
Conversation and Reflection

Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

12:01 I saw a well built man from the back, short sleeves, strutting towards 5th ave, and I heard the expression, “vroom.” 

1:35 Free

1:44 “Wednesday”(1:53) (I heard “Wednesday” at 1:44  but momentarily fell asleep and woke up at 1:53 and wrote it down. Then I went downstairs to pray.)

2:11 “I love You Papa”

2:12 I love you My darling

2:13 you are Mine this day

2:21 Papa

2:22 you can do this

2:23 give me strength

I am your strength My daughter

2:24 you have me

Papa, I’m so glad to have You. You are all I need. You are my source of joy.

2:26 Rest my faithful one. You are Mine and I love you.

2:33 Holy Spirit guide me

Yes My daughter, I will guide you. I love you.

2:38 “Boldness” (sensed)

2:42 Here I am. Let me be a living sacrifice. All that I am, surrendered into Your hands. I surrender. I give it all. My heart and soul. Jesus I’m living for You. 

2:44 You have it all. My heart and soul. Jesus I’m living for You. 

2:46 I believe You Papa

2:49 What do you believe?

2:50 About my life, that You have chosen me to be a fisher of man and that You want to use me to bring many into Your Kingdom. That You are leading me into my purpose; leaving the old way of life and bringing me into the new. 

Yes My daughter, this is true. You are mine and I will lead you in the way you should go. Always. 

3:02 I give it all. My heart and soul. Jesus I’m living for You. 

3:03 Come, and I will give you rest. You are Mine this day.

3:04 I’m coming…

3:07 You can do this My daughter.

3:11 Come My darling, you are Mine.

3:13 Papa, Jesus, my life is Yours; my heart is Yours and I’m following you wherever you go…

3:24 Come My daughter, rest, you are Mine.

3:56 Kenith Koplin (I had gone back to bed and right before waking up I heard his name.)

4:16 I saw teenager with long brown hair just past her shoulder. She was right in front oof me, looking at me. 

5:20 I heard, “Come.” The dream I had as I heard the word, come, was this: I dreamt that Jesus was at the top of a white wall/building, reaching down with his arm and was about to pull me up. We were clasping hands (my left), and I had my foot on the wall (to walk up the wall as he pulled me up) and he was about to pull me all the way up when I woke up with my alarm. (Today we had our feet on the wall at the gym, while doing arm touches) I’m thinking that today is an important day… Papa please help me. I’m trusting in You.

In another dream something like a small tractor was going very slow on a road. There were people around. Lucas was walking behind it, wondering why it was going so slow. Then I went to it and adjusted the thing and it went faster. The thing I adjusted was like the thing on the candle with the battery at youth that turns it on. 

A lady was showing me a round sandwich that was the size of a dinner plate. She had veggies I think on top of the bun that was laying on the plate and the other half of the bun was upright (the soft white side was facing up, so she flipped it over and laid it overtop the other one. There was liquid inside the half of the bun that she was flipping over, on top of the other half, making a whole sandwich (I think she had done it twice, the second time she was showing me how she was doing it). The liquid that was inside the top half of the bun was full of flavour, and it looked scrumptious!

This morning when my gym coach got there, guess what colour shirt she was wearing? Yellow!! It had a flower pattern on it. I was ready to share my story with her after the workout, which I did, and she was so open to hearing it and thanked me afterwards:) Of course I cried a bit because I’ve known her for so long. It was a difficult thing to do, yet not difficult at all! Yesterday I was going to pick the blue side when another one came, but my phone rang..  Something I’ve been meaning to say since before summer was that I had seen the name Andee on a licence plate. I think this was around when I heard that he was going to do the internship. 

8:05 I dreamt that I had walked into a building and I turned to my right and saw that the big (long) room was filled with people, sitting at tables, and they were all wearing light and a bit brighter blue shirts/clothing!!! Yes!!! It was formal and they were all dining at their tables… Blue represents unity to me… 

8:16 “They communicate well with other people.” (I heard a woman say this)

9:20 “boy”

10:25 “when I see you again, darling it won’t be long, till all the trouble is gone. When I see you again, we’ll be together and I’m not sure what that means but I know it’ll be better than before..

I have peace in my heart that I’m not getting baptized this Sunday. I’m so thankful for wisdom and Godly leadership.. I love You Lord; You are everything to me.