Holy Spirit Moving

Mathew 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Caroline my daughter come, for all is well with you.

Oh Dad, all your plans for me are better than all of mine. I want your will in my life, even when it’s hard.

Caroline come, come into my embrace; here you will find rest.

Dad. I really long to be in your embrace. I need to be comforted and sense your loving arms around me. Father, do you have a word for me today?

Yes my darling -you are Mine.

Father, I know its been difficult going up because its new to me, but I also know it’s difficult because of what it represents. I pray that you’d revive my heart. I pray for your anointing Holy Spirit so that I’m not going in my own strength but in yours. I love you so much, and I pray that you’d help me show you my love by doing what you ask me to do. Deep inside I know I already have joy about going up, so help your joy in me to bubble up and show itself as I’m being faithful to you. 

Caroline, I have a word for you today; you are Mine.

Dad, when you say this I also feel invited by you to rest. This is what I’m going to try and focus on today and everyday; to rest in your embrace, knowing that I am yours.

Caroline, I have more for you. Draw near to me and I will be near to you.

Thank-you Lord. As I picture myself drawing near to you when I get nervous about something, I know that I will be able to rest because I know that you’ll be near. Thank-you. 


I woke up at 5:24 with the words “they call each other…” I had a feeling like calling each other by a name, but it could have a double meaning. I had also dreamt that I was in a deep water channel, or water leading up into or through a town. I had a vague sense that there were buildings on both sides of the channel. There was someone with me but I didn’t see them. While in the water I looked behind me and saw a huge dark war ship, sitting in the water very close to me, and it was blocking or sheltering me from a strong wind that was coming from behind the ship -I sensed there was an ocean behind it. It could have been a storm I’m not sure. I saw a fierce wind coming past all the sides, all around the ship but where I was I couldn’t feel it. There was also a huge ship right in front of me that was more inside the town, facing me (they were both facing me so that I was in the middle of them). I only vaguely saw the ship that was in front of me which was more inside the town, facing the direction of the ocean, but I did see that it wasn’t a dark ship, and the person who was nearby felt like they were my friend; I sensed that my friend was close to the ship that was in front of me. Then the ship behind me began to back up and the ship in front of me began to move forward, both at the same time, creating a strong swirl of water where I was, and I began to get sucked into the strong current it was producing. I desperately yelled for my friend to help, and then I saw that I was climbing out of the water, onto a steep rock bank. In my dream I had a feeling that because the ships were moving out, I would feel the full force of the wind. I believe the wind represents the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit is moving and I need to soon get out of the water. I’ve felt like I’ve been in deep water in the middle of the ocean for the longest time, and I’m not sure if this is in that context, but if it is then I’m not there anymore but am climbing onto land! 

I also had a quick dream where I was with someone and I was standing higher on something that must have been a stool, but I sensed they were standing on the floor, and we were putting a long cylinder shaped weight (about 3 or 4 feet long) on top of a cupboard. He was handing me this weight; I saw his hand as I took it, and because I was standing higher on a stool, I took it to put it on top of the cupboard. But I saw that the cupboard was only about a foot wide and the long weight was far too long to rest on it because I was putting it up there so that the length of it was coming towards me, so it wasn’t working. In my dream I didn’t think to put so that it was along the wall, which could have worked. I have no idea what this could mean. 

Then my alarm woke me up at 6:44 and I had words, “an embrace is sitting on the table,” on my mind. From then until 7:00, which was my next alarm, I kept on waking up and having dreamt something, so these are the things I dreamt and heard: I had a quick dream of Lucas having had worked at Subway, and he was done his work-shift. As he was walking towards me, he said something like he was hungry so he was wondering if he could eat something. So I said yes, that because we were at subway, he could order a sub-sandwich for himself, which I knew he’d like very much. Then I had a quick picture of someone wearing a beautiful white wedding gown. I din’t see her face but I saw from her waist down, noticing the material of her dress; I’m not an expert at materials, but the material was not stiff; it was plain (nothing sewn onto it), and not as shiny as silk, and was more flexible -a really good quality. I think wedding dresses are so beautiful when they don’t have sequins sewn onto them. I am part of the bride of Christ and am making myself ready for him!!!!

Then I had a dream where I was behind a counter (I think it was the kind where people could walk all the way around because I was inside of it with somebody.) I saw a few men standing on the other side, looking at the display. Then I walked out from behind the counter and walked around to where the people were standing and I saw what they were looking at. I saw used car parts on display like we’d see at a gas-station where they have candy or chocolate bars displayed against the counter. Then I woke up again a few minutes later and had the words, “wedding channel,” on my mind. Then at 7:00 right before my alarm woke me up, I had heard the words, one at a time, “I want to host again.” I believe this represents that I’m ready to go up.. If the opportunity’s still there, I would like to go up..I feel bad because it takes me too long sometimes to be truly ready for something. I heard the word June not too long ago; I got married in June and it made me think of a wedding dress… My understanding is that the end of our journey’s in sight, programmed to see the ending.. okay.. I can truly say that I’ve wearied myself for God while being in the centre of his will, and my heart is more glad than I can express that I could do that for Him!