An Amazing Invitation

Thank-you Father for being so near to me. Thank-you that you’re making yourself known to me. You’re telling me so many things in my dreams and I don’t know specifically what you mean by them. I’m a bit stressed because I don’t want to miss what you’re saying.

My faithful one, come and rest -walk with me.

Father, I’m sensing that we’re walking into another pocket of learning time, like you’re discipling me in a deeper way than before. A few days ago you gave me certain days to work, specifically to prepare for my recordings (Mon, Wed, Fri). This makes me anxious because of the other pressures in my life.

My daughter come, I will show you how. To follow me is always the right thing to do. Will you trust me in this?

I will Father -I do trust you. I’m trusting that you’re making a path before us and I trust you to hem me in on all sides. Last night you gave me another dream in which you invited me to come and sit at a long table. I feel like a kid next to the ones who sit there -this is the sense I get from the dream…I don’t know what this table represents, but it was an important banquet. Because you’ve invited me Dad, I will come, though you’ll need to lead the way because I have no idea what it represents or how to get there. 

I will show you Caroline, just keep following me and I will lead you there. 

Okay thank-you Lord for this amazing invitation. 


Walking in faith is truly the most thrilling thing I’ve ever done because the joy and intensity of it goes deeper into the core of who I am than anything else I could ever do. The funny thing is, I have no idea of how to get to the core of who I am other than to follow my I Am. I think as I follow the Holy Spirit deeper into the heart of God, he’ll lead me into knowing and will teach me how to walk in the person he’s made me to be. 

Last week God gave me a dream where I was at work and it was time to pay the rent. The guy downstairs was having a hard time to pay his part because Christmas was soon here, and I found out that because there were others also working upstairs where I was, that we all needed to share the cost. I was comforted knowing that the part I had to pay was doable. My boss asked me to do all the finances for work and I told him I didn’t know how to do it, but that I’d be willing to learn if he’d teach me. I also told him that I’d need to do it at work, during work hours, and suggested Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. 

I’m still pondering/praying about what this means but I’m thinking that the Lord is going to be teaching me how to do my recordings, that I need Jesus to teach me what to say, and need to be pressing into the Lord about this more specifically on those three days. Also, I need to learn what it means to do finances spiritually…does it mean to count up everything that I’ve done for him? because there’s definitely a cost to following him and going against the norm. I’m thinking that because he’s given me these three days every week to press into him, his anointing will be there, stronger, on those days…yikes, what am I getting myself into! I just need to remember it’s not a big thing -I’m just continuing to do what I’m already doing.