Jesus and me -doing Life together

Lamentations 3:22-24

“Because of the Lords great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

My Father, I love you so very much. Thank-you for being so near to me. I worship you my Lord and Saviour. I am yours and you are mine. 

My daughter, come closer -I am yours.

I’m resting in you Lord, please draw me closer to you. Father, do you have a word for me today? 

I do -rest. Be anxious for nothing. 

Father, I searched for the root cause of being anxious; I’m afraid that I’m not going to hear your voice here, and when I pray for others. I know it’s not in my ability to hear you. What comes to mind right now is the word, trust. I need to be okay with looking foolish in front of others and trust that you’ll preserve me as I follow you wherever you go. I’m going all in Father, and I need to remind myself of this everyday. 

I love you Caroline.

I love you too Lord.


Well this is different; I’m having a cappuccino at Good Earth, which costed 7.11! I brought my daughter to her friends birthday party, so I have a few hours to write, to contemplate, and to read. Here are a few of my thoughts today… Bella and I watched the second Avatar movie this week. What stands out to me is the part where their son gets killed and the mom becomes determined to avenge their son after her husband helps her get out of being completely overwhelmed by his death. I know what the Lord wants me to do, and I’m sensing from Jesus, encouragement, that together we can finish this long journey we’ve been on. I can say to Jesus, “I see you,” let’s do this!!! I think God is more amazing than I have words for.. When I hear deep conversations I’m more amazed than I can describe. I’m so honoured by God that I can be part of his plans; they’re so much better than I could ever plan for myself; I’m forever indebted to him. I cut my hair short a few months ago, sensing this leading from the Lord; Im just wondering how long I need to keep it short. I know my hair looks super poofy when it grows because of my natural curls.. I’m planning to get another cut soon. As I soak in Gods presence every morning, I have a deep sense that he’s next to me, and I’m so thankful. I’m beginning to have more of a sense of ownership and responsibility about taking on the role of speaking and partnership, and it’s making it a lot easier because it gives me a deeper sense so purpose. As I’m learning about putting messages together and as I read more, I’m also having a sense about these being my college years where I’ll be going back into studying. I know I’ll be taking courses soon, but not sure yet the route. My one rep max on Wednesday for bench press is 90lbs! I’ll be finding out my one rep max for deadlift tomorrow morning, I’m so excited! I ran 4k last Tuesday and 4k this morning:) I found out that my Ipad is doing better than I thought it was -it’s the power-cord I’ve been using that’s the problem! It reminds me that on my own I can’t do what the Lord asks me to do; it’s only through the Holy Spirit who gives me the power/anointing to do what he leads me to do. One thing I need to add onto everything else I’ve said today is that I’m more than thankful that on our journey together, with Jesus, that God’s revealing to myself how he’s created me. I’m discovering for myself who he’s created me to be as he makes this known as I write and as we do life together. I’m so blessed because I wouldn’t know what to talk about if it wasn’t for the Lords work in my heart. I can honestly say that I’m feeling mentally and emotionally well. I had no idea many years ago when I opened my website how therapeutic writing would be. I often read Caroline Leaf’s posts on instagram; I’d like to get some of her books.

Today I had a quick picture before waking up, of a lake right beside a city, and I was above the lake but close to the water, and it looked so real.. not sure what this could mean. Remaining vulnerable.. Blessings to you!