A Light for my Path

Psalm 119:105

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” 


My sweet daughter come, you are Mine. All is well with you. 

Father, today after the church service when we were back in our car, I had a sense of value that I didn’t have before. I didn’t do anything differently; through the message I heard and the scripture that was used, the Holy Spirit was working in my heart, and now I have a knowing deep in my heart that I am valued by you and therefore I feel that I have value.

My daughter, welcome home. You are Mine and I am well pleased with you. Caroline…

Father, I feel like there’s more. I feel like I still need a breakthrough, and the only way for this breakthrough is if I keep on walking, doing what I’m being shown to do..

Yes My daughter, this is correct. Caroline, there’s more for you to discern. 

Okay Lord. As I keep walking I pray that you’d help me discern what it is. Help me follow you with a spiritually sharper eyesight and spiritually stronger hearing so I can recognize your voice better. 

Come My darling, for it is soon time. Will you be ready?

Father please help me be ready because only you know! You know my heart better than I do; make me ready!

Caroline My faithful servant. I have a word for you today. Are you ready to hear what I have to say?

Father, I think so but I don’t know what you’re going to say. But I trust in You because I know your unconditional love, so yes, I’m ready to hear what you have to say. 

Come boldly before me my faithful daughter, for you have found favour with me. Ask what you wish, and you will receive what you ask for. 

Father, I’m suddenly sweating like crazy. You know my heart Father, so in my heart is the question for you. I’m resting, knowing that everything you do is right, so when I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do so that I’m prepared for the next step, then I pray that your will, will be done, what you have told me about. Is this the right question Father? 

Yes my daughter, this is the right question. So be it. Caroline, I love you. Always come boldly before me in my throne room, for you are welcome here. 

Oh Dad, you’re making me sob in my heart. I’m overwhelmed by your great love for me. Thank-you for your grace for me and for your great mercy. You are my Redeemer; thank-you my kinsmen-redeemer.. I surely have found favour in your sight. Father, my life is yours and I give myself to you. I don’t know everything you want to do in my life or how you want to use me to glorify your name, but I am fully yours Father; I fully trust in you. 

Come my daughter, I have spoken. I declare that you have become one of my disciples. Come now, the time is right. Now we go up. 

Okay Father, I love you and I’m following you. 


Today we went sledding -so much fun! I went down as many times as the kids and managed to run back up the hill a few times:) Today Bella bought a white mug with a straw:) In my dream last night I was in a room that reminds me of a smaller church sanctuary. The pews were filled with people and were all facing towards my right. The feeling the room had was that there were many young people that were sitting in the seats. I knew that Bella was sitting with her friends on the left side, closer to the front. I had something in my hand, a treat that I wanted to give her so I walked behind all the pews to go to the left side, to the small table that had condiments on it. I didn’t see anything else that was on the table excepts a cup or container of paper-wrapped straws, and I picked one up to give to her. As I was getting the straw, I thought she’d enjoy fiddling with it as she sat with her friends during the presentation. Then I had walked down the aisle, up to where she was on my left and saw that she was laying down, taking up all the space of the brown wooden pew. So I helped her sit up and I sat down beside her, on her right which was right next to the aisle. The sides of the pew had a bit of an armrest or short wall that came down at a slant from the backrest going down to the seat. As I was sitting down I noticed there was a lot of space; I felt that the pew was big as I pushed myself back to lean onto the backrest. I may have a few thoughts to write, but it’s late and I’m going to the 5AM crossfit class so I need to go to bed! Blessings…