
Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Father, I long for more of Your glory, to be engulfed by your presence. I worship You Father. Help me to keep walking and to keep saying yes to you. 

Remember Caroline -rest and keep on walking.

Father, You are the flame in my heart, and I won’t cover it up. My eyes are on You Jesus. The journey I walk with You is the cross I carry, and I will continue to carry it. 


In my dream last night I was with a small group of people but I didn’t see them. We were falling through the sky, through layers and layers of clouds; it seemed like the falling would never end, and I became so accustomed to it that I relaxed as I fell. While we were falling I said to my group, “Okay, lets do this like we practised!” Then it was time to land and we landed with our feet firmly on the ground like super-heroes! I landed using a certain technique; touching the ground with my toes first then rolling down to my heels, resulting in a softer land. I also saw the whole group land firm on their feet on the ground except for one person who fell to their death because he hadn’t been prepared. As I walked towards someone from our group, I asked if everyone was okay, and they said, “all except one.”

Then three of us were somewhere where we needed to disappear from and our enemy was coming to us very quickly. I was standing a little separate from them; there was a low wall between us. I had some long pieces of chocolate that were individually wrapped (that had been given to me to use for emergencies) in my pocket that when we ate them, they would magically take us to another realm. So one at a time I quickly gave one to each of the two people and they quickly ate it. Then when it was my turn, the enemy was right beside me. I had put my chocolate piece just under my thigh to hide it and the enemy was yelling at me to give it to him. Then as he was continuing to yell at me, I began to eat it, determined to not give him a piece. I was chewing, then took another bite, ate that piece and with determination I put the last piece in my mouth, feeling victorious that the enemy didn’t get it from me. Then I was in another realm where in this realm, we needed to disappear from it as well because of difficulty, but I don’t remember the specifics. 

I’m going to take a few days break from posting, unless the Lord gives me something to post of course. I just want to press into the Lord and focus more on him.