Yes I’m Ready

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14



My daughter, come, you are Mine and I love you. Don’t worry.

Papa, I love You. I worship You. You are Good all the time.

Papa, do You have a word for me?

Rest, all is well with you.

I’m resting Papa. Thank-You for Your unfailing love. I fully surrender my all to You. Show me if there’s anything more I need to surrender to You. I surrender wanting my gift right now. Your timing is perfect.

Rest My faithful one. 

Papa, I vaguely saw a yellow field or yellow on the land. I pray for Your harvest to come.

It will come soon.

I trust You Papa, and I’m keeping on following You. You are my life; I am nothing without You.

Come My darling, all is well with you.


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

12:05 : “7”  (I heard and sensed the number 7) In my dream I was on a busy city street and I saw a lady who was very pregnant, desperately running on the side of the street.

I had fallen asleep as I was praying with and putting Bella to bed and had dreamt the dream above. I had planned to spend time with God in prayer before going to bed, and after dreaming this I went downstairs to pray.

12:14 We were in a restaurant at a booth and there was someone at the table with me. They had a paper in their hand and they flipped it over and I saw the name, Danny, on it. (Meaning, God is my Judge)

12:19 you look perfect tonight

12:35 hook

12:30 I saw the handles on my bike as I was picking it back up. 

1:03 “Come, follow me and I will make you into a fisher of men”

12:52 “Dancing in the dark, listening to our favourite song. Darling you look perfect night.”

1:54 something about my lower back hurting. Then vaguely seeing someone’s back in front of me. (I’m sensing I need to sit behind the pastor.)

2:00 “listening to our favourite song. Darling you look perfect tonight.”

3:46 “you look perfect tonight.” I had a quick dream about three people holding hands (like a triangle; sensing it was on the bridge.

4:03 “Okay everybody let’s go!”

4:38 I dreamt there was a small group of people quickly going somewhere and one of them (had a darker shirt on) reached out their hand behind him for me to take, to invite me to be with them, and it felt so good to be included. 

4:43 “sweet!” 

5:15 A thought came to mind about one of my favourite books: The Hawk and the Jewel, by Lori Wick. Instead of trying to explain the book, I’ll write what it says at the back of the book: “For years Lord Gallagher’s family thought Sunny had perished with Lady Gallagher in storm-tossed seas off the Arabian coast. Unknown to them, the beautiful violet-eyed toddler had been found and taken to the palace of Darhabar, where she was raised as the ruler’s own child. Now the emir, Ahmad Khan, had contacted the family and asked them to send a ship for her. Why after all this time? And what of the mysterious gift he had sent with her? Brandon Hawkesbury, friend to the Gallaghers and appealing young captain of the vessel, gazed at Sunny as she came aboard. It would not be easy for the restless girl to accept a new life… a new family… a new faith. Brandon put aside these thoughts as he turned his ship toward sea. For now, Sunny was going home. What lay ahead was in God’s hands.” The part that I dreamt about was, the emir had come to get the box from Sunny that he had given her. Inside the box was something that would guarantee his position in his country, and she was giving it to him. By this time Sunny had fully accepted her new life in London and could hardly believe where she had been compared to where she was now. She was so thankful that she had been saved from that life.

5:33 I dreamt there was a boy who was leading a white car; every time the car would come to where he was, he would quickly run to the next spot. I saw the car pull up to where he was and he excitedly began running to the next spot, and the car would follow. (I’m feeling like this is my journey with Jesus…)

5:37 I heard someone say something about God, hearing the word, God, and they continued and said something like, “spend time with Him in prayer.” (This is what I’m doing…)

5:41 I heard someone say the word, “plane.”

5:44 “run!” A group of kids were playing a game and they needed to run before someone would catch them. (sensing like this could mean running full speed ahead with following Jesus)

6:46 Someone had found their way to Providence College by navigating through country roads. 

5:50 In my dream I was standing in front of the dishwasher; it was empty except for a few dishes; I saw one dish on the bottom rack and I didn’t see any on the top rack but sensed one or two there. 

5:53 a question was asked, “are you ready?” Then I was behind a counter and someone handed a debit card (some kind of card) over to pay for something, and said, “you and Joy.”

5:56 I saw K laughing with so much joy!

5:57 I had a quick picture of a family who had just come back from a trip. It was really early in the morning and the community was still sleeping. 

6:04 I dreamt I vaguely saw a boy running up a mountain to give someone a message; it was like a silhouette with a bright sky in the background. 

6:07 “mom, 11:45” sensing something about Lucas, that he came back from somewhere and he was more grown up than I thought, and he was going to go to work and reminded me of the time. 

6:13 I dreamt I was at church and someone was standing beside some pipes that were in an upright position. 

6:16 I dreamt about the Youth getting ready for a hot meal. They were setting up the tables.

6:37 I dreamt that Jesus my husband and myself were standing in front of a car and my friend was in the car and had her arm sticking out, dangling out of the passenger? side of the car. Jesus and I were facing each other: he had his back turned towards the car. I bent over to talk with her and as I was bending over, I noticed she couldn’t see Jesus’ hand and so I took his hand /was holding his hand; a little at first but then when I knew she couldn’t see anything, I grasped his hand more tightly and leaned myself into him, hugging him as much as I could, feeling so comforted. In walking life she had sent me a link to Joyce Meyer’s page that had Scripture to declare over ourselves about our identity, and this is what I did during my time with God. 

6:42 I dreamt about an empty white pail, seeing the bottom of it and seeing totally white. 

7:55 I dreamt about something so special, like being together with Jesus, but I forget what the dream was. I also dreamt that I lived really high up in a very tall building. I also dreamt that I had been on a ride and the seat I was sitting in was released and I was going up high into the air, floating and then it was coming down. I was on top of a big cliff and beside that there was an ocean. I began getting scared that the seat would bring me right on the water, but it stopped right at the edge of a high cliff. When I was done my legs were dangling over the edge and I managed to pull myself to safety. (I’m sensing this means that I could have been out on deep waters again and in a storm, but because I quickly went downstairs to pray and declare Gods word over me about who I am in Christ. I think I was spared from being in deep waters again. 

I also dreamt that I was flying high in the air and I was holding onto two clear pop bottles that had air in them (one was a bit smaller than the other). As I was in the air I knew my mom and dad were watching from afar and I let out the air slowly which helped me land with my feet firmly planted on the ground (sticking a landing!).

I vaguely saw in a dream, L cleaning up a table in a fast food restaurant. Everyone had eaten. I saw a cup with a straw with some other stuff. 

8:12 Jesus was saying he was going to help his daughter (“going to help my daughter”) which was Bella.

Shortly after that I vaguely dreamt that someone who had been pulling a long white trailer was backing it into a new garage/new house. 

Sometime in the night I dreamt that a grandma was pregnant; I think it was either my mentor or the lady whose name is Elizabeth. She was sitting in a chair and I was beside her, and I saw how excited she was. In my dream I also knew that I would be pregnant one day. 

10:28 My daughter, it’s not too late. You are Mine. 

10:30 I’m resting in You Papa. I love You so much!! 

During my prayer time I fell asleep a few times…
5:53 I saw an invitation (a large envelope) in someone’s hands, inside a building that felt like a wedding banquet!!!

5:55 I love you

6:00 I saw there’s a hidden pathway/tunnel (white, like where passengers walk through to get to the plane) leading to the parking lot from the building.

6:08 I saw someone had a white paper in their hand that had some/2 or 3  black ink moustache’s on the paper. And I saw bright  yellow on the paper.

Aug 2: 1:53 “We were just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was…”

3:42 “McVeigh”

3:44 “Darling just kiss me slow. Your heart is all I own…” (I found a love, for me. Oh darling just dive right in, and follow my lead… Well I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. Oh I never knew you were the someone, waiting for me… Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was. I will not give you up, this time… But darling just kiss me slow,,, your heart is all I own, and in your eyes you’re holding mine… Baby I’m, dancing in the dark, with you between my arms, barefoot on the grass,,, listening to our favourite song. When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath, but darling you look perfect tonight…”

4:37 Papa

My darling. I’ve been waiting for you.. come, you are Mine. 

Papa, I won’t give You up this time. Papa I’m so in love with You!

4:41 Darling you look perfect tonight. I love you, come close.

Yes Papa, draw me closer to You. My heart is Yours. 

4:44 “Baby I’m, dancing in the dark, with You between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song. When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath, but darling you look perfect tonight.”

Jesus, I don’t deserve it, all you have for me. 

Come My darling, this is a gift from Me to you, because I love you. 

You love me

I do

Despite my mess


I’m coming Papa. I can see us taking each other’s hand. Yes Papa, I’m following You with and into the priceless gift You have given me. 

Come, it’s your turn. 

Papa, it’s my honour to follow You, and to follow Jesus… 

“Darling just kiss me slow. Your heart is all I own. And in your eyes you’re holding mine…”(5:02)

Carolyn, come. 

Yes Papa, Jesus, I’m coming (5:04)

“Darling you look perfect tonight…” (5:11)


In my prayer time after Shopgym:

8:10 In Honour of God

8:11 I saw that a girl/woman was safe. It was dark around where she was, but in the white room she was in it was bright and safe. I saw her kneeling on the floor in prayer to God her Saviour. 

8:15 I saw a picture of a woman eating as she was walking towards the church building, all the way until she got to church.

8:10 I saw a woman laying down and there was a circle that went all the way around, coming back to her.

I had a vague sense yesterday when I saw the paper with black ink moustache’s, that the moustache’s were in the middle of the paper. I’m wondering if I need to sit in the front, middle so that I’m the first beside the middle isle? The heard the word “yes.” After seeing a circle being drawn around the lady, I prayed that God would protect me from the enemy; by faith I applied Jesus’ blood around me, making a circle; as I was starting the line, I remembered what I had just seen and I by faith I drew a circle of Jesus’ blood around me for Gods protection as I’m praying. So when I heard the “yes” I’m hoping this is from the Lord. As I’m reading my notes I’m reminded, and I sensed it earlier already, to sit behind the pastor. So this is what I’m going to do. 

8:37 I saw in a dream that a dog was buried in the ground, and part of a dogs face was sticking out.

9:24 Praise the Father Praise the Son. (Song was playing on Spotify as I was napping)

9:41 “Let everything! That has breath! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (song was playing on Spotify)

Clarelle and I are going to go to Osborne today to witness and pray for people. I had a dream a few days ago about hearing “11:45,” so I’m hoping it’ll work for her for me to pick her up then. Afterwards I’ll be going to Costco.