
Isaiah 44:3

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” 

Daddy. It’s so hard to call you my Daddy, Father.


I feel so childish when I call you that.

You are my child Caroline

I know Lord. I think calling you Daddy makes me even more vulnerable than I already am.

Caroline my faithful one, come, lets be vulnerable together.

Okay, I need to get used to calling you that. In my heart I’ve sensed you leading me to call you Daddy over the last little while, but I’ve been brushing it off because I know I’m going to post our conversation. I know it doesn’t matter what others think about our intimacy and our journey together. I’m so thankful that you are pursuing me so passionately. I’m not shying away any longer and I give you my whole heart again.

I love you my sweet daughter. Come closer to me -this is the desire of my heart.

I’m coming closer Lord; I love you Daddy.

I love you too my daughter. 


Hello everyone, Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and to the spiritual fathers!!!!! Last night we watched Thor -The Dark World. What caught my attention was the part where the black mist was going up into the air like how the tree looked in the spring with its dark branches going around and up. Our plum tree, which doesn’t produce any more plums, looked the same. Last night I dream’t that I was in a building and I walked past a room; the door was all the way open and I saw a row of women sitting on a long bench facing forward towards the front of the room. The bench was at the front of the room near the opened doorway. As I was walking past I saw someone I knew and I walked quickly by because I didn’t want her to see me because I didn’t want to talk to her. Then when I had walked past, she came to where I was standing, maybe a stairway going down. She was so excited to see me. She had handed me a baby boy that was a few months old, and I was weeping and weeping so deeply as I buried my face into him and felt his arm on the side of my face. Then she quickly ran back and told the mom that I accepted the baby; The baby was from Brazil. Then I didn’t see the baby but I had a feeling that I was carrying the baby, and then I had walked away from where I had been.

In this next dream I was in a school, in a classroom that was joined to another classroom. It was the end of the school day and it was my job to sweep both classrooms. I saw some small objects on the floor kind of underneath one of the round tables and I began sweeping it and sweeping along the wall. I believe this represents that elementary school is done (end of the school year); I only sub for the elementary school here in town. It could also have a double meaning where it could represent that I’m done learning in my ‘elementary’ years, learning how to put my messages together/learning how to present. Maybe my Bible college years are commencing.

In this next dream I was standing in front of a movable white wall that was a bit taller than me -it was more like a divider. I had previously jumped over it but now I was walking around it because I didn’t have the energy to jump over it again. I’m not sure what the dividing wall represents but it was white so I know it’s pure. Whatever it represents, I’m thankful that I can still walk around it, even though I don’t have the energy to jump over it like I had done. I’m hoping to record my message before school’s out for the year. I think it’s going to be really warm tomorrow, looking forward to wearing adress…..Many blessings..