Following the Light

Isaiah 44:3

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.”

My Father, I love you. Thank-you for who you are and for filling me with your Peace this morning. I love you so much. 

I love you my faithful one -you are Mine. 

Father my heart is open to you; do you have a word for me today? I heard “victory is mine.” Father, I know I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. It’s only through you that I have victory. I stand victorious as I push through, knowing that you go before me, you’re with me, and you surround me.  

Come my faithful one, I have a word for you today. Put off the old and put on the new (Old things have passed away and all things have become new. Today I’m a new creation in Christ.)

Oh Father, please continue to renew my mind and my heart. 

Come, follow me my daughter, and I will make you a fisher of men. 


Hello everyone.. I’m sitting here with my legs propped up, enjoying the air-relax. My right leg is still swollen but the more I have my feet propped up, the more the swelling goes down. I’m planning on seeing a doctor tomorrow to see what my blood pressure is like; I normally have low blood pressure. Today I went to a skirt/dress shop and bought a few things.. probably more than I can afford. I used to always wear skirts and dresses and I love wearing them. My youngest sister works there and so we had a great time together. I’m actually not good at knowing what goes good together, so having her there was really helpful! 

Last night I woke up at 1:48 and 3:17 with the lyrics playing in my heart, “Holy, Holy, I lay down every treasure for us to be together..” I also dreamt that I was on an airplane, but there wasn’t any seats on it. My friend was with me whom I only vaguely saw, and we were standing as the plane was flying. There was no one else on the plane besides us, and the size of it was like it could fit about 20 people if there were seats in it. As it was flying I wondered who was flying it so I looked towards the front of the plane and saw there was no-one there, so I knew it was flying on its own. It was like we were flying around on the perimeter hwy except we were in the air, in an airplane. It felt like we had been more on the south side and we were flying around, towards the north. Then as we were flying east I saw huge, many stories high, waves, beautiful waves. As we flew we passed many of these high waves. We were flying low, close to the ground, and I knew that higher up the wind was a lot stronger; I had a knowing that it was good that we were flying low, being sheltered from the wind, and I was relieved about that. 

Then I was standing on the ground, looking at a really big square steel truck that was the size of about half a residential block. It had four huge black wheels. It was parked. I asked someone how they were going to drive it all the way to Brazil. In my dream the way to Brazil had many narrow ways and the truth wouldn’t be able to fit through them. The person who was going to bring it there said that it was going to be flown there, and I saw a few others walking around it, preparing for it to be taken there. 

Then in the last dream I was in my mentors home. Her home was really big and beautiful. I was standing in one of the hallways when I saw she had come into the hallway I was in but was walking away from me so that I saw her back. I called out to her and she turned around to talk with me; she had been looking for me. The room I was given to stay in was in another really big room. I didn’t see it but I had a knowing. I think this dream represents that I need to follow her; I recently bought a teaching she put together about public speaking, which I haven’t had time lately to continue watching. I’ve been kind of stuck about putting my next message together so I  believe the Lord is directing me to continue with that. It’s probably time I go and see her again. But I’m wondering if it’s really been eight years since I first watched Loki… so crazy!! On Mother’s day my awesome family took me to a place on Pembina, I forget the name, but we had schwarma -I had a beef wrap, so good! We sat by a window and I saw a really neat tree that I think I’m going to try and paint -reminds me of two people dancing:) A game we played at camp reminds me of that too.. Anyways, I hope you all have a restful sleep -blessings…