up 4 single doors that were freshly painted bright orange. (I have “bright green” written in my notes but now I’m confused because I think the doors were actually orange..) The doors had been laying on top of each other on the floor, and a man came and with one arm, lifted up one side, leaning them up onto their side.

In this next dream I was downtown, about to walk on a really wide sidewalk that had stores on both sides. There were a few others walking around, but someone pulled me back quickly and I saw some people had huddled close to a wall nearby, looking in the direction where I had just about walked. Then I looked and saw that someone had just gotten off of his motorbike and was walking towards the center of the walking area where I almost had gone. He had a fencing helmet on, and I knew he was going to go into a battle with another person who was on the other side of the wide sidewalk, who I think also had a fencing helmet on. It was really dangerous and I wanted to go back home so I tried pressing my home number several times but it wouldn’t work. Then I wondered if Bella was already home and then I saw her beside me, kind of sitting with her legs out in front of her. Then I was going to go home in a way that I thought was more hidden, and right after I had decided to do that, a man said quietly, close to my ear that if I wanted Bella to stay alive, then I’d stay. I was horrified and repeated, almost yelling that they would kill my daughter? And I had tear in my eyes because of the danger we were in. Then as the battle was going on, I thought to risk it, thinking that nobody would see us, and I had gotten in the outskirts of town when I looked back at the upper open windows of the houses. The houses looked like they were built in the Bible times; I saw smooth cement walls that had openings with an arch at the top for windows. I saw in several houses that there was a person leaning through the windows with black guns, pointing to anyone who would be leaving, so I quickly changed my mind and walked back with Bella. 

Then I was standing in the town and in front of me was a van that didn’t have windows except for the front, parked inside a portable white plastic garage/tent. He had driven inside and was waiting, looking out at us to see if we wanted a ride out of town. I was hesitant because there were men all over town, ready to shoot anyone who would want to try and leave, so I stayed. Then the battle was over and the bad guys were leaving town and we were all safe to go home. I’m not sure exactly, but I know the enemy always wants to win every battle that goes on in our heart, so I believe that I’ve been feeling it and now I’m able to rest in my heart again.  

Then in this dream I was outside on a platform next to a field. Jesus my husband was playing soccer and I was watching him. Then I had gone to sit behind a small wall where I couldn’t see him, and I wondered why I chose to do that and I went to sit in my previous spot where I could see him clearly. But when I got there he had already gone inside and I was disappointed. 

Then I was in the church building with my kids and it was after-hours. I had walked down a hallway and had stopped in front of a big room that reminds me of the theatre. It was dark inside because the lights weren’t on. The doors were wide open and I faintly heard some people talking in the room. I wanted to go in but I thought that the church wouldn’t want me to go in. The feeling I had as I stood in front of the open doorway was that I didn’t own it, or that it wasn’t mine so I didn’t have the freedom to go in, so I began walking back down the hallway. 

Then I was in a room at church. I saw someone putting wallpaper on a wall. Then I wanted to help. He had left for a little bit so then I was waiting for him to come back. Then I went to where he was in a different room, and I had my wallpaper ready and was pulling it on a small wagon. I could see that the glue was drying as I was walking towards him. The wagon was really low, close to the floor and had a long straight wooden-like handle. Then we were back in the room and I was putting my wallpaper onto the wall. It felt like it was a long piece. I was laying the middle part flat onto the wall and could see that there was a section on the left that was left, so I suggested to cut that part off and add it to another part as I put the rest on. The wallpaper had flowers and plants on it, and the part that I was going to cut off was flowery, so I could easily add it to another part of the wallpaper and it would totally fit. I had my light green pj’s on which looked worn, so I was a bit embarrassed about that. The man who was now helping me wanted to snuggle up close, which he did but I pushed him back with both my arms so that I could focus on my work. I’m thinking that the wallpaper represents my message. I believe that I’ve come a long way; I’m believing in my heart, not just in my mind, that I can do it with the Lords help. I’m feeling more optimistic about it. I know it’s taken me so long, but the work God is doing in my heart is so valuable -the steps I’m able to take because of what the Lord is doing, are firm steps which won’t be easily taken from me. This evening I went for a light supper and coffee (caramel macchiato-my favourite!!) at Oakridge; this is where I am right now, finishing up my writing. With my Bible study, tomorrow I’ll be at John 21:24, so only a few verses left! I’m sad that I’ll be done again. So far the Holy Spirit has kept me in the book of John, so I won’t even try and do a different one unless God leads me. On Wednesday we did strict presses and then rope climbs and pistols for the workout, and then because I missed running the day before, at 8:00 I went to the crrc building and did my 4k. Doing Thrusters tomorrow at 5! I chose the verses above because when I opened my Bible, it opened to that:) Going to Vertical Adventures on Saturday -blessings ….