Bride of Christ!!

Revelation 19:7 “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.”

Caroline, I love you -you are mine this day. Come, I have something for you.

Jesus, being with you fills my heart so deeply. You know how to build true intimacy, and you have done this with me, with us. 

Yes my darling, I have, and this has been such a delight.

Your ways Father have shown to be so much higher than mine could ever be. I love your ways.

And I love you. Come, all is complete. Come and dine with me. 

Jesus I savour very moment that I have with you!! Purify my heart in your presence Lord. Thank-you that you have drawn me close to you in the way you have. 

You’re welcome Caroline. Come, it’s time. You are mine. 


These are my thoughts:) Jesus and I got married this morning!!!! I finally got to rest my head on his chest after such a long long journey. It was like it was really happening, and then I awoke. But I know that the dreams Jesus plants in us and leads us into doing, he also has a way to make them a reality.

In my first dream I was at a place with others. As a group we walked passed a small shallow pool that someone was sitting in, relaxing with their dog. I had had an invitation to come to another, deeper pool, and I heard her say, “it’s warm!” Then I saw on a counter top, a jean blanket with many pockets that had zippers, and these were the pockets we needed to put our wallets/identifications in before going into the pool. I saw that the one I was using already had a few coins in it, and I saw a small gold coin with a few silver ones. I put my identification in it and closed the zipper. I also saw in the pocket beside mine that there was a stack of bills rolled up, and I left that alone because I knew it wasn’t mine. Then I saw a lady, crystal clear from my past who is completely different from me in personality, the opposite. Then I was away from this place, sitting on the floor with a group of people all facing one another in a circle. We were going to talk about the scene where we had come from. Then I remembered that I had left all my identification at the other place -needing a new identity.

This next dream represents such a personal moment that is meant to show intimacy between the Lord and I that I really want to delete it, but I’m fighting that because the Lord wants a deep love relationship with every one of his children. So I’m going to keep myself vulnerable and keep it on. If the Lord showed this to me, then I trust him as I put it out there. In my second dream right before waking up, my daughter was beside me as I began claiming land by running my fingers along a digital map. I saw that as I began moving my fingers, the whole area would come to life. I saw that I claimed green forest areas and blue lakes and fields. I could take as much as I wanted so I kept on claiming so much land! Then I saw a very big, deep lake, and as I ran my fingers to cover and claim the lake, I also was joining and expanding a lake to it, creating an even larger lake. As I was moving, I saw an empty parking lot. I had moved passed a curb and was on a new, clean parking lot. Then the scene changed where I had gotten married and my husband was leaning leaning on something, watching me a few feet away. I was shaking a champagne bottle, enjoying every moment. We were in a time of celebration!! As I was shaking it and holding the cork, I thought to myself, “Am I supposed to be the one doing this?” I normally wouldn’t be the one to do it, but I was so completely filled with joy as I let the pressure go. Then I was right in front of my husband, intimately close, facing him and I saw his lips as he drank from the champagne bottle I was holding. I watched as he got used to the fizz and swallowed, and then I also took a sip. I thought to myself that I don’t remember having said, “I do..” even though I knew we had gotten married. Then I could finally, finally rest my forehead on his chest and I deeply savoured the moment because of the deep love I have for him, and I could sense him savouring the moment too.. then I was aware of our lips coming closer. The picture I saw about this last part is, I saw my lips ready and waiting, and I watched as his lips were also ready, coming closer from another angle in order to make this special moment last longer. Intimacy with Jesus satisfies beyond words. I think that God will continue to anoint our time together and anoint what he wants me to say.

From my point of view, Jesus is so purely romantic -a romance straight from heaven! God is love and knows the way to true intimacy -through love, through Him and in Him. Physical touch without a deep love that has grown over time, is not intimacy. Going straight to physical touch without a deep friendship is like trying to get straight to the top of a ladder without taking the steps to get there. Without taking the time to take each step up with God’s timing is premature because only God can see inside our heart clearly and knows when we are ready to take the next step, so theres a purpose for his timing for each step taken. 

Growing in intimacy with Jesus is the same. The steps of a ladder represent time with him every day. As we spend time with him every day, he determines when we’re ready to take the next step up, into having a deeper friendship and love relationship with him -a growth in knowing our Creator. We are the bride of Christ and are making ourselves ready for our wedding day with him! Roots that grow deep over time can grow deep enough to reach the abundant water flow deep in the ground, and with this nourishment, the tree above ground level can weather any storm. Deep roots that are being grown is a deep friendship being built!! These are my thoughts today..