
Romans 8:14

“…those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons (and daughters) of God.” 


Papa. I praise and worship You. Thank-You for Your love, for knowing me completely and loving me completely. I trust You Papa, but You can see my heart plainly so You know better what’s in my heart. Help me in the area of my mistrust, and please take me to the place where I fully trust in You. 

My faithful child, you are Mine and I love you.

Papa, when I remember that I am literally Yours, I have a deeper sense of freedom because as I put my full weight onto You, it’s You who are responsible for me, not me. I love You Papa. Thank-You for being a God of Love. 

Caroline My faithful one. Rest. Don’t strive.

Okay Papa. I’m reminded of my church. I”m putting my trust in the leaders and pastors of my church because I know they hear from You. I submit myself to them, to their leadership. I feel so released that I can do this. Thank-You Papa for them and for putting them into my life. I’m so blessed by them and I’m thankful for them. I’m resting because I know that as I follow their lead, You will open the door exactly at the right time. 

Come My daughter, it is time. Come. You are Mine.

I’m coming Papa. Help me discern Your voice so I can better follow You. I’m so excited that I’m part of an amazing community! I feel loved and invited. I feel like I finally belong! Thank-You with all my heart Papa -You are mine! 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower, over and over again; I believe that He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart first so that I’m clean before Him, and also so there’s nothing holding me back from following Him with my whole heart. It also clears the way to hear God better when there’s no mess in the way of where God is leading me to walk. I also record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning; I don’t want to miss anything that God has for me and is saying to me.

Last night I woke up shortly after 3:00 and I wasn’t sure if the Lord was wanting me to spend time with Him then. I felt it was okay to go back to sleep. Then when my alarm went off I got up and quickly wrote my dream before heading out to shopgym for 6:00. I thought I could be done talking about going to the bathroom but in this dream I talk more about it than I’ve ever done before; if this is what it takes to keep me humble then I’m all for it. What it symbolizes is the inner healing of my heart. As I release things that are heavy in my spirit, it’s represented in releasing in the natural, so here goes! In my dream I was with a group of people and I went to the bathroom and went poop. As I was sitting there, someone was standing close to me and we were having a conversation. We were talking about the poop. Then I said something about looking at the poop as I got up to look at it. I had felt like one of them was a bigger one and I could see that it had been a bigger one, and I also saw a few smaller ones. I saw that they were light brown. Then I’m not sure if I went poop again or if it was then a really big one, bigger than my torso, and when I flushed, it was on the floor and the drain was like a toilet. Some went down but it was so big that it became stuck. (I think this represents what I will be talking with my pastor about, because I feel stuck, not knowing what to do.) Someone was standing with me, looking at it. I said or thought that I couldn’t believe that came out of me. Then I was going to get gloves and take it apart so that it could be flushed. Then I was walking around and noticed that the group of people I was with had all brought food and were walking around, mingling and eating. I thought that my poop experience really came at the worst time. I also had forgotten to bring food to share. Then I had gone back to the bathroom and saw that all the poop had gone down into the drain. I believe this represents this weekend and having my meeting with my pastor. I’ll be at church all day, planning to listen to #2,7,11. I know I can trust Jesus, and I do because he’s actually my husband!!! Blessings…