Rejoicing in God’s Salvation

Psalm 35:7-10

“…Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord and delight in his salvation. My whole being will exclaim, “who is like you, O Lord? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.” 


My dream began with me sitting in the backseat (left side) of a car, and there was a man sitting in the drivers seat in front of me. I could only see the top of his head but he seemed to be a big/strong man. I watched a man who was supposed to be my protector and friend, going here and there, getting ready and putting things in the car. I only saw his head too, though I knew who he was. I was just quietly sitting there, and then I began thinking that if he was getting ready to leave and I am also in the car, then that means I’ll be going with him, and I didn’t want to go with him. So I looked at the door handle and tried opening the door but it was locked. So I tried again and again and finally managed to open the door and get out, but my dream ended before I saw that I had gotten out -I sensed that I had managed to unlock the door get out. I knew that they had planned to kidnap me. Then the scene changed where I was outside, running away from a group of people who were still wanting to kidnap me, and I fell to the ground, on the tall green grass, looking up at the woman who was standing over me. I tried kicking her away but my kick was weak and she didn’t feel threatened by me at all. I remember thinking that I felt powerless to help myself and I didn’t know what to do. Then the whole group was there who were trying to kidnap me, and then I had had enough.

The scene changed where I was standing up, and I was going to prove to the group that God existed and that what I have been saying all along is true, so I told them that I was going to call on a storm in the name of Jesus and they would see that what I said is true. So I began praying passionately and earnestly, and all of a sudden the weather began to change and it began to get really windy. A violent storm rose up, breaking the windows of the house. They could hardly believe it and were so surprised. Then when the storm was over they looked at me and said they actually don’t believe it, and I have a sense that they thought it was just coincidence. Then we were in the house on the second floor I think. They were making fun of me, that I believed in God. There was a small boy who said his name was a word, laughing at me as the whole group laughed. Then I began to pray with such passion, walking around the group. I began declaring that I was not going to leave, and I said , “In Jesus name I’m not going to leave!” I declared this over and over again, looking straight in one of the peoples eyes. As I prayed, bending down and praying with such passion because I could feel the presence of God so strongly.

Then as I stood by the corner of a wall, I saw a red/orange round area in front of me and kind of to the left, and I began to move, not with my own feet but God was moving me. I was in the round red/orange area in the presence of God and he took me through the wall and up through the house like I was only spirit. My eyes were open but I couldn’t see anything because it was dark, but I could feel that I was moving up. As God was bringing me up I thought with excitement that God was bringing me up into heaven, not because I had died but to see him and talk with him! This feeling of movement kept on until I was awake. In waking life I know that no-one can see God the Father and live because he’s too great and Holy for our earthly body to handle, but I’ve heard testimonies of people who have been taken up into heaven in their spirit where they saw and talked with Jesus, so I always hope and pray that I can one day have that experience. The enemy always tries to “kidnap” us through any means possible; lies, deceit, bad experiences which makes us susceptible to depression etc., and my prayer is that the Lord will help me press through the barriers so that I can walk fully in what he wants me to walk in.

 Then I had a small dream where I saw a whole group of people sitting around a big long table watching something on a TV screen that was high on a wall. I also saw on the side, a line of women sitting in chairs and thought I’d go and join them. I thought I recognized a few of them. So I walked over to them and saw an empty seat at the end of the line and sat down. I thought to myself that I could still see the screen from there. There were other people walking around and some kids, like this was a gathering. I’m not sure what this dream represents, though I have a sense that something is done and that I can finally sit down? Though I think I still need to practice being on the stage..  I hope you all have a wonderful week! Blessings…