
Colossians 1:16

“For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.” 



My darling, I love you. You are Mine forever. Come closer My daughter -all is well with you. 

Papa, I’m so thankful for Your Grace. I worship You with all my heart. Please come and fill my heart with Your Presence. I need You so much. Today it’s me who needs comfort, feeling like there’s a dark cloud over me. Despite this, I’m in awe of Your Greatness, who You Are! I cling to You Papa, for You are all I need.

Come. Rest My dear one. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

About wo weeks ago at Mall of America right before heading out, my family was waiting for me at one of the mall entrances as I quickly went to the bathroom. By the entrance it’s all open so that we could see all the levels of the mall. When I came back there was a small group of kids on the highest floor, waving to my kids. Bella thought the girls were waving to Lucas (not sure how I feel about that), but she waved back anyway. We had started walking towards the door when I realized this could be one of the high waves in one of my dreams, so even though they couldn’t see me at that point, I looked back and waved anyway:) silly me, I know:) This is only a small thing among all that God is doing in my life, but I just need to say that my life is so much more adventurous and full since I gave God, my Papa, the reigns. 

I woke up at 12:57 at night with the lyrics in my heart, “I’m going all in, in over my head. I’m not scared to get lost in your love. Wherever you go, God I will follow. I’m not scared to get lost in your love…” 

On September 12th I dreamt I was in a garage in the drivers seat of a vehicle. I turned on the ignition and it began moving forward. There was something like a china-cabinet in the middle of the garage. As my vehicle was moving forward, it was like there was a rope attached to the back of the vehicle because as I was driving around the cabinet, the rope was causing it to move and almost topple over. So then I thought I needed to do the opposite and put the gear into reverse in order to stop. I think that’s what I had begun to do. Then I sensed there was a man standing in the garage watching me, who was telling me what to do. Then I noticed my seat rest was leaning back too far, which made it more difficult to press on the brakes.  I need to pray about the meaning of this dream; not sure right now what it could mean.

Then I think this next part is a separate dream, though I don’t remember waking up. I was sitting in the front passenger seat and I think Jesus my husband was driving; my/our kids were with us. I was looking through the front window and saw that the clouds over Steinbach were really dark, maybe even black. I was worried about a storm coming and mentioned it to my husband. Then the scene changed where we were outside, feeling like we were camping, and it was dark outside because it was late in the evening. I looked to where my kids were and saw some others kids with them (felt like cousins or possibly friends), and I said something like it being late and it was going to start raining very soon so they should go and get ready for the night. Then I saw them get up and go to where their parents were camping. The feeling I had in my dream was that I had made myself ready for that already.

Then the scene changed again where I was inside my moms condo, the building, not her living space (also not her actual condo in waking life). I was walking in the hallway and looked to my right into the opened doorway of her condo. I saw lots of snow in it so I walked inside and into her main living room, and saw high mounds of snow all along all the walls. It looked like a tractor had come and shoved all the snow to the walls, and the snow piles were taller than me. I was alarmed! All I saw was white; there wasn’t any place where I looked that there wasn’t any snow. The floor was flat, covered in snow. Then I walked back out into the hallway and saw through the semi-darkness, someone coming through the door. The door was about 6 or 7 feet above the floor and I saw wooden stairs leading up to it. The stairs were going up along the wall which made it possible for me to see every step. There was a small landing space right in front of where the door was. As I looked I saw that someone had come through the door who looked like my sister-in-law (meaning plant or shrub), so I called out her name. I saw in the semi-darkness that she was looking down, and then I also saw my mom with her, and I vaguely saw she was looking down as they had just walked onto the inside landing. Then I heard Connie’s voice as she was talking to them and said, “Connie?” Then Connie was close to me and I was saying to her that mom can’t stay there because of all the snow! Connie said she needs to and I said she can’t! Then I was thinking about her staying with us and thought she couldn’t because we only had one bedroom, so we didn’t have room. In my dream she had two places, and this place wasn’t the one in Steinbach. I believe this dream represents that I still need to spend time with him everyday. In the last few weeks I’ve needed to change my normal daily routine; for the last 15 years I’ve always given God the first few hours of my day, and the last few years I’ve felt like I haven’t been spending enough time with my kids. I used to get up really early so that I was done my devotional time with God by the time they were up, but for awhile now it’s become more difficult to do, so I’ve begun doing it after they’ve gone to school. I could actually spend a lot of time writing after my devotional time, and when I do then other things that need to be done are neglected.

So in the dream above I believe God is showing me that my time with God needs to be consistent, everyday like I’ve done up until a few weeks ago. My mom represents making spiritual food, which means spending time with God. Because her condo had so much snow represents that I’ve not kept my time with God consistent (cold). The snow was white, which is good because it means pure or genuine; I really want to do what’s right and I’m trying to balance everything. So I’m going back to my regular devotional routine but not spending as much time in it like I’ve always done. The last few years many of my dreams I’ve felt have had a literal meaning. This morning was really tough.. feeling like I’m the one who fell on her face in my dream. But I’m getting back up. I didn’t go to crossfit this morning, was feeling really low. When I fell back asleep I dreamt that the enemy had kidnapped me and was dragging me by my feet, really excited.

Then right before I woke up I heard a few words that ended with DeLuca, so I knew that God invited me to go and buy a coffee/caramel macchiato. I would buy one everyday if I could, but I feel that I should only have one once a week. I didn’t have one last week because the World Cafe was closed. We don’t have a DeLucas in town, but the place that I also really enjoy here in town is Negash Coffee. My large caramel macchiato was 4.75 before the added syrup, which was 50 cents, total was 6.76 (6.13) and unintentionally the time was 11:44 on my receipt. ☕️ Bella was home today so we watched Arthur’s Christmas; at the end of the movie it had a few things written about their lives afterwards, and one of the things the retired Mr and Mrs Claus took up Salsa:) 💃The new Santa’s name was Peter (The name Peter has been significant in some of my dreams) Okay that’s it for now.. Goodnight, God bless you all…

Sept.17: I had a dream last night: I was standing, watching a flow of water coming from something like a big round pipe, about 2 feet in diameter that was coming from the ceiling. The pipe stuck out of the ceiling at an angle about 2 feet (I think). The water was shooting out of the pipe really fast and stayed in that round pipe formation as it went directly into a round hole in the floor that was the same size. The hole was about 5 feet away from the pipe on the ceiling so that the water flow, flowed at an angle. I saw at first the water was a bit orange (rusty) but then it was clear. I don’t know what this could represent. 

Sept.18: I don’t have a lot to say today.. I was working on my message the whole day and I kind of have it ready although I think it’ll be too long! I just need to revise it again to make it shorter and more to the point. I was hoping to record tomorrow, I’ll see. This afternoon one of the pipes in the basement of our neighbours house suddenly burst, resulting in water gushing into their basement. There are four of us neighbours that share a water well, so they needed to call another neighbour to shut off the water. So then our water was shut off for a bit while they were getting their pipe fixed. Then when I opened the tap and flushed the toilet, a lot of rust came from the sudden added pressure. Now it’s good again but it reminds me of the dream I had yesterday. Please pray for me because I really want to record tomorrow.. I went to crossfit this morning. We’re starting the second block of lift training again, the one we were just finished because many of those days had been canceled because of people being busy and not being there. So today we did front squats, then for the workout we did 10,8,6,4,2 of goblet squats, toes to bar (knee raises) and kettle-bell swings. Then for tabata we did ten rounds of sit-ups and push-ups, 20sec of work with 10 seconds of rest. I love working out and lifting! Normally there aren’t many people who do the 5AM classes, but I’m so glad it’s not just me!! Goodnight…☕️