Let Everything! That Has Breath! Praise The Lord!

Psalm 47:2

“How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!”


My daughter come, I am faithful

Papa, You have my heart, %100. Please help me lead my children to have a close relationship with You. I feel like I’m failing at this. I sensed earlier this morning from You that there’s going to be a change. 

I am faithful. Come, rest, I am near to you. I am near to the broken hearted, those who are crushed in spirit. 

Rest Caroline, My daughter, I will help you.

Okay Papa. Help me not to be overwhelmed. I trust in You.

Then come and rest; I am taking good care of you.

Thank-you Papa; I’m so deeply thankful. I love You so much. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

I’ve realized that when you know a person, when you know the deep foundational stuff about them, that’s when you truly know them. A person learns what another person is truly like when they’ve walked a long journey together. In my journey with Jesus I can say that I actually know him because of what we’ve been through together. There are times that I wish I could erase, but through them I know forgiveness. I know his kindness and patience over and over again when it took long for me to trust. When I’ve been so tired with the long journey, he encourages me to keep going with what I sense his love. I know that Jesus is a forever kind of person, and that I’m in love with Jesus more now than I’ve ever been. My heart has grown from just knowing about him to actually knowing him because of the heart to heart journey we’ve been on for so long. I can truly say that he’s not a stranger and I’m so thankful for him in my life.

This morning at 3:43 I woke up with these lyrics playing in my heart,”Let everything! That has breath! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! I also had a dream that went along with these lyrics that was so amazing.. I saw a small group of people (maybe around 10? I did’t see everyone) standing in a circle, and each person had a staff in their hand. Every time a phrase was sung (at every exclamation mark) they would all hit the staff in unison on the ground very hard, and it made a loud noise like they were standing on a wooden floor. It really felt like something very important would soon take place. 

I had another dream that I was in a place outside that had rides. I was with a group of people, and I had seen a really fast ride where someone nearly got off balance and nearly fell off but they didn’t. Then our group of people were coming up to a really fast ride, I think it was the same one. We were being brought there by some kind of ride as we stood. I saw that right when a man came out of the gate to allow people to come in, we were close enough so that one of the guys in our group jumped right in front of the gate, and as the person came out to let people in, our guy was going in at the exact same time like the gate was a marry-go-round. Then I saw that at the end of the ride there was a narrow beam (about 12 -15 feet long) that our guy was standing on and the ride was bringing him forward on top of it. Overtop of him were two rows of something like two water hoses (I didn’t see this, I only saw the water), the same length as the beam, and water was coming out of them all along the way which formed a waterfall on both sides that the ride was bringing our guy through (it looked like a water tunnel). It’s a bit hard to explain, but it reminds me of at some weddings they have two rows of people, the bridesmaids and groomsmen facing each other, standing in a row with their arms up and their fingers touching, and the bride and groom walk through it. The other day I talked about a dream where Jesus my husband and I were walking into the entrance from inside, and we were going to go out on a date! He had something in his hands that looked like a cash box. Wondering if everything has been paid. Alright, many blessings to you…. 

October 18th, Wednesday: Last night I woke up and saw 12:59, and almost immediately it turned to 1:00. The lyrics I heard in my heart were, “Let everything, that has breath, praise the Lord, praise the Lord.” I dreamt that I was on a planet that was going to be burned up by the sun very soon. I was standing outside underneath some kind of roof, and there was a woman standing in the sunshine. I saw her look up into the sky and I knew what she was seeing; she saw that the sun was very close to the planet and very soon the whole planet was going to be burned away. From where I was standing I could also see from how bright yellow the sunshine was that the sun was close and coming quickly. As I saw her face (she was facing me about 10 feet away), I kind of saw it turn black from being burned, like it would be happening soon. Connie was one of the people who couldn’t leave the planet so she and some others would burn up and die when the sun hit the planet. I was going to be able to leave but in my dream I knew there was no guarantee that I wouldn’t die while I was travelling away from the planet. I also vaguely had a sense of jumping and bouncing on my butt on a trampoline, which we did today. Then in a short nap I had a quick picture of a woman standing about a foot or two away, facing me and holding a clean white round plate that was cut into quarters and stacked up neatly together. This afternoon my husband and I watched a movie called, “The Burial” with Jamie Fox and Tommy Lee Jones. I really enjoyed it. Most of the movie takes place in a court room, and is basically about a funeral home owner who sues another funeral home owner. It sounds boring but it’s actually very interesting to watch. Friday I’m going to go see the last evening session of Lifelinks, and Saturday two of my friends and I are going to the States!! We’ll just go for the day. I’m hoping to work on my message tomorrow, but I’m always so amazed at the difference between when I’m with certain people. At home I feel like it’s so heavy, and as soon as I’m home alone the heaviness slowly lifts as I spend time soaking in worship music and listen to some of my favourite songs and messages. After the heaviness leaves is when I’m able to work on my message. I went to Shopgym this morning. We just started a gymnastics theme which will last for the next few months probably. To today we did a bunch of things like pull-ups, rowing, dumbbell thrusters, skipping, push-ups. The other night I had dreamt that Jesus my husband had to stop our vehicle from rolling forward; I’ve been meaning to add to that but it’s been so busy; when I was standing in front of the vehicle and saw the wheel he needed to stop, at first the wheel looked like a black round weight before it looked like a tire. I’m going to ask about volunteering for the World Cafe!! Goodnight…