I will see you through

Romans 1:16

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…”

My Father. I worship you with all my heart. I quiet my thoughts from distractions and I’m listening in my heart for your voice. Please come; I’m resting, leaning into you.

Now come my daughter, and I will give you Peace.

Please flood my heart with your peace Lord. I need you so desperately. Lord I sense the words “Trust in me to see you through.” Father, great is your faithfulness to me. I hear the song in my heart, “Rise up, people of God, rise up, sing of his love. There’s no other greater than our God.” Father I trust you to lead me as I’m walking and following you. Help me not to stop.

I love you Caroline. Walk with me and I will see you through. 


Hey everyone, welcome to another one of my journal entries, my 444th post! This morning at 5:37 I got my one rep max for my deadlift, 165lbs, woohoo!! (2X25, 2X15, 4X10,2X5’s, 35lb bar) So now for the next six weeks or so we’ll be working on strengthening the three lifts we chose, so for me, Monday’s will be back squats, Wednesday’s will be Bench press and Fridays will be deadlifts. We had done front squats too last Monday but we  needed to choose one of those. For our workout today we did toes to bar (I’m not totally there yet so I do high knee raises from the bar as a modification), and shuttle runs. My kiddos and I will be volunteering tomorrow for both morning and afternoon at our church event -hopefully we’ll have good weather! 

I had a few dreams last night! I had a sense that our large family were camping and we were quickly packing up, getting ready to leave. I was in one of the tents, a smaller tent. I had a few dirty plates in my hands and I was gathering up the rest that were on a small table. I saw a plate with a small piece of watermelon rind on it and I picked up the plate and added it to the small  stack of plates in my hand. I had a feeling that something had happened outside the tent and I began walking out of the tent to deal with whatever had happened; this part is really vague. I don’t know at the moment what this could mean but I’m going to seek the Lord for the meaning.

After coming back from the gym this morning I was so tired so I took a nap and dreamt that I was with a group of people. I didn’t see them, I just had a knowing. We had just walked into a restaurant and we were walking in a short hallway or entrance, walking towards the next room which was where we would sit and eat. Then we were standing in front of the big entryway/opening to the next room when I saw a really big pot, or a big, deep round pan. The pan was about the size of the top of a stove. In it was a vegetable soup; I saw many vibrant coloured vegetables, yellow, red, but what stood out to me the most was the green limes which were cut into quarters (I remember seeing that all the veggies were cut into big pieces like how big the lime pieces were.). Limes represent thoughts and feelings about having to wait for something. I saw other green quarter pieces of lime but I could have focused on one, I’m not sure. I didn’t see the person but someone was tipping the pan to its side and I saw the broth come from the veggies and gather to the lower part of the pan. I knew that the broth was rich in flavour and knew that in order to have gotten the flavour, the cook needed to have cooked a ham bone. The soup looked more like a stir-fry because it didn’t have a lot of broth. Our group had had something to eat there before but we had come back; what we had eaten there before was different than what we’d eat now. As we were standing in front of the pan (we were standing in the doorway), I vaguely saw an arm of someone who was picking something out with their hand to taste. He picked up a fried, transparent piece of onion (I think it was an onion though I’m not sure -it looked kind of white and transparent and cooked, and was about an inch long) and was holding it with his fingers right in front of my face for me to take and eat, and then my dream ended. I had the feeling like I was going to take it when my dream ended.

I’m so amazed by God at the visions he gives to his children… Some of my most precious memories with God are the visions and dreams he’s given me. It’s the most precious thing when we draws people together through them, through the Holy Spirit, and I’m so deeply thankful, giving God all the glory -his ways and moves are perfect. Today I’m making a rhubarb cake if I have time. Alright, many blessings to you all!!