
“I am Yahweh, your mighty God! I grip your right hand and won’t let you go! I whisper to you: ‘Don’t be afraid; I am here to help you!” -Isaiah 41:13 TPT


Papa. I love You so much.

I love you My darling -you are Mine. Caroline, I have something for you today.

Papa, I would love to know.

Come, you are Mine. Rest; be anxious for nothing. All is well with you.

Papa, I’m sorry, it’s difficult for me not to be anxious. 

I know.

Papa I’m anxious because I’m worried that I’m not understanding something from You; I don’t want to miss You!

Caroline My daughter, rest through it all, knowing that I love you.

Okay Papa. I can feel Your love in my heart and this is so wonderful. How great are You Lord -I know this full well!


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower. I believe He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart so that my heart is clean before Him. It also clears the way for me to hear Holy Spirit better when there’s no mess in the way. I record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning. Blessings. 

12:02 I dreamt that I was in our house (not ours in waking life), my husband was downstairs. I was on a big comfy chair with Bella and she had fallen asleep for the night. As I was getting up the wind gently took me and was bringing me upward and backward in the air. I was holding myself in a loose ball at first, preparing to hit the wall with my upper back so I was bracing myself for it. The wind was gentle but was taking me up higher and faster, and I was trying to straighten my back a bit so I wouldn’t get hurt. As the wind was carrying me, the wall never came. I thought it would be there already but it was like there was no wall. My eyes were open but all I could see was a blur, or fog. I remembered that I had left the window partially open and thought that that was where the wind was coming from. There was also a scene where I was getting up from the big comfy chair and I saw how poor we were; the thin carpet was worn and torn and it didn’t even cover the whole floor. I saw the wood floor underneath that was close to the couch; a piece of carpet was laying on the floor close to the couch. I saw Bella’s shorts on the floor like they just dropped from her as she took them off. I saw other things on the floor that made a mess. I waking life I had opened the window at supper time yesterday because I had put chicken into the air fryer for supper, and it creates so much heat. When it was almost done I closed the window so it was only opened a bit, maybe about an inch or two. There was also a short scene where the wind was carrying me outside, and I let myself go limp, allowing myself to hit whatever it would hit, trusting the wind. I believe this represents that I’m trusting the Holy Spirit as He leads me. As I was writing this dream shortly after 12, these lyrics came to mind, “Show me who you are and fill me, with your love and lead me to love those around me.”

1:01 I was barely asleep when I dreamt that I was watching someone face a set of boxes or something. He was upset and loud, and I saw someone helping him, walk by in the background. There were some boxes stacked and he was saying out loud, “here’s another one , and another one” pointing them out to his assistant who was walking very quickly doing things. Currently it’s just after 4:00 in the afternoon and I believe this represents this morning; he wanted me to sew some things for him for work. I was sewing for him until after 1:00. I had planned to do my Bible time earlier today when the kids were still in bed (no school today). As I was feeling things in my heart about wanting to be with the Lord, a verse came to my mind about being interested in what others are doing too, not just in what I’m doing. So this morning was for him. 

1:11 looking under the couch? I had this feeling but it was so vague that I’m not sure this is right. 

1:14 I was barely asleep when I dreamt I saw a lady walking, saying something and then continued walking through an open doorway up a few steps into an office area with many computers. I heard a voice saying something like “..and the young people will rise..” 

1:21 A woman stepped out of a car maybe, finding the courage to say something to many people over an intercom or on a microphone where many people would hear it. It reminds me of when the superintendent of the Hanover school division makes the phone call saying that the school day is canceled because of the weather. ( I wrote my note about school being canceled when I woke up at 1:21, but this morning when I woke up before seven, I checked the Hanover school website and saw school is canceled today!)

4:44 Fill me with your love and (Firm Foundation)

I dreamt that I was standing in front of a table that had three of Lucas’ white math papers on it. Then I looked to my right and saw Valentina standing there, looking at me in a hopeful kind of way. She wanted to see what Lucas had written and I told her that they were only his math papers. And I said she could come and look so then she was standing on my left, looking at his papers. (what I thought was unimportant was important to her.. I think this represents my hubby, thinking that he thinks my writing is important?)

I was in a larger vehicle like a van, and I was driving very fast in the far left lane. There were about three or four narrow lanes. It was like the van had a mind of its own where I couldn’t slow down. I saw a man with a woman and he quickly rushed her out of that lane so I wouldn’t drive over them. Another time some people needed to get out of the way (someone had been laying on the ground but got up and moved in time). Then I saw about three turn-off options in front of me to my left, and I drove past the first two and followed the third. It had a larger rounded corner going to the left and as I drove, I could see the end of the road; it was like a cule de sac (don’t know how it’s spelled and I’m in a rush..). The end of the road had a very wide empty area (like a block of rounded smooth waterslide or a skateboard park rounded area that curved up but didn’t go further), and I saw a group of people walking towards my direction and cheering about something. I saw a few people here and there. I was passing them or driving close to them as I drove to the end of the road, but my dream ended when I was driving close to them. 

I dreamt that I saw about two unopened (new) big bags of chips (one red bag of Doritos), fall into a big dark hole that was like a garbage shoot. I thought that I’d retrieve them later but then I think I tried and I couldn’t. That part was very vague. I also dreamt that I was crawling on my hands and knees on a counter, pushing stuff to the side so I could crawl. I looked to see what I was pushing to the side and saw a beautiful china cup and saucer. Then I saw another china cup and saucer that I was putting to the side. In my dream these items were things that I had stored away and had put on the shelf. I had a feeling like they were things that I hadn’t seen for a long time. I’m not sure yet what they represent. Blessings..

February 28: 2:22/23 I dreamt clearly about my hubby!!! I dreamt that there were four of us and we were sitting down and my hubby sat so close to me that we were able to lean into each other , and we did! It was so nice to continually lean in to each other and not just leave right away. The others still didn’t know. 

Another scene was that I intentionally fell face down onto the ground (I knew this as I was laying on the ground.. it had already happened). I hadn’t used my hands or legs to brace myself but had fallen stiffly forward like I was a log. My eyes were closed and I could feel the roughness of the ground with my face, and I could also feel that it hurt slightly. Then I could feel my hubby put his hands underneath me and lift me up off of the ground, and my legs were still straight, not helping him and completely dependent on him. I was also not using my arms; in my dream I had no sense of them. Even though I fell face first onto the ground, this is trust falling as well because it shows that I wasn’t trying to preserve myself in any way. In waking life I know through experience, my hubby preserving me in situations. In my dream I didn’t crash onto the ground.. I was laying on the ground and my face felt the roughness of it, but I think this shows too that I had trust fallen and I hadn’t gotten hurt. And my hubby picked me up as I was still completely trusting in him.. I’m so relieved and thankful for how far the Lord has taken me/us!!

Another scene was that some of us were taking our place at the table. There were two spots/two chairs at the head of the table, and my hubby was sitting down (or still standing) on one side at the head of the table, and without thinking about it, I had walked there too and was standing beside him when I realized that I had taken someone’s spot, who had seen me there so they had politely taken another spot. When I realized where I was and that the time hadn’t yet come for me to be there, I quickly began walking towards another spot. I vaguely remember it was across from him on the other side of the table (at the foot of the table). To cover it up I said that that was the place I normally sit (beside my hubby). 

As I’m still writing my dream and thoughts about it, these lyrics are in my heart, “There’s no wall you won’t kick down, lie you won’t tare down, coming after me. Oh the overwhelming, never ending, breathless love of God.”

There was another scene that had something to do with a plate of food I think, or that my hubby explained something to me, I can’t remember. 

Then I went back to bed and dreamt that there were five snacks (in small thinner boxes, like Nerds, and some were slightly bigger or a bit taller) on the table (they were all standing right beside each other like books on a bookshelf), and one of them represented something. I wanted to know which one it was that represented something. I vaguely saw two people standing on the other side of the table and I asked them, taking one snack at a time, is this the one? They said no. Is this the one? They said no.. In waking life I need to stop trying to guess what the Lord is asking me to do; I need to press into Him about it, even in quick decision making moments. I know I dreamt more about my hubby but I just can’t remember. This morning at Shopgym a few of us were trying to get triple unders and I think I got it! It was hard to tell because the rope moves so fast, but I think I got one. I also got a few double under crossovers. I had Pure Camomile tea yesterday after Power Hour, and I also had the same tea this morning at Soar. In my dream I saw two beautiful teacups and saucers so that’s why I made sure to have tea. Blessings…

February 29:

Psalm 50:1 “The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising sun to the place where it sets.” 

Just a few thoughts today.. We may be having our Easter gathering on my in-laws side on the Friday.

Ana in my group yesterday had jeans on like I saw in my dream last week! So today I was scrolling down in my emails and Ana Werner’s name stood out to me. So because she has her live questions answered on Wednesday nights, I’m going to watch the one they had last night (Wed.). I haven’t had time to watch any of the speakers; I’ve only watched the first two, and this Wednesday it was week 9. 

I was on my hands and knees in one of my dreams and I’m wondering if it means that I’m bowing down to something other than God? 

I had four hours of sleep two nights ago. I bought the third type (raspberry) of ice breakers yesterday, so they kept me awake while driving home. I’m so deeply thankful that I’m always welcome.

I now know how to begin my testimony, but this, my true testimony, I won’t be able to share until two events take place because they’re included in my testimony. Connie and I are going for coffee tomorrow. I would like to go to Polo Park tomorrow and try on some loose light coloured jeans. Blessings…☕️

March 1: 3:10, 3:50: This dream was all about a slide that looked like many slides (whole tubes) but they were all connected like the blood veins in our body. We would go so fast and have so much fun. It was like this was new to us and we were discovering new places. One part could have been made out of metal but Im not sure. In one scene it was more like a house where I saw through a window or something (I could see through it but the person on the other side of it couldn’t see me through it, and the window was on a wall that separated where I was from the wide stairway going up); I saw my niece had started walking up the stairs to leave and I quickly pulled the sliding window to my right to open it and I said to her that she didn’t even say goodbye! She turned and looked solumly at me. 

There was a boy that had a black cord on him, like some kind of harness. On the black cord was something like a switch . Someone was close to him and showed/told him. He turned on the switch, which was the way to talk with his grandma. He used the word “sweetheart “ in reference to her, meaning that he would go and meet with her. He didn’t know her so he didn’t know her personality, how mean she was. As he turned to go meet with her, I quickly whispered to him that she was mean. Then he walked to find her. I saw her stand by the main walkway where others were walking, close to where she lived, waiting for him. I saw that she saw him and recognized him by the family appearance (bloodline; connection to the first dream?) ; he looked like his dad which was her son. I saw her standing straight, waiting for him. She had long clothing on, also some kind of hoodie type head covering. (In my notes from early this morning when I woke up, I wrote that she had been talking with someone, making him wait, but I don’t remember dreaming about that so I’m not sure if that part is accurate or not.) Then I saw that he must have known she was the person because he was standing there, looking at her and waiting. I need to pray into this more.) 

I was on a rolling thing and was rolling diagonally across the room. Someone was talking with me so I rolled back. I bought a new pair of jeans this afternoon and went for coffee with my sister- had a wonderful time. I began writing my testimony yesterday. Making pecan pie today for missions!! Blessings…🥧

March 2: 12:55: “Oh the overwhelming, never ending, wrecklace love of God. Oh it chances me down, fights till I’m found, leaves the 99. I couldn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it, still you give yourself away.  Oh the overwhelming, never ending, wrecklace love of God.” 

12:59/1:00: I was at the airport and my cart was filled with luggage, and it only needed one more piece of luggage. When I looked at the time it was 12:59, but turned to 1:00 a second after I saw 12:59. 

4:40 I woke up and got up to write the dream (above).

8:09 “Great is Your faithfulness to me. From the rising sun to the setting same I will praise Your name. Great is Your faithfulness to me. 8:48 “Great is your faithfulness to me.” Today I’ve been reading my book, “Ordering Your Private World” by Gordon Macdonald. We’re finishing watching the latest Indiana Jones movie tonight. My over done imperfect pie sold for $800 today for missions!! I may go to my mom’s tomorrow if the roads are drivable and if I’m not working. Blessings…

March 4: 11:13 “Watch your heart!” (I heard this in my heart right before waking up. My husband sometimes says this to our kids before they leave for school.)

Dreamt that I was walking up a few steps with a close friend group of about three-five. I was walking in front of them and they were walking behind me, so close to me that we were almost touching. I had a bathing suit on that had a short skirt and a bikini top. I didn’t have anything on underneath the bathing suit skirt so I was being very careful how I walked up the stairs so that my skirt would stay down, and sometimes one side of my bikini top would go down and fully expose my right side, so I’d quickly pull up my bathing suit to cover myself up again. I had a feeling like both these happened twice, but I’m not sure about that. It was familiar anyways. 

Lucas and I were walking around a corner (going left) in town, and I saw a school bus was about to turn onto the same road we were going onto (my road). The bus was making a right turn. It was coming from the opposite way (we would have crossed paths if we weren’t turning. We both noticed the bus come so we quickly ran down the road on the right side about one yard’s length to run onto a driveway to go onto the sidewalk. I went onto the sidewalk but I noticed Lucas begin to stay on the road because he wanted to try and beat the bus, so I called out to him, something to get him to come onto the sidewalk because the bus was coming too fast for him to beat the bus, so he began coming back onto the sidewalk. I think he got a little ways before coming back onto the sidewalk. I’m trying to get my testimony written, sensing like I also need to record it. Maybe the bus will come before I finish.

I dreamt something about some dogs, that they were being friendly to me, I don’t fully remember. Goodnight..