Knowing Jesus More

Psalm 18:30

“As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.” 


Papa, I love you.

I love you My darling; you are Mine. Come, I have a word for you today.

Papa, what is it that You want to tell me?

I love you. Rest.

Okay Papa. I love you, I praise You, and I worship You. You are Everything to me. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

Early this morning at 3:07 I awoke with lyrics in my heart, “Come and take me over, Jesus draw me closer, to Your heart, Your heart..” I also had a quick dream where I vaguely saw someone up-close, take a huge leap, jump down at an angle.  Wondering if I’m going down the mountain now, or I’ve taken a huge leap of faith..

I also dreamt that I was quickly crossing a paves street that was also a bit gravely. I think I must have been in a country village or something. I was facing a big building that was on the other side of the street. It was a garage/bus depot that had its doors wide open; I only saw a huge opening where a bus could drive in. Instead of a back wall, it was all open (I saw a field behind the building), and I vaguely saw something laying on the ground there, maybe an old vehicle or tractor or something. I was across the street from the bus depot when I saw a long public (not school) bus drive far into the intersection to make a wide right turn onto the street I was on. I knew I needed to cross the street quickly so that I wouldn’t be driven over, so I quickly went across and quickly walked through the empty bus garage and back out the other side, ducking underneath something wooden that was attached to the building and quickly went around the wall so as not to be seen. I was hoping nobody on the bus would see me because I didn’t know anyone on the bus, and I didn’t want a stranger to follow me; I needed to walk a few miles on the country road. I was wearing my black shoes, and I thought that if I was wearing more sturdy shoes like runners, I could walk better. (I’ve been wondering if I still need to buy those two pairs of shoes/runners from the States? or if I can find them here in Wpg?) This reminds me of eating together, getting to know the other more that the Bless study talks about. Sometimes I get really stressed when I think about not knowing, but I do know the most important, foundational things. God told me not to let go as I had my arms around Jesus’ neck in a dream a few years ago, and I won’t!!

Later in the day I took a nap and I dreamt that Jesus my husband and I and the kids were on a trip, maybe camping. We had just arrived and had parked on the driveway. I was outside on the passenger side of the truck, walking or biking I’m not sure, but going towards the road. The truck was parked army style where the front of the truck was facing the road. I didn’t see this but I knew that I was winding a gear with a handle as I was going off of the driveway and onto the road in front of our truck. Then I realized that my actions were causing the truck to roll forward because the gear was connected to the wheels of the truck somehow, even though it had already been put into park. At the same time I saw that Jesus my husband was half hanging out of the truck; he was laying on the front seat on his tummy and hanging out, working on the drivers side tire, and then it had begun to roll forward because of what I was doing. When I was in front of the truck (about in the middle of the road), I saw the wheel and it looked skinny like a bike tire (this was only for a moment and when I saw it next, it was when Jesus my husband was holding onto it to make the vehicle stop, and by that time it was about half the size of a regular vehicle tire.) Then I saw him hold onto the tire with his strong arms to make it stop. I saw that the tire was about half (or less than half) than it’s normal width. As soon as I saw his predicament, I immediately began apologizing, saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” and then as I was apologizing, he got the truck to stop, and it had rolled partway onto the road. In my dream I remember thinking that I was so thankful that he is so strong so that he was able to stop the truck!! Wondering what I’m doing that’s causing the truck to roll forward when it should be parked..

The last dream was more like a picture; there was a small house with a roof that went up into a point at the top, and I saw someone right on the point. It was like I was right there beside the person. In the morning I’ll be going to Shopgym. Many blessings to you!