
Isaiah 60:22

“The least of you will become a thousand, and smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.” 


Papa, I love You and I worship You with everything that I am. I worship You and I glorify Your Mighty name. You are Holy and are King over my heart. You are all I will ever need for my heart to be secure. I am secure in You.

My daughter, “Blessed.”

Papa, I won’t forget. Help me be faithful and apply what I learn every week.

Caroline I have a word for you today; Don’t procrastinate.The time is near. I will be with you to the very end of this age. You are Mine, the one I love.

Papa, I fully embrace all you have for me and I’m not holding back. If I am and I’m not aware of it, please help me see and become aware of it. I am all Yours. Please wake me up; stir my heart and fill my more with knowing Your love for me. 

Come My faithful one, it’s time. Be at rest, for you are Mine. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

Last night, Oct. 2 at 2:29 I woke up with a knowing about a movie character/movie, one right before the other but both right before waking up, “Darth Vader,” and “Princess Bride.” Then at 3:07 I woke up with the lyrics, “Christ is my firm foundation, he’ll never let me down, he won’t, he won’t, he won’t fail, he won’t” and “we’re coming back to your heart.” I actually couldn’t fall back sleep after waking up at 3:07, so after Shopgym I made breakfast, “Zucchini Frittata.” Lucas really likes that. Then after my kids went to school I went back to bed and slept for three hours; I woke up at 11:22 with the lyrics, “we’re running, running, running free; running back to your heart.” I’m actually not sure right now what song this is from. 

Yesterday, two nights ago I woke up at 6:44 with the lyrics, “My heart is wide open, my heart is wide open, I believe every word you have spoken.” I’m also not sure which exact song this is from, but I think it’s one of Kim Walker-Smith’s songs. Then I woke up at 7:39 with the same lyrics. Yesterday while we were driving into the city to church on hwy 75, we saw a helicopter with a man hanging from it, and then we realized they were flying him to one of the really high electrical towers (not sure what they’re called exactly) to work on one of the high connections/wires, not sure; just thought maybe he was recharging:) On Saturday after the Farmers Market (we had home-made pirogies), we went to Dug & Betty’s Ice Creamery on Des Meurons st. They make some of their own ice-cream so I had one scoop of Maple Pecan and the other Espresso, so good!!!! At church two Sundays ago I had a Pumpkin Latte and yesterday I had a Maple Latte. I’m so thankful to be able to enjoy these every Sunday! Also, I’m happy to say that I said something that I’m thankful for at church for the video! I’m doing the next Bless study tonight. Tomorrows no school but I’m hoping to have my message ready to record on Wednesday! My first car I owned (a white Suzuki Swift), I bought new for 7000 (or 8, I don’t exactly remember). The year I graduated from high school (92), they gave $1000 off for new graduates. A few years down the road I had an accident in town, in the middle of construction in Steinbach. I was totally fine but the car was written off. Anyway, I made salsa two days ago on Saturday and the kids helped; I left all the seeds in three of the 13 Jalapeño Peppers, so the salsa is a bit spicy! We did front squats this morning at Shopgym. That’s it for now, God’s blessings to you!!! 🤩

October 4, Wednesday: I need to apologize for not writing, but I did my recording today! I’m not sure if I’ll do anything with it, thinking I’ll redo it tomorrow but I’ll put it all together and see!! Two nights ago I dreamt that I saw a woman’s back/neck and saw she had a necklace with a black round ball/bead the size of the white one I have, hanging on the back of her neck. I also had a dream that I was strolling down a neighbourhood street with a friend, not anyone I know in waking life. She had a short straight bob tucked behind her ear, blonde-ish colour, and she was smiling as I saw a bit of her face. This morning (Oct.4th I awoke at 4:45 with the lyrics, “Christ is my firm foundation, the Rock on which I stand. And at 7:18 (I didn’t see the time right away so it could have been 7:17) with the song, “You are my Champion. Giants fall when we stand undefeated, by the one who has conquered it all.” On Oct. 3rd I woke up at 1:47 with the lyrics, “Jesus take me over, Jesus draw me closer, to your heart, your heart.” ☕️ Working on putting my video together.. I’ve very much miss writing and posting the last two days.. I stayed up until 2 last night, working on my message, and today I needed to delete a bunch of photos and videos that weren’t very important on my phone to make room for recording my video. By the time I was ready to record it was 1:00, and I felt a bit rushed at the end before Bella came home, around 3:45, so I’m not sure if I ended properly. Now that I’m done this one though, I’m feeling that if I’d do another one, it wouldn’t be as difficult to figure out. Thinking about friendships, I think in the deepest friendships I have, I’m the one who takes more than the other person. I see how one of my friends always thinks of ways to show me that they’ve heard what I’ve said, and I feel bad that they’re the ones to always reach out while my hands are tied in many ways. I’ve not known how to speed up my learning process, though I’ve recognized that it’s not something I can do but that the Holy Spirit enables me to do. More often than not I’ve needed to battle spiritual things at home besides my own inner struggles. I’m very aware of other’s patience and most likely and understandably, frustrations, but I’m so very grateful for the way I’m being led by Jesus; I feel respected, cared for, loved and invited, and I’m so amazed at this…. Goodnight.. God’s blessings to you…