See U There

Psalm 36:9

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.”


Papa, I worship You and I give You all of who I am. You are Lord over my whole life. Thank-you for Your help in every aspect of my life. I trust You and I know that You will lead my heart today as I finish preparing for my message. You are Faithful and I am following You. I speak to the mountain, “It’s time to move out of my way because I’m coming!”

My daughter come, you are Mine.

Papa, do You have a word for me today?

I love you.

Okay Papa, if there ever was a mountain that needed moving, this is the one for me. I’m putting all my faith in You; all my trust as I/we are moving forward. Thank-you for Your love Papa, because of it, I know I can do all things  through You who gives me strength. 

My daughter, I am Faithful and I am with you to the end. I will never leave you nor forsake you.

I know this Papa, thank-you for Your words of encouragement. My will and my life are in Your hands. Thank-you for walking with me.. and thank-you for being such a good listener to my heart.. 

Come My faithful one, it is now complete. You are prepared for this next step. Come, follow Me.

Yes Papa, there’s nothing I’d rather do than to follow You. I’m running to the light! 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

This post is my 499th post, woohoo!!! I’m finishing up my message today, planning on recording tomorrow! I had a dream some years ago that I was standing beside a whole rack of fish that were displayed. Each fish was hung up, face up, and there were about 5 rows and 5 columns. Then I heard the most beautiful harmony of voices coming from the mouths of every one of those fish. I had a desire to look into one of the fish’s mouths to see the choir inside. Then I had walked about 5 feet in front of me and stood beside a man, who I now know is Jesus my husband; he had the exact same display of fish beside him too. Then he slowly stroked my upper left arm with two of his fingers and softly said, “See you there.” Then I also slowly stroked his upper arm and softly said, “See you there.” There was such a deep love between us. I realized long after that, that he was on a mission to catch me.. I’ve needed to learn to trust him, to trust him by making myself vulnerable and opening my heart to him a little at a time as I also got to know his heart. At the same time I needed to follow him by learning how to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit so that I’d know what I needed to do. Everything he asked me to do has been so difficult; how I’d describe that would be, every time he asked me to do something, the Holy Spirit would need to enable me to be able to trust-fall, and every time it would be at a greater height. In the beginning I’d purposely run (my heart) to see if he’d run after me -he needed to prove to me that he really wanted me. If he didn’t give up, then I’d let him catch me. Writing this now, I just put two and two together, realizing that him catching me (do you know how to fish?) is the same as what I needed him to do as I ran. He knew all along! Wow God is so Good!! Well, let me tell you that I’m so tired, and I know that Jesus is very close to me. He never gave up and I’m so very thankful. I’ve stopped running and I’m trust-falling at the greatest height yet. I’m so very thankful that he doesn’t expect perfection but that I can just be myself.. I love you Jesus.. see you there…❤️‍🔥