All Because of Jesus!

“…Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted.” Isaiah 12:4


Papa, thank-You for all You’ve done in my heart and in my life. Who am I that You would come so close to me? You are so Great and so Holy. I worship You Papa and I throw myself down at Your feet. I’m the woman who washes Your feet with my hair. Thank-You for Your grace and mercy. Thank-You for Your love.

I love you My daughter. Finished. All is well with you. My dear one. Accomplished your goal. You are Mine and I love you.

Thank-You Papa for helping me today. Thank-You for giving me the courage to do such a difficult thing. I could never dive and jump from such a great height on my own. I know that You are with me and I know that the spiritual realm is more real than the earthly realm. Help me to live in a way that shows what I believe. With You all things are possible. 

Yes My daughter, this is true. You will do many greater things than this.

Papa, I love my life for You. You are My King forever! I love and adore You and I worship at Your feet.

Come My daughter, it’s time. It’s over. 

Papa, I needed to choose what drink I wanted; I missed that.

I know. Grace. My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. 

Papa, I owe You my life. You have done so much for me; how could I ever repay You?

Come My dear one. It’s time. You are Mine and I love you. 

Papa, I’m following You because I love You. I am devoted to You. My life is Yours. Help me to always walk close to You. Help me to hear Your voice more clearly. Draw me closer to Your heart.

Come. Rest now. All is well with you. I’m proud of you today; you did well.

Thank-You Papa; it’s all because of Jesus who died and rose again for me, for all of us; Thank-You Jesus. I love You. 


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

2:04/05 I saw someone’s arms up from behind like they were diving into a pool. I sensed before church that I needed to do this.

2:09 I saw a square silver grid of small squares, and in the middle of this grid was the shape of a flower or a tree (made from the same small squares yet it stood out somehow.)

2:14 “.. to do it again” I saw a woman say this; I saw the side of her as she was moving and telling someone that she was going to do something again (She seemed a bit overwhelmed by it.) Diving? I went back to the pool today with my kids and I dove into the water from the higher diving board! I also jumped off that one (and the lowest one) and also from the highest one, which is called the Diving Tower I think. I’m so amazed that I actually did it; I could never have done it without the Holy Spirit’s help!

2:37 I’m not going to be done until it’s done. I think this is referring to that I didn’t get everything at church, and that I was done when I dove off the middle diving board and jumped off the diving tower. I washed my eyes with the eye wash that was there, thinking about my dream about seeing eyes on my shoes (runners).

5:12 I saw a lady who had gotten something/ who had understood something; she was sitting and had both of her kids in her arms (one kid under each arm). I sat between them during most of worship, then I sat behind my pastor. I believe it also referred to the high diving board that I needed to dive from, and I did, yay!!!

5:26 Baby I’m, dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot of the grass, listening to our favourite song. When you said you looked a mess, darling I whispered underneath my breath, you heard it, darling you look perfect tonight. 

5:39 I see my future in your eyes, darling just kiss me slow. Your heart is all I own, and in your eyes your you’re holding mine. 

6:05 “I have faith in what I see…”

6:24 In my dream someone hit me on my head, feeling like I dreamt it to get me up. I’m getting up! (Later when I sensed we needed to go back and I needed to dive from the high diving board, I remembered this part of my dream and it was a confirmation for me to go back to the pool and do it again (and do more difficult things than the first time).

I did it!!! I dove off the middle diving board, then I jumped off the lowest one a few times (because Bella didn’t get the first jump on camera), then jumped off the middle one and then Lucas said something about jumping off the highest one, the Tower and somewhere there I realized that this is probably what my dream meant about me putting my arms around both of my kids and sitting in the middle of them, not in the middle of the section of seats! I’m so thankful for how the Lord leads me to know what He means! Though I missed choosing what drink I wanted; I needed to volunteer at the World Cafe, but if I would have thought about it, I could have told them what my choice was but I didn’t think about it. After swimming we went to A&W and we each ordered combos; I ordered the Papa Burger and fries and chose Coke to drink. I have a few more things to say but I’m actually in bed because my ears and throat are hurting a lot. I put ear drops (polisporn for ears) and it’s helping. I think today has been the most difficult and the most stressful day I’ve ever had (in a good way; I’ve had many stressful days that were in bad ways, and I’d rather have good stressful days). I’m sensing it’s okay not to go to Shopgym ears are closed and very tender and my throat hurts, probably because of the water pressure. When I was finding courage to jump off the tower, I looked at my watch and saw it was 3:39, so I waited until it was 3:40 (because of what it represents…) and jumped…

I changed the verse because I do trust in people; I know the other verse is referring to ungodly people, but because of my journey with learning to trust God and my husband… I decided to change it. I do trust… and this is why I was able to do what I did today. Love and Blessings… Goodnight…❤️‍🔥

Sept 9: 11:57 “Can I show you something that’s very exciting?” I saw a guy with a big smile on his face and the dream felt like we were at a party and celebration. 

12:05 Someone was saying something to someone about going south…

12:43 I saw a pair of white runners on the floor, outside close to a door. (Meaning that I’m in the house?) 

12:47 I saw someone “standing in the dark” with light shining on their face. The light looked like it was shaped like a vertical line. 

2:22 I saw a table full with gifts; it was a rounded pile of gifts on the table.

2:43 If you’ve been forgiven, if you e been redeemed, sing this sing forever to the Lamb. 

3:04 If you’ve been forgiven, if you’ve been redeemed. Sing this song forever to the lamb.

3:32 All who’ve gone before us, and all who will believe, will sing the song of ages to the Lamb.

4:34 Come My darling, you are Mine. 

4:39 My daughter, rest

4:42 Believe

4:44 Papa, I believe and I trust you Jesus… 

5:20 My daughter rest, all is well with you. Come, you are Mine and I love you.

Papa, I love You so much!! I’m at rest…

5:35 “I lift my hands up lay my whole life down, my whole life down before You. I lift my hands up lay my whole life down, my whole life down before You.”

5:37 Papa, overall, what I’ve done for You, how I’ve followed you Jesus has been very messy, but every time I was able to follow, I followed you with all my heart; I’ve given you my all… I trust you Jesus, I trust You Papa; I don’t know if what I’ve done this weekend is enough but I gave everything I had to do what I did to show you that I love you and that I want to follow you and be with you for the rest of my life… 

5:44 Come My daughter, you did well. You followed Me. Rest.

5:50 We were just kids but we’re so in love, fighting against all odds, knowing we’ll be all right this time. Darling just take my hand. Be my girl I’ll be your man.. Dancing in the dark, with you between my arms.  Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song. 

5:55 I love you Carolyn, you are Mine…

6:14 I saw myself standing from the side, wearing a light blue bathing suit (I saw light blue bathing-suit.)

6:18 “Is there another one? I saw a hand taking a red gummy from a candy bag.

6:23 “Right beside each other “

6:26 I saw a young lady with long brown hair who had a daughter. Her daughter was standing nearby and she looked lovingly at her. 

6:29 I dreamt that someone owned a coffee company.

6:31 I saw someone cleaning up a big room, washing the floor? using rags.

6:34 “Shine” I saw a brown?notebook on the table with a few other notebooks. 

6:38 I was in a room that had white boards propped up for painting, and I saw a lady sitting in front of one of the boards, ready to paint. (I’ve been meaning to paint again) As I was watching and listening to some wedging videos this morning I saw people holding up white signs that said Congratulations… it was these white cardboard paper that my dream reminds me of. Going through the things I sensed to do and thinking about the ones I didn’t get, feeling like this journey is taking so long. 

6:43 I saw a lady wearing a black and white jogging jacket; it had white in the front. (Right in the front, right side?)

6:47 My drawer of underwear was open and I saw all my underwear. 

6:57 I saw a lady standing in a big room, looking at me. Wondering if this has something to do with the 18th?

7:08 I saw two little girls on the floor/ground and their dog getting away. The girls had fallen onto the ground because of the dog, who had pushed them in order to get away.

7:11 I saw my teal (light beige and teal) tote bag hung up. The bag I used to go swimming yesterday. It had nothing in it. Wondering if this means that I’m done reading on Fridays..

7:20 I saw a person wearing a short red skirt. She stepped up onto something or had just climbed up a short ladder like the one in a pool.  

7:27 I don’t know if this was a dream or my own thinking, but I saw myself walking into my husbands arms,, and together we were watching something.

7:31 In my dream I saw Bella with her pink teddy, so I got up to help her get ready for school. 

9:40 I was swinging, feeling like I was hanging onto a bar. As I was swinging I saw my feet caught onto a shiny silver bar. (Reminds me of par-core)

9:44 I was in the foyer at church I think and I saw two ladies smiling at me.

This afternoon Im taking my mom to a doctors appointment in her town. On Wednesday I’m getting together with two of my friends at the park. (I’ve never been there. I was there actually once when it was just a small place to have coffee.) We’ll have burgers from Nuburger there and have coffee together and then we’ll walk on one of the trails. I’m thinking this journey is nearly done, feeling like the biggest things have been done.. I’m sensing I’ve been redeemed… so if I’ve been redeemed it means that I’m free…. So now I just keep on following and leave the results up to God…. 🙏🏼🌸🌸

September 10: 3:38 I had been awake for about a minute when all of a sudden I heard an internal alarm that felt like it was coming from my kids dads side. And in an instant I was completely awake, feeling completely alert. Then I got up and went downstairs to pray. 

4:25 “I found a love, for me. Darling just dive right iin, follow my lead… “

5:45 Famous

6:17 “I have faith in what I see…”

6:19 I had a dream of chicken being bbq’d, turning them over and being done.

6:24 I saw someone or I was I’m not sure, standing in front of a glass thing where bakeries put their cakes and other baked goods. I saw white on top of donuts and I was ordering. I saw the lady walk there to take my order. I will order donuts…

6:59 My husband and I were sitting in a very nice car, waiting for something and watching some kids play football right by the car. The window in the front and on my side (passenger side) were down like a convertible. Then it started raining and I saw there were white papers on their side, along the passenger side door; the papers were as high as the top of the door and I didn’t want to get the papers wet, so we quickly began putting up the windows; I watched the front one come up and then the one on the side. The two windows met at the corner, making a rounded corner. I was amazed at how the two windows fit so perfectly together, sealing shut. 

Walking on a trail; Lucas had gone somewhere to apply for school/Bible College. And there was a famous teacher there like Max Locado. I was following my husband walking on a trail and he said that someone would know who that is, and I said for him to tell me because I also may know who that is. Then there was a house beside the trail that had stairs leading down with the walls of it going down made from big bricks. I could see bright light shining up from the basement, and I saw my husband at the top of the stairs that led down, looking at me and smiling. He was excited at the thought of going down and it looked like he was going to go. 

Then I kept walking and I came to the end; there was a garage blocking the path. So I looked into the windows and saw it was a garage sale, and then I walked through the door of the garage. I was looking through the many things. Then I saw many books on the floor (a few of them open) and I stepped on them in order to walk passed them. There was the owners desk area and I saw and took a white paper that the owner had written on. She had used this paper to photocopy for people to fill out their information. There was a paper taped onto the bigger paper that had a phone number on it. I learned that she had put her number there because someone had gone away to get something and the phone number was there if she needed to call her (I heard her say this to someone; hearing her say that “that was the reason” she had put her number there. She said this after she came back from being inside. Then Lucas was there; he had been inside, choosing books or something. That’s when I realized that this was the place Lucas had gone to. I have a vague picture of her looking very kindly to me. I vaguely saw two ladies there, but this is so vague that I’m not sure. 

Then I saw a chair that had oil on it, and it was spilling onto the floor a little so I moved it. I leaned another chair onto it so it wouldn’t spill. These chairs were the old style that were made with wood and were yellow.

There was another open garage across the alley and I had walked into it. I was at the back, trying on a shirt. The shirt was too big for me but I had put it on, liking it. It was yellow and green. I had it on and I noticed there was a shirt underneath the shirt I had on, so I was wearing two shirts. Then I was looking at it more closely (it was a jersey) and then I just had the top one on which I discovered was a vest; the underneath shirt had full length sleeves. I thought these two had belonged to a guy and I thought to buy it. Then there was a boy there that I was talking to that lived in the first garage (house), and then I saw his dad had come home (he was standing in the garage) and the boy was looking at him, a bit worried. I had a feeling like the boy needed to go back home. Then the owner of the garage that I was in came home, and I said something like that I was thinking the two garage sales were connected. I had a vague feeling like I didn’t know the owner of the second garage. 

7:47 I dreamt that I was putting on a watch. I already had my first watch on (it was more on my arm than my wrist) and I was putting on a second watch, which I think was black. 

Buns, someone was squeezing …

7:50 I saw someone lift up their cell phone and I saw a family scene with brown walls in the background; a mom with her kids. 

9:58 A man and a group of people were by some tall brown doors; the man who was leading was going to try to figure out how to open them. This had a scientific feel, and I could tell that the man was a genius; he was looking forward to figuring this out, feeling like he was very confident that he would. The building was a big building like the legislative building. 

10:03 I was walking down a wheelchair ramp with my mom. She wanted to take my hand but I avoided it. Yesterday I went to my mom’s place and putting the story short, her appointment wasn’t yesterday, it’s tomorrow. She asked me to take her but I told her I already had plans (Birds Hill), but after getting this dream I’m going to take her and meet my friends afterwards at Birds Hill.

Today I listened to both of Ana Werner’s teachings as I was driving.. she talks a bit about how some people/prophets have a calling to speak at the legislative/government level.. in my dream it felt like it was at the legislative building, I’m not sure if it represents that. In another dream there was a part about cd’s or dvd’s, and in the Matrix movie they were using disks to download into their mind so they’d know how to do thing right away, thinking God will give me a download/anointing that the chair represents? Good night, love and blessings… I finished reading page 88.. I’m enjoying this book the most..🫰🏼

September 11: 12:17 “It’s my spiritual walk with God.”

I dreamt that I had my hands together with a handful of pens in my hand. The ink side was pointed to the table/desk and I was putting my hands in a rubbing kind of motion (the same way when we want to set a stick on fire). I believe the Holy Spirit’s anointing will come in my writing? Or it is because He’s revealing things to me?

3:00 I woke up and I had dreamt something but I forgot it quickly or I fell back asleep, I don’t remember.

As I’m praying downstairs I’m remembering my dreams and praying into them; Here’s my thought process.. The dream about seeing a phone number, and the reason for leaving it: I left my phone number with a lady (who was very kind) at a store at the St. Vital mall because I asked them to hold a dress for me for the day, just in case I couldn’t find a different one. The dress was a burgundy colour so I didn’t really want to buy it. Then I went to the outlet mall and found a red dress right away that I liked better and I bought it. In my dream I tried two shirts on, one was a jersey, and then I had a vest on. I wore a blue bombers sweater today when I went to Birds Hill this evening. 

In my dream a boy looked at his dad who was standing in the garage, looking at him and waiting for him to come home. Meaning, I need to come to the info booth (youth) and give my phone number just in case? I think I dreamt about leaving my personal information somewhere.. check my dreams… 

My red satin dress had a yellow tag..

5:28 I saw the number 7 

5:32 “sitting on the chair for the person” I heard a child say this.

5:37 “I want to invite you to the lamp, and sit.” (Vague)

6:51 “Crash landing on you” (I actually heard this in my heart right before waking up!!!)

7:02 unbroken (711?)

I’m not sure what time I dreamt this but I saw a very small person with a very small head sitting by himself on a bench, looking at me. There were a few other things in the dream but I don’t remember what they were.

Goodnight…love and blessings…❤️‍🔥