Diving In!!!

“In that day the mountains will drip new wine, and the hills will flow with milk; all the ravines of Judah will run with water. A fountain will flow out of the Lord’s  house and will water the valley of acacias.”  Joel 3:18



My darling, come, you are Mine and I love you.

I worship You Papa with a glad heart. I love You and I trust You.

My daughter come, rest.

I pray Papa, Holy Spirit that You would continue to guide my heart and my mind as I’m pursuing You, trying to descern Your voice at home, at church and wherever I go. Bring clarity to my mind and Your peace and calm to my heart. I want to hear Your voice clearly so I can know for certain where You are leading. 

I love you My dear one. I will help you in the way you should go. 

Papa, Your ways are Pure and Holy and Perfect. I worship You with all that I am. 


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

2:11 “virgin birth”

6:14 “If You’ve walked before us” If you’ve been forgiven, and if you’ve been redeemed, sing this song forever to the Lamb. If you walk in freedom, if you bear His name, sing this song forever to the Lamb. And the angels cry, Holy, all creation cries, Holy, You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever!”

7:21 I tried it. Behind him. Watch. (I saw yellow, maybe a yellow shirt) I’m sensing to sit behind the pastor.

7:24 Land on you

7:29 “God is God right?”

7:31 “Harden”? “You’ve got to move out of these squares.”

7:34 Fix your eyes upon Jesus. 

7:38 “She went into the garage.”

7:40 Your name, is the greatest Your name, is the highest your name, stands above it all. All thrones,and dominions all powers and positions Your name, stands above it all. And the angels cry, Holy, all creation cries, Holy. You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever.”

7:44 I think I saw someone wearing a yellow dress, getting up and walking. I will wear my yellow skirt tomorrow (I also saw a full yellow sun on a beach)

7:47 “Spread out” 

7:49 “my whole life down, my whole down before You. I raise my hand up lay my whole life down, my whole life down before You.” Vaguely saw someone running towards something.

7:53 Yes

7:55 “From now on” (something about fear pursuing me, which means fear is not in me)

7:58 I saw blue and yellow, like someone was wearing a shirt. Maybe I’ll wear my blue jean jacket with my yellow skirt. 

8:00 “You wanted this one? And this one is changing our course.” I was sensing “this one” was referring to a person. 

8:01 “Just because of Jesus”

8:04 “There’s no time to get there.” “They’re waiting for you.” I saw a young African boy saying this. 

8:06 We were at the airport, putting things through the scanner, and vaguely seeing someone going through it.

8:08 “Investing in someone” Bella said something today about investing in something, in hair products; Holy Spirit is leading me to invest more in her.

8:11 Joel (Yahweh is God; “I Am”) Today in my Bible time one of the references led to the verse above so this is why I chose it.

8:13 I was at a gas station on the parking lot and a lady (owner) said that she built one of the small buildings there on the parking lot; I was thinking she had pointed to the two sheds (beside each other) that she was referring to, but because we were both facing that direction, I looked there because she was talking about it.

8:17 I saw someone holding up a green shirt, smiling like he was about to give it to someone. The guy reminds me of the African American guy on, The Matrix, and it had The Matrix kind of feel. (I wore a green shirt today and used a green towel at the swimming pool)

8:22 “I’m done”

8:36 In my dream I was standing on a farm yard.

8:38 “a game changer” I was in our garage and there was a guy standing by the door (kind of facing the door), about to leave, looking towards my direction and pointing to the inside of the garage while saying something about something being a game changer. (A commercial on Spotify says something is a game changer about the harvest)

8:45 “I lose a high value of my mind” having a sense that someone was saying this to someone. (I know something in my heart better, like I’m believing in my heart and not only in my mind?)

9:02 I was at the door with my husband… saying goodbye to someone who was leaving.

9:04 seeing a big rip in my blanket.

9:19 I was standing in line in a classroom at the end of a school day, ready to go home. 

9:49 something about having a film (film that was used in cameras)

9:52 “You will always be, Holy, Holy forever!”

I dove into the pool today! I think I stood on the diving board for at least 5 minutes before I had the courage to dive! I didn’t have a good form as I dove.. my legs were spread out a bit as I was diving; On the board I made sure to bend down with my weight so that I would have momentum to go higher before going down into the water. I’ve never done that before and you can totally tell! 😁 Anyway, I did it:) Yesterday in the evening the main characters name in The Matrix came into my mind (Keanu Reeves); I was thinking to watch the movie yesterday as I remembered it in one of my dreams a few nights ago, and then his name popped into my mind so I was resolute in watching it. What stood out to me was in the beginning of the movie; 303 was the door number in the apartment building; the scene about the spoon -I had dreamt about a spoon not that long ago in an empty bowl but I’m not sure if that’s related; I had read the word deja vu earlier on in the day or the day before that, and I was reminded of it when I saw it in the movie; the scene where Neo finally believes that he is the one, and then he gets this power to do amazing things; the scene where the lady dives into the window to get to a phone. The biggest one for me is about believing, and this is a journey the Lord is leading me into believing deeply about the calling God has placed in my life. I also know that Jesus is the one for me. Another thing that stands out to me was that the world wasn’t what was real; the world after he get translated is what’s real. It reminds me that our spiritual life is more real than our physical life, and God is leading me on this journey of believing this deep in my heart so that I can dive into what God has for me/us. As far as I know, I’m in!!! 🏝️